2019年5月,FaZe旗下的大逃殺遊戲實況主「Tfue」特納·坦尼(Turner Tenney)向FaZe提出法律訴訟,稱該戰隊剝奪其商機,沒有支付他應得的贊助費以及取走了自己80%的收益。坦尼還聲稱,FaZe的一些成員在他未成年時曾鼓勵其賭博和喝酒。FaZe發表聲明否認指控,指出他們沒有在坦尼的的錦標賽獎金或社交媒體收入上取走過一分一毫[21][22][23]。同年8月1日,FaZe在紐約向坦尼提起聯邦訴訟,指控他單方面違反合約,企圖貶低公司並試圖創立一個反電競的組織,同時還把其合同的機密信息直接洩露給媒體[24]。
2021年6月,FaZe的實況主Frazier Khattri(通稱「Faze Kay」)與其他FaZe隊員宣傳名為「SaveTheKids」的加密貨幣旨在資助貧窮兒童,但在該貨幣剛推出市面後便迅速值崩,導致所有手持該貨幣的投資者蒙受經濟損失。有自媒體調查發現與Kay和其有關聯的人士在貨幣上市前,臨時將貨幣的轉售冷卻時間大幅下調為1分鐘,讓暗地裡手持大量貨幣的FaZe人員能在極短時間內將手上的貨幣拋售獲利,這行為被指為是加密貨幣交易流行以來常見的「拉地毯」(rug pull)金融詐騙。事件曝光後FaZe解僱Kay並暫停其餘三名涉事隊員的活動,並否認事前知曉相關內情[25]。
- ^ Contact Us. FaZe Clan. [2019-11-11]. (原始內容存檔於2020-04-17).
- ^ List of FaZe Clan Members. Ranker. [2019-05-27]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-06).
- ^ Migos star Offset buys a stake in esports crew FaZe Clan. Musically. [2019-09-16]. (原始內容存檔於2019-10-28).
- ^ Faze Clan, 100 Thieves, And How Hip-Hop And Video Games Collide With Esports. [2019-09-16]. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-17).
- ^ Cowen, Trace William. FaZe Clan Releases New Collection With Champion. Complex. 2019-04-17 [2019-06-02]. (原始內容存檔於2019-06-02).
- ^ G2's Counter-Strike team acquired by FaZe Clan. G2 Esports. 2016-01-21 [2019-07-13]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-13) (美國英語).
- ^ FaZe CS:GO purchase NiKo | Facebook. www.facebook.com. 2019-07-13 [2019-11-23]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-14).
- ^ We have an Announcement to make... 🇧🇷. Twitter. 2019-09-26 [2019-11-23]. (原始內容存檔於2019-10-26).
- ^ FaZe Clan acquire Olofmeister | Facebook. www.facebook.com. [2019-07-13]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-16).
- ^ #CS:GO Update: Please welcome @brokycs as our newest addition to the team. He will be competing with us for the foreseeable future starting with a match up vs Evil Geniuses shortly!. Twitter. 2019-05-13 [2019-11-23]. (原始內容存檔於2019-10-26) (英語).
- ^ Clan, FaZe. OFFICIAL: @AdreNcs will stand-in as FaZe CS:GO's 5th player through the Major, & @YNk has signed on to coach the team Our first games with the new-look lineup will take place at the iBUYPOWER Masters in Los Angeles, California from January 19th-20th. Welcome! #FaZeUppic.twitter.com/k3wW2cwq3y. @FaZeClan. 2019-01-06 [2019-07-13]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-17) (英語).
- ^ Introducing your Atlanta FaZe for the 2020 CDL Season. [2019-11-23]. (原始內容存檔於2019-12-02).
- ^ Please Welcome 2019 Coach of the Year, @JamesCrowder as the new Head Coach. [2019-11-23]. (原始內容存檔於2019-11-14).
- ^ FaZe Clan, Introducing FaZe Tass (FIFA), 2018-01-24 [2019-07-13], (原始內容存檔於2019-09-02)
- ^ FaZe Clan to Acquire "Gorilla Core" and Enter PUBG | Facebook. www.facebook.com. [2019-07-13]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-15).
- ^ FaZe Clan. Welcome to FaZe PUBG, @FaZeAitzy!. Twitter. 2018-11-11 [2019-11-23]. (原始內容存檔於2020-01-11).
- ^ Clan, FaZe. We're pleased to announce the best Rainbow 6 lineup in Brazil is now part of the FaZe Clan family. Welcome! Galera, Gostariamos de dar boas vindas aos atuais campeoes brasileiros de Rainbow Six e novos integrantes da nossa familia. Sejam bem vindos Guerreiros! #FaZeUppic.twitter.com/UjHUYPDsOn. @FaZeClan. 2018-01-18 [2019-07-13]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-23) (英語).
- ^ #FaZeUp. #FaZeR6 We would like to welcome officially @yooonatv as our 5th Rainbow6 player. He has been playing with us for some time but now we can finally say: Welcome to FaZe Clan Family. Seja bem-vindo à família FaZe Clan, Yoona!pic.twitter.com/SLYO0eYaGG. Twitter. 2019-01-24 [2019-07-13]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-17) (英語).
- ^ #FaZeUp. #FaZeR6 #RosterChange We are happy to announce the young talent of @ionosawa as our new R6 player. Welcome to the FaZe Clan family! #FaZeUp Estamos felizes em anunciar o jovem talento FaZe Ion como novo integrante do R6. Seja bem-vindo à família FaZe Clan! #FaZeUppic.twitter.com/Oi2Twr7OJs. @FaZeUpdate. 2019-03-10 [2019-07-13]. (原始內容存檔於2019-06-29) (葡萄牙語).
- ^ Marlon, Twister-. Fala guys, como algumas pessoas já estavam especulando, hoje eu to indo pra um bootcamp no canadá com a galera da Faze Clan, estou com expectativas bem altas pra esse campeonato sendo meu primeiro 6invi e pretendo dar meu máximo pra ajudar esses mlks a atingir o topo do game!. @Twister_R6. 2019-02-05 [2019-07-13]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-23) (葡萄牙語).
- ^ Alexander, Julia. Faze Clan and Tfue's legal dispute could reshape e-sports and YouTube contracts forever. The Verge. 2019-05-20 [2019-05-22]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-22).
- ^ Esports Pro Sues Gaming Organization FaZe Clan Over "Oppressive" Contract. The Hollywood Reporter. [2019-05-22]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-21).
- ^ Chalk, Andy. Faze Clan is being sued by one of its top Fortnite players over 'oppressive and predatory' contracts. 2019-05-20 [2019-05-22]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-24).
- ^ Faze Clan sues Fortnite star Tfue, claims he earned more than $20 million from streaming. The Verge. 2019-08-01 [2019-11-13]. (原始內容存檔於2019-11-16).
- ^ FaZe Clan members suspended following allegations that their Save the Kids cryptocurrency may have been a scam. Insider. 2021-07-03 [2022-01-05].