

A frog sitting on the handle of a saucepan, which is sitting on an electric hob, which is glowing red.



作為推動科學發展的一部分,在十九世紀時,曾有人做過一些逐漸加熱水,然後觀察青蛙反應的實驗。1869年,為了尋找「靈魂所在的地方」,德國生理學家弗里德里希·戈爾茨英語Friedrich Goltz實驗並證明,被取出大腦的青蛙會停留在逐漸加熱的水中,而身體結構完整的青蛙則在水溫達到25°C時試圖跳出逐漸加熱的水中。[1][5]


戈爾茨在10分鐘內,將水的溫度從17.5°C加熱到56°C,水溫平均每分鐘上升3.8°C,他的實驗表明正常的青蛙試圖逃跑;而海茵茨曼(Heinzmann)將青蛙從大概21°C加熱到37.5°C,速率小於每分鐘0.2°C[1]。在「由溫度變化引起反射刺激改變的青蛙(On the Variation of Reflex Excitability in the Frog induced by changes of Temperature,1882)」威廉·湯普森·塞奇威克寫道:「在一次實驗中溫度以每秒0.002℃的速度升高,兩個半小時後青蛙就一動不動,一命嗚呼了」。[8]


現代聲音傾向於否認這種現象是真的。 1995年,哈佛大學生物系教授道格拉斯·A·梅爾頓說:「如果你把一隻青蛙放到沸水中,它不會跳出,而會死亡。如果你把它放到冷水中,它會在水變熱之前跳出——它們不會坐以待斃。」美國國立自然歷史博物館兩棲爬行動物館館長喬治·R·祖格(George R. Zug)博士也斥駁了這種說法「如果青蛙有逃走的手段,它一定會全身而退。」[3]

在2002年,俄克拉何馬大學動物學退休教授維克托·H·哈金森(Victor H. Hutchison)說:「傳言完全不正確!」。他描述稱許多蛙類的最大承受溫度英語Critical thermal maximum已經被現代實驗研究確定:如果水以每分鐘2°F或1.1°C加熱,如果青蛙所處容器可以使青蛙跳出,青蛙會因設法逃離而變的越來越來活躍,並最終跳出。[4]




溫水煮青蛙的故事通常用以比喻告誡人們要注意逐漸產生的變化,免得最終落得個悲慘的下場。它被視為滑坡謬誤的一類論據說法,作為對蔓延常態英語creeping normality的警示。它也被用於商業上以加強需要逐漸接受變化的觀念。[9]相反,「溫水煮青蛙綜合症」這個描述有時會被用來作為維持現狀的陰謀陷阱的簡略表達。[10]


在1996年小說B的故事英語The Story of B中,環保作家丹尼爾·奎因英語Daniel Quinn用了一個章節使用溫水煮青蛙作為比喻來描寫人類歷史,人口增長和糧食過剩[15]。在1997年災難電影烈焰狂峰英語Dante's Peak皮爾斯·布魯斯南飾演的哈利·道爾頓(Harry Dalton)在參考積累的火山復甦的徵兆分析時提到了這個效應[16]阿爾·戈爾在一期紐約時報使用一版社論對頁版刊登這個故事[17],在他的演講和2006年電影難以忽視的真相中用這個故事來描述對全球變暖的無知,在電影中青蛙在受到傷害之前獲救[18]。此引用被作家兼導演喬恩·庫克西英語Jon Cooksey在他2010年喜劇紀錄片的名稱如何煮青蛙英語How to Boil a Frog參照諷刺[19]

克里斯托弗·布魯克邁爾(Christopher Brookmyre)使用「煮青蛙(Boiling a Frog)」作為他小說的標題[20],小說使用使用逐漸加深的政治腐敗作為背景以達到恐怖的效果。

法律教授和法律評論員尤金·沃洛克英語Eugene Volokh在2003年評論道不管現實中的青蛙會作何行為,煮水煮青蛙的故事作為比喻很有用,並將它和鴕鳥將頭埋在沙子裡的比喻做比較[9]。諾貝爾經濟學獎獲得者和紐約時報社論對頁版撰稿人保羅·克魯格曼在2009年7月的專欄上引用故事作為比喻,同時指出現實中的青蛙會有不同的表現[21]。自2006年以來記者詹姆斯·法洛斯英語James Fallows一直倡導人們停止複述這個故事,稱它為一個「愚蠢的謠傳」和「迷思[22][23]。但是在克魯格曼的專欄中,他描述「煮青蛙之前的寧靜」並表示這個故事是好故事,不過前提是引用者得指出這個故事純屬虛構[24]





  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Offerman 2010
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Sedgwick 1888,第399頁
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Next Time, What Say We Boil a Consultant. Fast Company Issue 01. October 1995 [2006-03-10]. (原始內容存檔於2005-07-03). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 "The legend of the boiling frog is just a legend" 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期2015-12-31. by Whit Gibbons, Ecoviews, November 18, 2002, retrieved November 24, 2015
  5. ^ James Fallows. Guest-post wisdom on frogs. The Atlantic. 21 July 2009 [2009-07-22]. (原始內容存檔於2009-09-25). 
  6. ^ Sedgwick 1888,第390頁
  7. ^ Sedgwick 1888,第394頁
  8. ^ Edward Scripture, The New Psychology頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館 (1897): [1]頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館). The original 1872 experiment was cited in: Sedgwick, "On the Variation of Reflex Excitability in the Frog induced by changes of Temperature," Stud. Biol. Lab. Johns Hopkins University (1882): 385. "in one experiment the temperature was raised at a rate of 0.002 °C. per second, and the frog was found dead at the end of 2? hours without having moved."
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 Volokh, Eugene. The Mechanisms of the Slippery Slope. Harvard Law Review. 2003, 116 (4): 1026–1137. JSTOR 1342743. doi:10.2307/1342743. 
  10. ^ David Bolchover. What is ... 'boiling frog syndrome'?. The Times. London. March 26, 2005. 
  11. ^ Trohan, Walter. Report from Washington. Chicago Tribune. 6 June 1960: 2. The frog dropped into boiling water has sense to leap out, but the frog dropped into cold water can be cooked to death before he realizes he is in serious trouble. So it is with us Americans and our civilization in this mounting crisis. We must beware of those who want to thaw the cold war out at any cost. We may be cooked before we realize what has happened. 
  12. ^ Quoted in Recchia, Cammille. Area Survivalists Circle Wagons for Coming Armageddon; Survivalists Prepare to Ride Out Armageddon; Fearing Economic Chaos, Advocates Store Food, Buy Gold, Silver. Washington Post. 25 August 1980: C1. That's what's happening to us. Things are getting worse and worse, so we don't really notice what's happening. Whatever happens will happen slowly, and we won't have time to jump out. 
  13. ^ Tickell, Crispin. Human Effects of Climate Change: Excerpts from a Lecture Given to the Society on 26 March 1990. The Geographical Journal. 1990, 156 (3): 325–329 [p. 325]. doi:10.2307/635534. This is not an experiment I wish to commend, but it has lessons for another animal—ourselves. If drastic change takes place abruptly, we notice and react to it. If it takes place gradually, over a few generations, we are hardly aware of it, and by the time that we are ready to react, it can be too late. 
  14. ^ Evans, Patricia. The Verbally Abusive Relationship: How To Recognize it and How to Respond. Holbrook, MA: Adams Media. 1996: 111. ISBN 1-55850-582-2. We are not inclined to notice gradual changes. This is how most partners adapt to verbal abuse. They slowly adapt until, like frog number two, they are living in an environment which is killing to their spirit. 
  15. ^ Quinn, Daniel. The Boiling Frog. The Story of B. 1996. ISBN 0-553-37901-1. 
  16. ^ Pierce Brosnan (Star), Roger Donaldson (Director), Leslie Bohem (Writer). Dante's Peak (Motion picture). USA. 1997 [2016-03-19]. (原始內容存檔於2021-02-26). 
  17. ^ Gore, Albert. An Ecological Kristallnacht. Listen.. New York Times. March 19, 1989 [14 Sep 2015]. (原始內容存檔於2021-03-08). 
  18. ^ Al Gore (Writer), Davis Guggenheim (Director). An Inconvenient Truth (Motion picture). USA. 2006 [2016-03-19]. (原始內容存檔於2021-04-16). 
  19. ^ Jon Cooksey (Writer/director). How to Boil a Frog (Motion picture). Canada. 2010 [2016-03-19]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-27). 
  20. ^ Brookmyre, Christopher. Boiling a Frog. August 8, 2002 [2016-03-19]. (原始內容存檔於2016-02-02). 
  21. ^ Krugman, Paul. Boiling the Frog. The New York Times. 2009-07-13 [2010-04-26]. (原始內容存檔於2012-04-22). 
  22. ^ Fallows, James. The boiled-frog myth: stop the lying now!. The Atlantic. 13 March 2007 [2009-06-27]. (原始內容存檔於2009-07-29). 
  23. ^ Fallows, James. The boiled-frog myth: hey, really, knock it off!. The Atlantic. 16 September 2006 [2009-06-24]. (原始內容存檔於2009-07-29). 
  24. ^ Fallows, James. Peace on the boiled frog front. The Atlantic. July 13, 2009 [2016-03-19]. (原始內容存檔於2009-10-22). 
  25. ^ Goldstein, Laurence. How to boil a live frog. Analysis. 2000, 60 (266): 170–178. doi:10.1111/1467-8284.00220. The art of frog-boiling is an ancient one, and the correct procedure will emerge in the course of considering an ancient puzzle, the so-called 'Paradox of the Heap' or Sorites. 
