

CAS號 148-03-8  checkY
PubChem 86052
  • C[C@H](CCC[C@H](C)CCCC(C)C)CCC[C@@]2(C)OC1=C(C)C=C(O)C(C)=C1CC2
ChEBI 47771
化學式 C28H48O2
莫耳質量 416.68 g/mol g·mol⁻¹
沸點 200–210 °C(0.1 torr)[1]
若非註明,所有數據均出自標準狀態(25 ℃,100 kPa)下。


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  2. ^ Food and Agriculture Organization; World Health Organization. 9. Vitamin E. Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Human Vitamin and Mineral Requirements (報告). Bangkok, Thailand: FAO Rome. 2001 [2021-11-20]. (原始內容存檔於2022-04-01). 
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  5. ^ Jia-fei Poon, Vijay P. Singh, Jiajie Yan, Lars Engman. Regenerable Antioxidants-Introduction of Chalcogen Substituents into Tocopherols. Chemistry - A European Journal. 2015-02-02, 21 (6): 2447–2457 [2021-11-20]. doi:10.1002/chem.201405895 (英語). 
  6. ^ Stefan Böhmdorfer, Anjan Patel, Andreas Hofinger, Thomas Netscher, Lars Gille, Thomas Rosenau. Bromination of Tocopherols: Oxidative Halogenations and Rearrangements. European Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2011-06, 2011 (16): 3036–3049 [2021-11-20]. doi:10.1002/ejoc.201100153 (英語). 
