聖勞倫斯河 St. Lawrence River Fleuve Saint-Laurent | |
國家 | 美國、加拿大 |
省 | 安大略省、魁北克省 |
州 | 紐約州 |
領地 | 尼什那比、易洛魁聯盟、尼塔基南、尼翁文策、尼塔西南、瓦巴納基邦聯 |
流域 | |
源頭 | 安大略湖 |
• 位置 | 安大略省金石城/紐約州文森角 |
• 座標 | 44°06′N 76°24′W / 44.100°N 76.400°W |
• 海拔 | 74.7公尺 |
河口 | 聖勞倫斯灣/大西洋 |
• 位置 | 加拿大魁北克省 |
• 座標 | 49°30′N 64°30′W / 49.500°N 64.500°W |
• 海拔 | 0公尺 |
流域面積 | 1,344,200平方公里[1] |
本貌 | |
長度 | 500公里,不包含河口灣的1,200公里 |
流量 | |
• 地點 | 薩格奈河之後[2] |
• 平均流量 | 每秒16,800立方公尺[2] |
流量 | |
• 地點 | 魁北克市 |
• 平均流量 | 每秒12,101立方公尺 |
流量 | |
• 地點 | 蒙特婁 |
• 平均流量 | 每秒10,000立方公尺 |
• 最大流量 | 每秒17,000立方公尺 |
流量 | |
• 地點 | 安大略湖金石城 |
• 平均流量 | 每秒7,410立方公尺 |
聖勞倫斯河(英語:St. Lawrence River、法語:Fleuve Saint-Laurent)是北美洲大陸東部中緯度地區的主要河流,流向從安大略湖大致向東北方到聖勞倫斯灣。它連結北美洲五大湖與北大西洋 ,為五大湖盆地的主要外流河流。聖勞倫斯河是美加邊界的一部分,沿途流經加拿大安大略及魁北克兩省及美國紐約州。聖勞倫斯海道以聖勞倫斯河為基礎連結大大小小的運河與水道為商用船隻提供服務。聖勞倫斯河在美加兩國的經濟、地理、水文等面向中佔有重大意義[3]。
加拿大原住民第一民族當地原本就有許多名稱來稱呼聖勞倫斯河,但到1604年山姆·德·尚普蘭將其命名為「聖勞倫斯河」(法語:le fleuve Saint-Laurent,也可以拼成St-Laurent)後即沿用至今[4]。16世紀時歐洲人常見的名稱包括「霍切拉加大河」(法語:Grand fleuve de Hochelaga)或「加拿大大河」(法語:Grande rivière de Canada),但在尚普蘭的文稿及地圖中他寧願選擇使用更鮮為人知的「聖勞倫斯大河」(法語:grande riviere de sainct Laurens)或「聖勞倫斯河」(法語:fleuve sainct Laurens)來稱呼[4]。「聖勞倫斯」(法語:Saint-Laurent)最初是由雅克·卡蒂亞拿來命名聖勞倫斯灣,因他在1535年聖老楞佐瞻禮日8月10日抵達該地區[4]。
- 伊努艾蒙人尼塔西南語稱其為「Wepistukujaw Sipo / Wepìstùkwiyaht sīpu」[4][5]
- 阿本拿基族稱其為「Moliantegok/Moliantekw」(蒙特婁河之意)[4]、「Kchitegw / Ktsitekw / Gicitegw」(大河之意)[5]、或「Oss8genaizibo / Ws8genaisibo / Wsogenaisibo」(阿爾岡奎人之河之意)[5]
- 莫霍克人莫霍克語稱其為「Roiatatokenti」、「Raoteniateara」[4]、「Ken’tarókwen」[6],或「Kaniatarowanénhne」[7]
- 塔斯卡洛拉人稱其為「Kahnawáˀkye」或「Kaniatarowanenneh」(大水流之意)[8]
- 阿爾袞琴部稱其為「行走的道路」、「Magtogoek」[4][9],或「Kitcikanii sipi」(大水河之意)[5][10]
- 休倫-溫達特民族稱其為「Lada8anna」或「Laooendaooena」[5]
- 居住在尼塔基南的阿提卡梅庫人稱其為「Micta sipi」(大河之意)
“ | ……...在那裡我們發現一個大又美麗的海灣,海灣裡平坦的群島、優良的入口和通道,完美的讓風在此處生成。關於這個海灣,裡面有一個長得像海角的島嶼,比其他任何一個島嶼都還突出。在那座島地面上大約兩里格的地方,有一座像麥堆一樣的山。我們將這座海灣命名為聖勞倫斯灣。 | ” |
——雅克·卡蒂亞,《雅克·卡蒂亞的加拿大之行》[11] |
In terms of both climate and hydrology, the St. Lawrence system as a whole covers several zones. First, in the movement downstream from the upper part of the system, some of the associated boreal character is lost; in its path from the northern streams tributary to Lake Superior down to Lake Erie, the system passes from a subarctic to a more temperate southern zone. This pattern is reversed in the eastern half of the system; thus, from the western end of Lake Erie to the northern coast of the St. Lawrence estuary, the climate again reverts progressively to a subarctic level. This basic division brings out the regional contrasts in the hydrology of the central section of the river. Lake Erie, for example, loses much water through summer evaporation, whereas the affluents feeding the estuary of the St. Lawrence are heavily influenced by snowfall characteristics. At Montreal a good portion of the river flow comes from the Great Lakes—hence its remarkable regularity. At the mouth of the estuary, on the other hand, the volume of ocean water coming in at high tide is considerably greater than the volume of river water flowing down at low tide, and there the St. Lawrence is profoundly marine, rather than fluvial, in character. These basic regional hydrographic traits are also accentuated by large seasonal variations in water temperature.[3]
- 渥太華河(2,100 m3/s)
- 聖莫里斯河(663 m3/s)
- 黎塞留河(355 m3/s)
- 聖法蘭西斯河(190 m3/s)
- 喬迪埃河(109 m3/s)
- 亞瑪斯卡河(87 m3/s)
- 聖查爾斯河
- 雅克卡地亞河
The regional division of the St. Lawrence raises difficult problems, and, despite considerable scholarly work on the subject, the debate remains open. The following division has been based on such overall criteria as longitudinal gradient of the riverbed, tidal characteristics, salinity, the width of the river bottom, human geography, and animal life. Threshold zones, a dozen miles or so in length, mark the transition from one region to the next.[3]
The St. Lawrence of the International Rapids section forms a clearly defined region extending from Kingston to above Montreal, where the presence of sudden breaks of gradient in the riverbed, the necessity of a navigable route between Montreal and southern Ontario, and the regional needs for power have led to the creation of hydroelectric stations, canals, and a major part of the St. Lawrence Seaway. The flow volume of this section of the St. Lawrence, as measured at Cornwall, Ontario, is about 6,100 cubic metres per second (218,000 cubic feet per second).[3]
The region of the Quebec lowlands is made up of a short section with a calm and nonreversible flow. This portion of the river course is characterized by the inflow of the system’s principal tributary, the Ottawa (Outaouais) River, by the presence of numerous islands, by the development of the greater Montreal conurbation, and also by a certain amount of water pollution. The development of the port of Montreal has depended on, among other factors, the deepening of the river channel—downstream through dredging and upstream through canalization—by means of engineering projects that were begun in the 18th century. During the winter months a thick crust of ice connects the two banks of the river, and icebreakers maintain an open channel for shipping. In the past the possibility of ice jams was great, with notable ice catastrophes occurring in 1642, 1838, and 1896. However, the port of Montreal has been kept open year-round since the mid-1960s.[3]
The upper estuary extends from Lake Saint-Pierre to below the Île d』Orléans at Quebec. There the current of a freshwater tide begins to be reversible. During the winter months the ice covering recalls the conditions at Montreal, but it also anticipates those of the middle estuary, where a distinction is necessary between banked (or reef) ice, which is solid and fissured, and conglomerate ice, which moves past offshore. High bluffs rising from the river littoral, which had great strategic value, led to the foundation of the city of Quebec in this region, in 1608. The immediately adjacent area became the historical cradle of the distinctive French-speaking population of Canada.[3]
In the middle estuary, from the eastern end of the Île d』Orléans to the upstream side of the confluence with another major tributary, the Saguenay River, the St. Lawrence broadens but remains relatively shallow. Progressively, the water becomes more brackish, and with an east wind it may be possible, for the first time, to catch the scent of seaweed. Tides, thrust into a narrowing channel, attain maximum height in this section. Breakaway reef ice from this area constitutes one of the major sources of ice in the downstream parts of the estuary.[3]
The lower estuary, one of the greatest topographic alterations in the entire course of the St. Lawrence, is found near the Saguenay confluence, at right angles to a submarine furrow. In this region the river bottom exhibits a significant break of gradient: within 10 miles of the confluence, the depth of the water increases from about 25 metres (80 feet) to 349 metres (1,145 feet). It is by way of this drowned valley that the cold, heavy, marine waters from downstream hug the bed and enter the region. In spite of the width of the watercourse, a number of ferries connect the two banks. In contrast to the thinly settled northern bank, behind which lie the inhospitable, rugged landscapes of the Canadian Shield, the southern frontage of the lower estuary is open largely toward its hinterland; and major roads, including the Trans-Canada Highway, lead away from the river toward New Brunswick and other Canadian maritime provinces.[3]
The limits of the maritime estuary are, upstream, the promontory of the Pointe-des-Monts and, leading to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Anticosti Island. (The latter, by reason of its size and its own circular currents, is an entity in its own right and cannot be considered as an element of the estuary.) Below the Pointe-des-Monts, the submarine valley mentioned above doubles in width, to more than 80 km (50 miles). A major arm of the counterclockwise current stemming from the Gulf of St. Lawrence, after entering the northern portion of this region, turns back to the east. The salinity found there discourages ice formation, and, on the northern shore, the port of Sept-Îles—although situated much farther north than Montreal—is in fact easier to keep open to navigation in winter. The north frontage, with a hinterland rich in iron ore and hydroelectric-generating potential and running at right angles to this portion of the estuary, offers great economic possibilities.[3]
維京人在11世紀時發現聖勞倫斯灣,而在15世紀及16世紀早期喬瓦尼·卡博托、加斯帕·科爾特·雷亞爾與米格爾·科爾特·雷亞爾兄弟等歐洲航海家才發現聖勞倫斯灣。首位被認為有開進聖勞倫斯河的歐洲探險家是雅克·卡蒂亞,他在1534年尋找通往中國的航道時碰巧經過貝爾島海峽,並最終在海灣邊的海岸靠岸[29][30]。他將該海灣命名為「沙勒爾灣[註 1]」。
雅克·卡蒂亞與岸邊遇到三百多位阿爾袞琴族族人交易直到他們沒有東西可換為止。他毫不猶豫地利用原住民的純樸,在加斯佩插上十字架,十字架上刻著鳶尾花,還有一個代表「法國國王萬歲!」的圖案。這代表他為他的主人佔領了地方。當酋長問到他的行為時,他表示只是為可能到來的船隻設立地標。臨走前,他帶走兩名年輕男子回到法國,並造成轟動。法國人以為找到了一條通往中國的新航道[註 2][29]。
1809年約翰·莫爾森率先在聖勞倫斯河上將蒸汽船用在商業航行上,距哈德遜河的世界首艘商用蒸汽船北河號啟用不足兩年。住宿號(PS Accommodation)載著10名旅客從蒙特婁到魁北克市完成首航,共花66小時,其中30小時靠在岸上。船的龍骨長75英尺(23公尺),總長85英尺(26公尺)。票價是上行8美元,下行9美元。那一年它總共服務了20名乘客[34]。不到十年,熱門的蒙特婁-魁北克市航線加入了其他競爭者,每日都有船班始發,但住宿號在競爭中使得莫爾森逐漸負債,最終船報廢走入歷史[35][36]。
The St. Lawrence is a mighty and unique hydrographic system. Bedded in an ancient geologic depression, it drains the heart of a continent. It is at once an international, an intra-Quebec, and a multiprovincial system. An axis of regional population, it is also an important part of the waterway that links Canada and the United States to western Europe and a large part of the rest of the world. The frontages of the several regions of the St. Lawrence River are not equally developed and do not maintain the same types of relationship with their hinterlands and with the outside world. Throughout its length, nevertheless, the St. Lawrence retains a great natural beauty.[3]
The river is an important part of the St. Lawrence Seaway, a massive navigational project undertaken jointly by Canada and the United States and completed in 1959. It opened North America’s industrial and agricultural heartlands to deep-draft ocean vessels. It forged the final link in a waterway some 3,766 km (2,340 miles) long from Duluth, Minnesota, at the westernmost point of Lake Superior, to the Atlantic by clearing a throughway in a 299-km (186-mile) stretch of the St. Lawrence River between Montreal and Lake Ontario. Although the official seaway consists of only this stretch and the Welland Canal (connecting Lakes Ontario and Erie), the entire Great Lakes–St. Lawrence system, with 15,289 km (9,500 miles) of navigable waterways, has come to be known as the St. Lawrence Seaway.[3]
The St. Lawrence River and its associated seaway has had a major economic impact on the United States and Canada. A principal reason for the construction of the St. Lawrence Seaway was the discovery, in Quebec and Labrador, of vast deposits of iron ore needed by steel mills in the United States. Canada, an importer of American iron ore before the seaway opened, exported ore, the second largest commodity, to the United States thereafter. The largest commodity moved is grain, from farms on Canada’s prairies and in the American Midwest, shipped at considerable savings. Major users of the river and seaway are vessels known as lakers, which are designed to the maximum limits of the seaway locks in order to facilitate two-way trade. A laker can pick up grain in the western Great Lakes, destined for world markets, and return with Canadian iron ore, loaded in the lower St. Lawrence. The third largest seaway commodity is coal, moved chiefly from U.S. mines via the Welland Canal to Canadian steel mills and power plants. Another commodity that is significant—because of its value rather than the amount moved—is imported iron and steel.[3]
Bulk commodities make up about 90 percent of annual cargo tonnage, but vessels of many nations also use the river and seaway to deliver or pick up general cargoes.[3]
The Great Lakes–St. Lawrence River system has become one of the world’s most heavily used international trade routes, moving some 140 million metric tons (154 million tons) of cargo annually. Although the system often is characterized as a vast inland sea comparable to the Mediterranean, its use is restricted by limited access and by a severe winter climate that shortens the shipping season to about eight and a half months.[3]
年分 | 最低水道深度 | 最低水道寬度 |
1851 | 4.2公尺 | 45公尺 |
1854 | 4.9公尺 | 45公尺 |
1865 | 6.1公尺 | 90公尺 |
1882 | 7.6公尺 | 90公尺 |
1888 | 8.4公尺 | 90公尺 |
1907 | 9.1公尺 | 140公尺 |
1952 | 10.7公尺 | 150公尺 |
1970 | 10.7公尺 | 245公尺 |
1992 | 11公尺 | 230公尺 |
1999 | 11.3公尺 | 230公尺 |
- 1.05億噸在魁北克省的港口間船運
- 1,120萬噸從五大湖出發單純通過聖勞倫斯海道,以向沿岸的港口外進行船運
- 950萬噸為安大略省港口間船運
- 4,330萬噸為美國及安大略省港口間船運
- 8,730萬噸為美國港口間船運
- 歐洲貿易量3,490萬噸
- 加拿大貿易量2,080萬噸
- 美國貿易量1,720萬噸
- 五大湖港口貿易量860萬噸
- 其他港口貿易量860萬噸
- 非洲貿易量1,080萬噸
- 拉丁美洲貿易量970萬噸
- 亞洲貿易量870萬噸
- 大洋洲貿易量240萬噸
即便岸邊有設置GPS、雷達等現代化導航設備,聖勞倫斯河仍是世界上最危險的航道之一。平常水面除了潮汐差可以超過六公尺,水面下的水流多向且強勁,又有許多暗藏的險灘,冬天更有浮冰增加航行的風險[41]。即因如此,政府規定在蒙特婁及萊斯埃斯庫明斯間超過100英尺的船隻駕駛員須領有專門執照才可通行,以保護沿岸生態及人員的安全[42][43]。里穆斯基海事研究所(l'Institut maritime de Rimouski)專門訓練聖勞倫斯河的駕駛員。訓練分成三個航段,駕駛員挑選一段專門訓練,分別是萊斯埃斯庫明斯-魁北克市、魁北克市-三河市、三河市-蒙特婁[43]。
- ^ Rivers. Atlas of Canada. 加拿大自然資源部. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-22).
- ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Benke, Arthur C.; Cushing, Colbert E. Rivers of North America. Academic Press. 2005: 989–990. ISBN 978-0-12-088253-3.
- ^ 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 Saint Lawrence River | Description, Canada, Importance, & Facts | Britannica. www.britannica.com. [2022-07-12] (英語).
- ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Fleuve Saint-Laurent. Commission de toponymie Québec. Gouvernement du Québec. [2021-12-28].
- ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Lozier, Jean-François. Flesh Reborn: The Saint Lawrence Valley Mission Settlements through the Seventeenth Century. Montréal: McGill-Queens University Press. 2018: 306 [2021-12-28]. ISBN 9780773553989.
- ^ Doolittle, Benjamin. St. Lawrence (Upper river). Kanienʼkéha Dictionary. [2021-12-28].
- ^ Doolittle, Benjamin. St. Lawrence, USA & CA. Kanienʼkéha Dictionary. [2021-12-28].
- ^ Rudes, B. Tuscarora English Dictionary Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999
- ^ Toussaint, Jean-Patrick. Il était une fois un fleuve... et nous.. Agence Science-Presse. [2021-12-28] (French).
- ^ Cuoq, Jean André. Lexique de la langue algonquine. Montréal: J. Chapleau. 1886 [2021-12-28] (French).
- ^ Cartier, Jacques. Relation de Jacques Cartier. www.gutenberg.org. 2004-05-15 [2022-07-12].
- ^ Saint Lawrence River and Seaway. Encyclopædia Britannica. [2009-09-07].
- ^ Saint Lawrence. MSN Encarta. [2009-09-07]. (原始內容存檔於2008-07-06).
- ^ Arkus, Mike. Down the St. Lawrence, the World's Largest Estuary: Canadian Odyssey on the Looney Front - Part 21. HuffPost. 2014-10-27 [2017-02-12].
- ^ Dawson, Samuel Edward. The Saint Lawrence: Its Basin and Border-lands. Heritage Books. 2007-10: 36 [2011-03-21]. ISBN 978-0-7884-2252-2.
- ^ Lac Saint-Pierre et son archipel. Pleinairalacarte.com (2008-11-07). Retrieved 2013-07-12.
- ^ Environnement Canada - Les débits du Saint-Laurent et de ses principaux affluents.
- ^ Lake Champlain Basin Atlas: Geology Page 網際網路檔案館的存檔,存檔日期2008-07-20.
- ^ Miller, William J. Geology: The Science of the Earth's Crust (Illustrations). P. F. Collier & Son Company. 2015: 37. GGKEY:Y3TD08H3RAT.
- ^ Physiographic divisions of the conterminous U.S.. U.S. Geological Survey. [2007-12-06].
- ^ Physiographic Regions of Canada (PDF). 加拿大自然資源部. 加拿大自然資源部. [2017-02-18].
- ^ 22.0 22.1 Gespe'gewa'gi : Our District Territory. Mi』gmawei Mawiomi Secretariat. Mi』gmawei Mawio’mi. [2021-12-28].
- ^ Nitassinan: The Innu Struggle to Reclaim Their Homeland, Douglas & McIntyre, December 1991, 240pp, by Marie Wadden, ISBN 978-1-55365-731-6, (book link) Archive.is的存檔,存檔日期2013-01-21
- ^ 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 Territories. native-land.ca. [2021-12-28].
- ^ 25.0 25.1 Carte du Nionwentsïo. Nation Huron-Wendat. Nation Huronne-Wendat. [2021-12-28].
- ^ Jaenen, Cornelius J. Murray Treaty of Longueuil (1760). The Canadian Encyclopedia. Historica Canada. [2021-12-28].
- ^ Les Attikameks s'attaquent à l'indifférence de Québec. Le Devoir. 9 September 2014 [2017-04-20] (法語).
- ^ Les Atikamekw déclarent leur souveraineté. Radio-Canada.ca. 8 September 2014 [2017-04-20] (法語).
- ^ 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 William Henry Johnson. French Pathfinders in North America, Project Gutenberg.
- ^ Saint Lawrence River - New World Encyclopedia. www.newworldencyclopedia.org. [2022-07-12].
- ^ Johnson, William Henry. French Pathfinders in North America. 2007-05-20 [2011-02-27] –透過Project Gutenberg.
- ^ Bideaux, Michel. Jacques Cartier: Relations. Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal. 1986: 130–131 [2021-12-20] –透過Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (法語).
- ^ The Spanish names Florida, Dry Tortugas, Cape Canaveral, Appalachian, and California appeared earlier.....From Spanish historian Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas's accounts, published in 1601 -- Stewart, George. Names on the Land: A Historical Account of Place-Naming in the United States. New York: Random House. 1945: 11–17, 29.
- ^ Denison 1955,第65頁
- ^ Denison 1955,第91頁
- ^ Accommodation | The Canadian Encyclopedia. www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca. [2022-07-11].
- ^ Save the River!. 2008-11-01 [2019-05-27]. (原始內容存檔於2008-11-01).
- ^ Environnement Canada, Le Saint-Laurent : porte d'entrée du continent Nord-Américain.
- ^ Navigation dans les glaces en eaux canadiennes. www.ccg-gcc.gc.ca (法語)..
- ^ 40.0 40.1 40.2 MTQ, Le transport de marchandises sur le Saint-Laurent depuis 1995
- ^ Association des pilotes maritimes du Canada
- ^ Sciencepresse, Les pilotes du Saint-Laurent
- ^ 43.0 43.1 Article(編輯 | 討論 | 歷史 | 連結 | 監視 | 日誌).
- ^ Gilles Havard; Cécile Vidal. Histoire de l'Amérique française. Paris: Flammarion. 2008: p. 116. ISBN 978-2-08-121295-4 (法語). 已忽略未知參數
|pages totales=
(幫助) - ^ Corporation des pilotes du Bas-Saint-Laurent
- ^ Une baleine noire en vue! Merci d'appeler Urgences Mammifères Marins! - Baleines en direct. 2013-07-12.
- ^ Introduction. [2016-02-05]. (原始內容存檔於2013-10-22).
- ^ Hear them coming: right whales return to the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Fisheries and Oceans Canada Homepage. 2013-04-22 [2016-02-05].
- ^ Une baleine noire dans le Parc marin du Saguenay-Saint-Laurent.
- ^ Une baleine noire observée près de l'île Rouge - Baleines en direct. 2015-07-10.
- ^ Regional Species Extinctions - Examples of regional species extinctions over the last 1000 years and more. (PDF). (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2011-04-25).
- ^ Développements durables, environnements et parcs : Le Saint-Laurent
- ^ Fleuve Saint-Laurent. [25 juin 2017]. 已忽略未知參數
(幫助); - ^ Mise en valeur du patrimoine culturel québécois - Désignation du fleuve Saint-Laurent comme lieu historique. 22 juin 2017 [3 juillet 2017] (français). 已忽略未知參數
(幫助); - ^ Little Songs: David Usher: Amazon.ca: Music. www.amazon.ca.
- ^ Ohayon, Albert. When Cousteau Came to Canada. NFB.ca. National Film Board of Canada. 2009 [2009-10-25].
- Creighton, Donald Grant, The empire of the St. Lawrence: a study in commerce and politics (reprint), University of Toronto Press, 2002 [1937], ISBN 0-8020-8418-4
- Dawson, Samuel Edward, The Saint Lawrence: Its Basin and Border-lands, Heritage Books, 2003, ISBN 0-7884-2252-9
- Denison, Merrill. The Barley and the Stream: The Molson Story. McClelland & Stewart Limited. 1955.
- Ellis, William S. Canada's Highway to the Sea. National Geographic. Vol. 157 no. 5. May 1980: 586–623. ISSN 0027-9358. OCLC 643483454.
- McNeese, Tim, The St. Lawrence River, Chelsea House Publishers, 2005, ISBN 0791082458
- Parham, Claire Puccia, The St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Project : an oral history of the greatest construction show on earth, Syracuse University, 2009, ISBN 978-0-8156-0913-1
- Stagg, Ronald, The Golden Dream: A History of the St. Lawrence Seaway, Dundurn Press, 2010, ISBN 978-1-55002-887-4
- Jean Leclerc. Les pilotes du Saint-Laurent, 1762-1960 : l'organisation du pilotage en aval du havre de Québec. Sainte-Foy: Éditions GID. 2004. ISBN 2-922668-58-4 (法語). 已忽略未知參數
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(幫助) - Article(編輯 | 討論 | 歷史 | 連結 | 監視 | 日誌)
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- 聖勞倫斯縣和紐約北部地區的註釋書目。
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- 加拿大百科的聖勞倫斯河
- 觀看雅克·庫斯托的紀錄片《聖勞倫斯河:通往大海的階梯》
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