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无政府原始主义(英语:Anarcho-primitivism),一种反对文明起源和发展的无政府主义,其支持者主张利用去工业化、废除分工或专业化和放弃大规模组织(英语:Large-scale organization)技术等手段,来使人类回到“未开化”(英语:non-civilized或noncivilized)的状态。许多传统无政府主义者不赞同无政府原始主义对文明的批判,但伍尔斐·兰德斯彻(Wolfi Landstreicher)等支持这种批判的无政府主义者却不认为自己是无政府原始主义者。无政府原始主义者常因实践再野化的行为而受到注目。
无政府天然主义强调生态世界观、小型生态村和裸体主义,以避免现代群众社会中的工业制品[4]。自然个人无政府主义者(Naturist individualist anarchists)透过生物学、物理学,和心理学层面来检视一个人,借此避免和消除社会所造成的影响[8]。他们的这种想法,对在法国和西班牙的个人无政府主义者相当重要,荷安·蒙特瑟尼则在西班牙发行《白色杂志》(1898年至1905年)宣传埃米尔·格拉维尔和亨利·齐斯利的理念[9]。
这一倾向甚至引起了西班牙的CNT-FAI注意。法国无政府主义者丹尼尔·格林在《无政府主义:从理论到实践》一书中提到:“西班牙的无政府工团主义长久以来,一直专注在保护所谓‘亲善团体’的自治权。这些群体中有着不少自然主义与素食主义的支持者,尤其是在西班牙南部的穷困农工。在人类社会转化为无政府社会的阶段中,这两种生活方式皆被认为适合使用在这段时期内。萨拉戈萨的议会成员,并没有忘记这些‘不适合工业化’群体的命运,也就是自然主义者(Naturists)和天然主义者(Nudists)。这些群体并没有办法达到自给自足的状态,因此议会预期他们在公社同盟(Confederation of communes)的代表将会与其他农业和工业公社达成特别经济协议。在广大、血腥的社会转化前夕,CNT并不认为它们会愚蠢到去满足每个人无穷无尽的抱负[10]。”
贾德·戴蒙在《The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race》(人类历史中最糟糕的错误)一文中[15]称狩猎采集是人类史上最成功、最持久的生活型态,相较之下,农业则被他称作“惨剧”(mess),且“仍旧不知道我们是否能够解决它”。依据农业会导致人的预期寿命缩短的相关证据,人类学家马克·南森·寇恩呼吁,人们必须改变文明代表增进人类福祉的传统观念[16]。
- ^ Anarchy is the order of the day among hunter-gatherers. Indeed, critics will ask why a small face-to-face group needs a government anyway. [...] If this is so we can go further and say that since the egalitarian hunting-gathering society is the oldest type of human society and prevailed for the longest period of time – over thousands of decades – then anarchy must be the oldest and one of the most enduring kinds of polity. Ten thousand years ago everyone was an anarchist.
- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Diez, Xavier Diez. La Insumisión Voluntaria: El Anarquismo Individualista Español Durante La Dictadura Y La Segunda República (1923–1938) [Draft Avoidance: Spanish Individualistic Anarchism During the Dictatorship and the Second Republic (1923–1938)]. (原始内容存档于2006-05-26) (西班牙语).
Su obra más representativa es Walden, aparecida en 1854, aunque redactada entre 1845 y 1847, cuando Thoreau decide instalarse en el aislamiento de una cabaña en el bosque, y vivir en íntimo contacto con la naturaleza, en una vida de soledad y sobriedad. De esta experiencia, su filosofía trata de transmitirnos la idea que resulta necesario un retorno respetuoso a la naturaleza, y que la felicidad es sobre todo fruto de la riqueza interior y de la armonía de los individuos con el entorno natural. Muchos han visto en Thoreau a uno de los precursores del ecologismo y del anarquismo primitivista representado en la actualidad por John Zerzan. Para George Woodcock(8), esta actitud puede estar también motivada por una cierta idea de resistencia al progreso y de rechazo al materialismo creciente que caracteriza la sociedad norteamericana de mediados de siglo XIX.
- Translated: "His most representative work is Walden, published in 1854, although redacted between 1845 and 1847 when Thoreau decided to move to an isolated cabin in the woods and live in intimate contact with nature in a solitary and sober life. His philosophy, from this experience, attempts to transmit the idea that a return to respecting nature is necessary, and that happiness is, above all, a fruit of inner richness and harmony between individuals and the natural environment. Many have seen Thoreau as a precursor to ecologism and anarcho-primitism, actualized by John Zerzan. For Woodcock (8), this attitude can also be motivated by the idea of resistance to progress and the rejection of the increasing materialism that characterized North American society in the mid-19th century."
- ^ 國家教育研究院生態主義翻譯. 国家教育研究院. [2020-05-03].[失效链接]
- ^ Zerzan, John (编). Against Civilization: Readings and Reflections. Feral House. 2005. ISBN 0-922915-98-9.
- ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Roselló, Josep Maria. El Naturismo Libertario (1890–1939) [Libertarian Naturism (1890–1939)] (PDF). (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2016-01-02) (西班牙语).
- ^ 5.0 5.1 Ortega, Carlos. Anarchism, Nudism, Naturism. [2013-12-10]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-13).
- ^ Freire, João. Anarchisme et naturisme au Portugal, dans les années 1920 [Anarchism and naturism in Portugal in the 1920s]. Les anarchistes du Portugal [The Anarchists of Portugal]. ISBN 2-9516163-1-7 (法语).
- ^ The pioneers. Natustar. (原始内容存档于2012-10-25).
- ^ "El individuo es visto en su dimensión biológica -física y psíquica- dejándose la social." (Roselló)
- ^ Morán, Agustín. Los origenes del naturismo libertario [The origins of libertarian naturism]. [2020-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2011-06-12) (西班牙语).
- ^ Guérin, Daniel. Anarchism: From theory to practice. [2020-06-03]. (原始内容存档于2012-03-02).
- ^ 國家教育研究院面對面團體翻譯. 国家教育研究院. [2020-06-04]. (原始内容存档于2020-06-03).
- ^ Barclay, Harold. People Without Government: An Anthropology of Anarchy. Kahn & Averill. 1996. ISBN 1-871082-16-1.
- ^ Boyden, Stephen Vickers. Biohistory: The interplay between human society and the biosphere, past and present. Man and the Biosphere Series (Pari: UNESCO). 1992, 8 (supplement 173). doi:10.1021/es00028a604.
- ^ Gowdy, John M. Limited Wants, Unlimited Means: A Reader on Hunter-Gatherer Economics. Island Press. 1998: 265. ISBN 1-55963-555-X.
- ^ 贾德·戴蒙. The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race. 发现杂志. 1999-05-01 [2020-06-16]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-30) (英语).
- ^ 马克·南森·寇恩. Health and the Rise of Civilization. 耶鲁大学出版社. 1991. ISBN 0-300-05023-2.
- ^ Zerzan, John. Future Primitive and Other Essays. Autonomedia. 1994. ISBN 1-57027-000-7. (原始内容存档于2007-09-28).