黃金太陽(日語:黄金の太陽,英語:Golden Sun)是由Camelot開發、任天堂發行的掌機奇幻色彩角色扮演遊戲系列。在首作中,幾位會使用魔法(即「精神力」)的鍊金術士為了阻止鍊金術再次破壞世界而踏上了旅程[1]。第三作主要講述了他們後代的故事[2]。《黃金太陽》系列遵循了傳統RPG漫遊與戰鬥的主調[3]。
黃金太陽系列 | |
| |
類型 | 角色扮演(RPG) |
開發商 | Camelot |
發行商 | 任天堂 |
主創 | 高橋宏之、高橋秀五 |
音樂 | 櫻庭統 |
平台 | Game Boy Advance,任天堂DS |
首作 | 《黃金太陽 開啟的封印》 2001年8月1日 |
最新作 | 《黃金太陽 漆黑的黎明》 2010年10月28日 |
執行於Game Boy Advance平台的系列前兩作《黃金太陽 開啟的封印》和《黃金太陽 失落的時代》分別首發於2001年和2002年。時隔六年,在2009年6月2日的E3遊戲展上,任天堂公布了《黃金太陽 漆黑的黎明》於2010年登陸任天堂DS平台的消息[2]。在《開啟的封印》中,羅賓和他的夥伴將動身阻止反派角色點燃燈塔,以防鍊金術的力量回到維亞德。但若要解開鍊金術的封印,卻需要將四座元素燈塔全都點亮,因此在《失落的時代》中,前作未被消滅的「反派」為此而繼續旅行著[4]。在第三作《漆黑的黎明》中,前兩代人物的孩子將繼續著父輩般的旅程。
玩家在《開啟的封印》中可以控制四位角色,而在《失落的時代》的劇情過後可以控制八位。在前兩作中,羅賓是來自哈迪亞村的17歲地元素使,在首作中是一名沉默的隊長。杰利德是17歲的哈迪亞村火元素使,雖然身體強壯,但做事常有些不經大腦;儘管如此,他依然是羅賓的親密戰友。伊萬是15歲的風元素使,雖然一直和卡萊伊的名商生活在一起,但他真正的家鄉實際上是阿緹卡大陸的基亞那,聰穎的他有著敏銳的洞察力。米雅莉是來自永冬之村伊米諾的17歲水元素使,傳承了瑪求里一組的血統,性格文靜的她擅於治療。葛爾夏在《開啟的封印》中是一個反派角色,但在《失落的時代》中成為了主角,他的妹妹加絲敏是17歲的火元素使,和哥哥一樣來自哈迪亞。在第一作中,大反派薩帝諾斯與梅娜迪劫持了葛爾夏、加絲敏、14歲的風元素使西芭和睿智的老學者史古雷塔[26]。在第二作中,反派角色則是加斯特與亞卡迪奧。 此外,在兩代都有出現的一個浮動的大眼球被稱為「賢者」,它可能幫助了這些英雄們開啟了鍊金術的新時代[27]。
在最初,Camelot只計劃將《黃金太陽》設計成一部而非系列,在最早期的設計檔案中,遊戲預定發布於任天堂64平台,但隨著N64被任天堂GameCube取代的跡象出現,Camelot便轉而將精力投向掌機Game Boy Advance平台[54]。
《失落的時代》日版發行於2002年,《Fami通》雜誌首先對遊戲做出了評論[58]。玩家對本作的發布高度期待,遊戲排在了IGN 2003年度「最期待」GBA遊戲的榜首[59]。北美版曾在2002年E3遊戲展上展出[60],IGN評論道:本作序章的對話不再像《開啟的封印》一樣枯燥,而是在動作過程中介紹人物[61]。GameSpot於2003年2月展示過一個英文化版,並評論道:遊戲使用了前作的圖像引擎,環境內容豐富,精細入微,例如鳥兒會在你靠近時飛走[62]。
在2012年6月Nintendo Gamer的採訪中,遊戲製作人高橋宏之表示:「我們製作RPG的一個重大原因就是來自喜歡我們RPG玩家的請求。若有足夠的任天堂玩家希望我們製作另一部黃金太陽遊戲,那我們就會再開發一作的。」[64]
黃金太陽系列的主角羅賓也出現在了格鬥遊戲《任天堂明星大亂鬥X》中,其身份中是需要來解鎖的「出來亂一下人物」(英語:Assist Trophy),要在戰鬥中使用相應道具才能召喚出來。《大亂鬥X》中的羅賓會通過「移動」精神力召喚出一隻大手來推移其他人物,若敵人試圖逃避,羅賓則將會緊追不捨[66]。此外,《失落的時代》組曲也被選進了《大亂鬥》的遊戲音樂中[67]。
黃金太陽系列第一作的主角們還出現四格同人漫畫《黃金太陽 開啟的封印 4格趣味戰》(黄金の太陽 開かれし封印 4コマギャグバトル)中,該漫畫是光文社出版的火球遊戲漫畫系列(日語:火の玉ゲームコミックシリーズ)的一部分。雖然該作品沒有得到Camelot的正式許可,但因在日本,公司極少對未經正式授權而使用虛構角色的行為採取法律行動,故而日本同人誌行業對此多是默認的[68]。該漫畫以直行四格的方式排版,整個漫畫由18名藝術家繪製成。
遊戲 | Metacritic | Game Rankings |
《黃金太陽 開啟的封印》 | 91%[69] | 90%[70] |
《黃金太陽 失落的時代》 | 86%[71] | 87%[72] |
《黃金太陽 漆黑的黎明》 | 79%[73] | 80%[74] |
而前兩作的戰鬥被指責不夠「智能」,如果回合中預備攻擊的敵人提前被殺,那麼攻擊該敵人的角色就會自動防禦,而不是攻擊其他人[79]。此外,也有批評聲指遊戲重複了「在地圖上移動,隨機遇敵,打贏隨機戰,繼續在地圖上移動,再次遇敵」的老路[3]。而且他們也指出了過長的開篇對話會「趕走新的玩家」,還會「讓玩家把遊戲角色搞混」[81]。1UP批評Camelot遲遲未對劇情「減肥」,系列三作的對話都很冗長,主角和敵人之間本應很簡單的對話能絮絮叨叨的重複三四遍[80]。Game Informer則對《漆黑的黎明》過於簡單的難度而不滿,稱在主角「神速的升級」和精靈的狂轟濫炸面前,最終Boss實在是太弱[82]。
《開啟的封印》獲得了2001年《任天堂力量》最佳GBA遊戲獎,並排在IGN讀者票選最佳100遊戲的第94位[6],而在2007年GBA生命的盡頭,《開啟的封印》登上IGN舉辦的最佳25個GBA遊戲的第24名[83]。此外,遊戲由於「震撼的畫質、音效,以及至少30小時的通關時間」而成為了IGN 2003年4月的月度遊戲[84]。
- ^ Camelot. Golden Sun. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2001-11-11 (英語).
The Wise One: The volcano will erupt... Without the power of the Elemental Stars to contain it, the magma flows freely once again, and this chamber is collapsing.
- ^ 2.0 2.1 Nintendo Introduces New Social Entertainment Experiences at E3 Expo. 任天堂. 2009-06-02 [2009-12-14]. (原始內容存檔於2010-05-03) (英語).
- ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Wadleigh, Matt. Golden Sun Review. Thunderbolt Games. 2005-03-23 [2008-06-05]. (原始內容存檔於2012-09-15) (英語).
- ^ 4.0 4.1 Camelot (編). Golden Sun: The Lost Age Instruction Manual. Nintendo. 2003: 6–7 (英語).
- ^ Arceo, Abe. Trailer - Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. The San Francisco Examiner. [2009-06-03]. (原始內容存檔於2009-06-04) (英語).
- ^ 6.0 6.1 IGN Rankings. IGN.com. [2006-10-10]. (原始內容存檔於2012-01-25) (英語).
- ^ Readers' Picks Top 100 Games: 71-80. IGN. 2006 [2008-01-21]. (原始內容存檔於2012-10-05) (英語).
- ^ Camelot (編). Golden Sun Instruction Manual: Advice for Adepts. Nintendo. 2002: 20-21 (英語).
- ^ Kepper, Sean. Basics: Puzzle Psynergy Spells. IGN. [2008-07-13]. (原始內容存檔於2012-09-16) (英語).
- ^ Camelot (編). Golden Sun Instruction Manual: Advice for Adepts. Nintendo. 2002: 50–53 (英語).
- ^ Psynergy List. Goldensun.rpgplanet.gamespy.com. [2006-07-10]. (原始內容存檔於2008-02-28) (英語).
- ^ Flowe, Doug. GBA Reviews: Golden Sun. armchairempire.com. 2001-12-08 [2007-09-19]. (原始內容存檔於2012-09-15) (英語).
- ^ Camelot (編). Golden Sun Instruction Manual: Advice for Adepts. Nintendo. 2002: 51 (英語).
- ^ Camelot (編). Golden Sun Instruction Manual: Djinn. Nintendo. 2002: 16 (英語).
- ^ Allgame: Golden Sun. allgame.com. [2007-09-20]. (原始內容存檔於2012-09-15) (英語).
- ^ 16.0 16.1 IGN Staff. Golden Sun Preview. IGN. 2001 [2007-01-06]. (原始內容存檔於2012-09-15) (英語).
- ^ Golden Sun: Dark Dawn Review. ComputerAndVideoGames.com. 2010-12-09 [2012-01-28]. (原始內容存檔於2011-07-02) (英語).
- ^ 18.0 18.1 NOguyen, Chase. Golden Sun. allrpg.com. [2007-09-20]. (原始內容存檔於2007-06-03) (英語).
- ^ Camelot (編). Golden Sun Instruction Manual: Shops, Inns, and Sanctums. Nintendo. 2002: 34 (英語).
- ^ Camelot. Golden Sun: The Lost Age Instruction Manual. Nintendo. 2002: 56–58 (英語).
- ^ Camelot (編). Golden Sun Instruction Manual: Djinn and their Abilities. Nintendo. 2002: 19 (英語).
- ^ Camelot (編). Golden Sun Instruction Manual: Character Classes. Nintendo. 2002: 32 (英語).
- ^ 23.0 23.1 Camelot (編). Golden Sun Instruction Manual: Dijinn. Nintendo. 2002: 44 (英語).
- ^ Camelot (編). Golden Sun Instruction Manual. Nintendo. 2002. Appendix A (英語).
- ^ Lockridge, David Cassady, Beth Hollinger, Debra. Golden sun ; Golden sun the lost age : Prima's official strategy guide. Roseville, CA: Prima Pub. 2003: 224. ISBN 0-761-54180-2 (英語).
- ^ Camelot. Golden Sun. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2001-11-11 (英語).
Felix: I know I’ve caused you much grief, Jenna. It was a miracle that I survived that day... / Saturos: We are the ones who saved him. / Menardi: We saw him floating unconscious in the river as we passed. / Felix: I’ve been with them ever since...I’ve experienced a lot.
- ^ 27.0 27.1 Camelot. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2003-04-14 (英語).
Jenna: Alex!? What would he be doing on Mt. Aleph? / The Wise One: He understands far more than you do. He knows that when the four beacons have been lit... Their light will gather at Sol Sanctum. / Kraden: But what would he gain from being there? / The Wise One: When the final beam of light reaches the peak of Mt.Aleph, the Golden Sun shall rise. / Kraden: The Golden Sun!? What is that? And what would Alex want with it? / The Wise One: When the four beams merge into one, they form a golden light, bathing Mt. Aleph's peak. / Ivan: Is... Is that Alchemy? I mean, pure Alchemy made real, at the heart of its power? / Kraden: And it's that light that gives shape to the Stone of Sages? / The Wise One: This has been Alex's one true desire from the very start. / Piers: Alex planned all this? Then he must have been after this power all along! / Garet: We've been duped! He used us all! Oh, you'd better believe he's not getting away with this!
- ^ Stephen Stratton. Appendix. Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (eGuide). Prima Games. 2010: 201–208. ISBN 978-0-307-47107-9 (英語).
- ^ Camelot. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2003-04-14 (英語).
In-game text: Ages ago, or so the stories tell, the power of Alchemy ruled over the world of Weyard. Alchemy wrought the base elements of humanity into thriving civilizations, like lead into gold. But in time, man's dreams gave birth to untold strife. Dreams of endless riches, of eternal life, of dominion over all that lived... Dreams of conquest and war.>
- ^ Camelot. Golden Sun. Nintendo. 2001-11-11 (英語).
Dora: Where do you all plan to go today? / Garet: We're going to Mt. Aleph with Kraden. / Dora: Mountain climbing with Kraden, eh? Kids and their games... / Jenna: No! It's part of our studies... / Dora: Ah, yes... Alchemy.
- ^ Camelot. Golden Sun. Nintendo. 2001-11-11 (英語).
Saturos: You heard us... If you wish to save your friends, then give us the Elemental Stars! / Menardi: Do you accept our terms? / Isaac: Yes. / Kraden: No, Isaac! You must not give them the Elemental Stars! / Saturos: Why would you deny us? Don't you want your friends to be safe?
- ^ Camelot. Golden Sun. Nintendo. 2001-11-11 (英語).
Ivan: Your quest has been on my mind ever since I left Vault. Remember? I read everything that happened in your minds. I couldn't just leave, not with all these terrible things happening. If I can't rescue Master Hammet, then I want to help you... Please, allow me to join your quest.
- ^ Camelot. Golden Sun. Nintendo. 2001-11-11 (英語).
Mia: Well, I... Uh... I... I'll be joining Isaac on his quest.
- ^ Camelot. Golden Sun. Nintendo. 2001-11-11 (英語).
Garet: It's too late! The lighthouse has already been lit! / Mia: It... It can't be! The beacon cannot be lit without the Mercury Star...
- ^ Camelot. Golden Sun. Nintendo. 2001-11-11 (英語).
Saturos: I hope you don't think you've finished us off. / Mia: You may not be finished, but you can barely stand. / Menardi: Right now, yes... But we'll be back on our feet... as soon as we do THIS! / Saturos: (Throws the Venus Star into the Venus Lighthouse well) / Ivan: Oh, no! He threw the Elemental Star into the lighthouse! / Mia: How could this happen... We couldn't keep them from lighting the beacon! / Saturos: That's not all... The energy of the beacon will restore our power.
- ^ Camelot. Golden Sun. Nintendo. 2001-11-11 (英語).
Saturos: How... How... did we lose? / Menardi: We are superior in every way, but still we were defeated...
- ^ Camelot. Golden Sun. Nintendo. 2001-11-11 (英語).
Garet: We did it! We won! / Ivan: We beat them...but have we really won? / Isaac: Yes. / Ivan: Even though we couldn't stop the beacon from being lit? / Garet: What are you talking about? We did everything we could! Sure we couldn't save the Venus Lighthouse, but... We beat them! They're gone! You saw them fall down into the pit... So we don't have to worry about any more beacons being lit! / Mia: But Felix is gone, and he's taken Sheba...
- ^ Camelot. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2003-04-14 (英語).
Jenna: Believe me, I'd love to see Isaac again, but we just don't have the time to look for him. Plus... / Kraden: Even if we did find them, there's a good chance we'd end up fighting them. / Piers: Why? / Kraden: What we are trying to achieve, they are trying to prevent... And they will fight to stop us.
- ^ Camelot. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2003-04-14 (英語).
Piers: However, the world seems even smaller now than it appears on Lunpa's map... / Consevato: What are you saying? / Kraden: Time itself has stopped... Think of Weyard as a living, breathing being, possessing its own life force... The four elements are the nourishment needed to sustain this being. / Lunpa: Kraden... This is exactly what King Hydros himself has said to me! / King Hydros: Ever since Alchemy was sealed away, the world has been cut off from its nourishment. It has gone into a state akin to hibernation.
- ^ Camelot. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2003-04-14 (英語).
Sheba: But we're not leaving Isaac behind. / Karst: Oh, great... Are you going to betray us now? / Felix: Yes. / Karst: Typical. And you're going to try to stop us from finishing them off, aren't you?
- ^ Camelot. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2003-04-14 (英語).
Mia: I'm just relieved we've sorted out our differences. / Piers Me too, Mia... We could not have stood divided against a common foe. / Garet: Yeah, I guess I'm a little happy that we're not going to have to beat Felix up. / Isaac: Listen, this is Felix's quest now... We're just doing what we can to help out...
- ^ Camelot. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2003-04-14 (英語).
The Wise One: If Alchemy is unleashed, mankind may well destroy all of Weyard itself. / Kraden: But we can combine our strengths, ensure that Alchemy not be used for evil... / The Wise One: It is inevitable. In time, one man will seek to rule over all. It is human nature, inescapable. And it shall come sooner than any of you think.
- ^ Camelot. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2003-04-14 (英語).
The Wise One: If you can defeat a miracle, only then can you ignite the beacon's flame. / Kraden: The Wise One is up to something! Be wary, everyone! We don't know what he's capable of! / Sheba: A three-headed dragon? That's your miracle? / Piers: So you would have us fight for our future? Fine, then fight we shall!
- ^ Camelot. Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Game Boy Advance. Nintendo. 2003-04-14 (英語).
The Wise One: The heavens and earth are changing, Alex! You must flee now! / Alex: Wha-What!? / The Wise One: Mt.Aleph will soon be drawn into the heart of the earth! You must flee or join it forever! / Alex: Flee!? I can't flee! I can't even move! / The Wise One: Ah, yes. You now see the limits of your power. If you are swallowed by the earth, you may not survive. If you survive, perhaps we shall meet again someday...
- ^ Stephen Stratton. A Friend in Need. Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (eGuide). Prima Games. 2010: 19. ISBN 978-0-307-47107-9 (英語).
- ^ Stephen Stratton. Kingdoms at War. Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (eGuide). Prima Games. 2010: 48. ISBN 978-0-307-47107-9 (英語).
- ^ Stephen Stratton. Konpa Ruins. Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (eGuide). Prima Games. 2010: 41–42. ISBN 978-0-307-47107-9 (英語).
- ^ Stephen Stratton. No Mountain High Enough. Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (eGuide). Prima Games. 2010: 117. ISBN 978-0-307-47107-9 (英語).
- ^ Stephen Stratton. Jail Break. Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (eGuide). Prima Games. 2010: 129. ISBN 978-0-307-47107-9 (英語).
- ^ Stephen Stratton. Jail Break. Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (eGuide). Prima Games. 2010: 134. ISBN 978-0-307-47107-9 (英語).
- ^ Stephen Stratton. The Endless Wall. Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (eGuide). Prima Games. 2010: 181–182. ISBN 978-0-307-47107-9 (英語).
- ^ Camelot. Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. Nintendo DS. Nintendo. 2010-11-29 (英語).
Tyrell: But it's probably to get this feather home... / Eoleo: I guess I'll head home too, after I drop Himi off in Yamata. / Amiti: My countrymen no doubt await my return. I will leave shortly. / Rief: And what shall we do? / Karden: Whatever you think is best. From now on, you will learn not from me,but from the world. There are always new mysteries to solve.
- ^ Camelot. Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. Nintendo DS. Nintendo. 2010-11-29 (英語).
Karis: Ah, it's good to be back! / Matthew: (Point at a large Psynergy Vortex.)
- ^ 54.0 54.1 James Mielke. Previews: We Love Golf!. 1up. 2008 [2008-04-13]. (原始內容存檔於2012-12-05) (英語).
- ^ IGN Staff. Import Impressions: Golden Sun. IGN. 2001 [2007-01-06]. (原始內容存檔於2012-09-15) (英語).
- ^ 56.0 56.1 Harris, Craig. IGN Golden Sun Review. ign.com. 2001-11-09 [2007-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2012-09-15) (英語).
- ^ IGN staff. First Look: US Golden Sun. gbign.com. 2001-11-02 [2007-09-29]. (原始內容存檔於2012-09-15) (英語).
- ^ Harris, Craig. Screens of Golden Sun 2. IGN. 2002-05-17 [2008-03-27]. (原始內容存檔於2012-10-05).
- ^ Staff. Top 10 Most Wanted 2003/2004. IGN. 2003-02-04 [2008-03-27]. (原始內容存檔於2012-10-05) (英語).
- ^ Harris, Craig. E3 2002: First Look: Golden Sun 2. IGN. 2002-05-21 [2008-03-27]. (原始內容存檔於2012-10-05) (英語).
- ^ Staff. Golden Sun 2: First Impressions. IGN. 2002-07-08 [2008-03-27]. (原始內容存檔於2012-10-05) (英語).
- ^ Torres, Ricardo. Golden Sun: The Lost Age Impressions. GameSpot. 2003-02-28 [2008-03-14]. (原始內容存檔於2008-12-07) (英語).
- ^ Terdiman, Daniel. Nintendo tries to regain the momentum. CNET. 2009-05-02 [2009-05-03]. (原始內容存檔於2009-07-29) (英語).
- ^ James Newton. Let Camelot Know If You Want Another Golden Sun. Nintendo Life. 2012-06-11 [12 June 2012]. (原始內容存檔於2012年6月30日).
- ^ Rumor: Golden Sun for Gamecube?. Nintendo World Report. 2004 [2007-01-07]. (原始內容存檔於2012-09-15) (英語).
- ^ Nintendo. Latecomer Assist Trophies. SmashBros.com. 2008-03-14 [2008-03-28]. (原始內容存檔於2008-03-27) (英語).
- ^ Hidden Music. SmashBros.com. [2008-03-28]. (原始內容存檔於2012-11-01) (英語).
- ^ What is Doujin?. Akiba Angels. [2010-12-17]. (原始內容存檔於2008-03-07) (英語).
- ^ Golden Sun at Metacritic. gamerankings.com. [2012-01-20]. (原始內容存檔於2012-09-15) (英語).
- ^ Golden Sun at Gamerankings.com. gamerankings.com. [2007-09-25]. (原始內容存檔於2009-03-05) (英語).
- ^ Golden Sun: the Lost Age at Metacritic. gamerankings.com. [2012-01-20]. (原始內容存檔於2011-12-01) (英語).
- ^ Golden Sun: the Lost Age at Gamerankings.com. [2007-09-25]. (原始內容存檔於2009-03-13) (英語).
- ^ Golden Sun: Dark Dawn at Metacritic. Metacritic. [2010-12-17]. (原始內容存檔於2010-12-03) (英語).
- ^ Golden Sun: Dark Dawn at Gamerankings.com. [2010-12-17]. (原始內容存檔於2010-12-21) (英語).
- ^ Rotten Tomatoes review page. rottentomatoes.com. [2006-07-13]. (原始內容存檔於2007-10-01) (英語).
- ^ Torres, Ricardo. Golden Sun for GBA- gamespot.com. gamespot.com. 2001-11-12 [2007-02-01]. (原始內容存檔於2007-01-23) (英語).
- ^ Game Rankings- Golden Sun. Gamerankings.com. [2006-07-13]. (原始內容存檔於2009-03-05) (英語).
- ^ Metacritic Game Rankings page. Metacritic.com. [2006-07-13]. (原始內容存檔於2011-07-20) (英語).
- ^ 79.0 79.1 Review: Golden Sun: The Lost Age. GamePro. [2008-04-11]. (原始內容存檔於2009-05-01) (英語).
- ^ 80.0 80.1 Parish, Jeremy. Golden Sun: Dark Dawn Review. 1UP.com. 2010-11-26 [2010-12-17]. (原始內容存檔於2012-07-24) (英語).
- ^ Padilla, Raymond. Golden Sun: The Lost Age (GBA). GameSpy. 2004-04-26 [2008-04-13]. (原始內容存檔於2008-02-11) (英語).
- ^ Kollar, Phil. Return To A Lost Age Of Boring Storytelling And Enjoyable Puzzle-Solving. Game Informer. 2010-12-07 [2010-12-17]. (原始內容存檔於2010-12-10) (英語).
- ^ Craig Harris. Top 25 Game Boy Advance Games of All Time. IGN.com. 2007-03-16 [2007-03-18]. (原始內容存檔於2012-08-14) (英語).
不匹配 (幫助) - ^ IGN:Game of the Month. IGN. 2003-04-14 [2008-07-13]. (原始內容存檔於2012-09-15) (英語).
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