
由Lantx在話題Garside中文名字上作出的最新留言:3 年前


不好意思。我會看中文字,可是寫字會有困難。B.A. Garside lived in China for many years and could read and speak Chinese. He had a real Chinese name, 葛思德, which appears in Chinese-language documents in the archives at Princeton, Columbia, and Stanford. See https://books.google.com/books?id=_e3lCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA82&lpg=PA82&dq=%E8%91%9B%E6%80%9D%E5%BE%B7+garside Winstonho0805留言2020年11月29日 (日) 09:15 (UTC)回覆

@Winstonho0805The page has been moved to 葛思德 .Thanks for your contribution.--白日不到處,青春恰自來。Lantx請講 2020年11月29日 (日) 16:24 (UTC)回覆
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