間諜 (小說)

《間諜》(英語:The Secret Agent: A Simple Tale)是約瑟夫·康拉德的一部小說,出版於1907年9月[1] 故事發生在1886年的倫敦,講述一個小店主阿道夫·韋洛克先生為某一個未提名的國家(大概是俄國)從事秘密特工的工作。《間諜》是康拉德較晚期的一部政治小說,擺脫了昔日的航海故事。這部小說涉及H·G·威爾斯無政府主義間諜恐怖主義[2],還涉及到剝削弱勢群體問題:與主人公維羅克同住的妻弟史蒂夫,是一個智能障礙者。

故事背景地點倫敦 編輯維基數據
出版機構Methuen & Co




  1. ^ Conrad 1994,第5頁.
  2. ^ Conrad 2004,第xiv頁.
  3. ^ Alfred Hitchcock Collectors’ Guide: Sabotage (1936). Brenton Film. [2020-04-02]. (原始內容存檔於2021-01-28). 
  4. ^ Shulevitz, Judith, Chasing After Conrad's Secret Agent, Slate, 27 September 2001 [2020-04-02], (原始內容存檔於2011-06-05) .
  • Caplan, Carola M; Mallios, Peter Lancelot; White, Andrea (編), Conrad in the Twentieth Century: Contemporary Approaches and Perspectives, Abingdon, Oxford: Routledge, 2004, ISBN 0-415-97164-0 .
  • Conrad, Joseph, The Secret Agent, Penguin, 1969 .
  • ———. Seymour-Smith, Martin , 編. The Secret Agent. London: Penguin. 1990. ISBN 0-14-018096-6. .
  • ———, The Secret Agent, London: Penguin, 1994, ISBN 0-14-062056-7 .
  • ———, Lyon, John , 編, The Secret Agent: A Simple Tale, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004, ISBN 0-19-280169-4 .
  • Houen, Alex, Terrorism and Modern Literature: From Joseph Conrad to Ciaran Carson, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002, ISBN 0-19-818770-X .
  • Lawrence, John Shelton; Jewett, Robert, The Myth of the American Superhero, Grand Rapids, MI, US: Eerdmans, 2002, ISBN 0-8028-2573-7 .
  • Orr, Leonard; Billy, Ted; Billy, Theodore, A Joseph Conrad Companion, New Haven, CT, US: Greenwood, 1999, ISBN 0-313-29289-2 .
  • Oswell, Douglas Evander, The Unabomber and the Zodiac, Lulu, 2007, ISBN 0-615-14569-8 .
  • Paulson, Ronald, Sin and Evil: Moral Values in Literature, New Haven, US: Yale University Press, 2007 .
  • Reilly, Patrick, The Dark Landscape of Modern Fiction, London: Ashgate, 2003, ISBN 0-7546-3370-5 .
  • Simmons, Allan H; Stape, JH, The Secret Agent: Centennial Essays, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2007, ISBN 90-420-2176-4 .
  • Woodard, J David, The America that Reagan Built, New Haven, CT, US: Greenwood, 2006, ISBN 0-275-98609-8 .