托馬斯·曼寧 (漢學家)
托馬斯·曼寧(Thomas Manning,1772年11月8日—1840年),漢名萬寧[1],英國諾福克郡布魯姆人,是歐洲漢學家中的首位世俗人士,也是第一位到達拉薩的英國人。
榮赫鵬的著作引用了曼寧的遊記對於清廷與西藏關係的觀察:由於西藏是個遙遠又生活不舒適的地方,清廷通常把犯錯的官員派到西藏,由這些人品不好的官員統治西藏很糟糕。如果藏人看到清廷在西藏的勢力被推翻,不會有多少遺憾的情緒。[3][4]曼寧的遊記描述了他見到5歲的九世達賴喇嘛的情景:「這個漂亮和令人著迷的人吸引了我的全部注意力,同這位受過良好教育的小王子交談令人愉快。(the nice and fascinating figure caught my whole attention and it was a pleasure to talk to this well educated little prince.)」他也描述了漢人占據西藏的情景:「我驚異於所有東西看起來都那麼漢化。(I was struck with the appearance of everything being perfecly Chinese.)」如果說他對布達拉宮印象十分深刻的話,那麼他的崇敬也就止於那裡。他說,「如果說宮殿超出了我的期望的話,那麼也可以說城鎮遠低於我的預期。那裡顯得毫無亮點,毫不悅目。住房都被泥巴和污垢所污損。街上滿是狗,有的狂吠並啃食著路邊堆著的幾塊皮子,散發出了停屍房的氣味;有的一瘸一拐,面色鐵青;有的身上潰爛;有的忍飢挨餓乃至垂死,被烏鴉啄食;有的已死,並被吃掉。簡言之,一切看起來都惡劣而陰暗,讓人不禁難以相信這是真實的。(If the palace had exceeded my expectations, the town as far fell short of them. There is nothing striking, nothing pleasing in its appearance. The habitations are begrimed with smut and dirt. The avenues are full of dogs, some growling and gnawing bits of hide which lie around in profusion, and emit a charnel-house smell; other limping and looking livid; others ulcerated; others starved and dying, and pecked at by the ravens; some dead and preyed upon. In short everything seems mean and gloomy, and excites the idea of something unreal.)」[5]
查爾斯·蘭姆的文章《有關烤豬的論文》中稱曼寧為「朋友M.(friend M.)」,"Elia"宣稱從朋友M.獲得了一份中文手稿《有關烤豬的論文》[6][7]。不少曼寧寫給查爾斯·蘭姆的信留存至今,G.A. Anderson編輯後於1925年出版。[8]
- ^ 王宏志. 1816年阿美士德使团的翻译问题. 王宏志 (編). 翻译史研究 2015. 上海: 復旦大學出版社. 2015: 52–99. ISBN 978-7309119909.
- ^ Manning, Thomas (MNN790T). A Cambridge Alumni Database. University of Cambridge.
- ^ Francis Edward Younghusband. India and Tibet; a history of the relations which have subsisted between the two countries from the time of Warren Hastings to 1910; with a particular account of the mission to Lhasa of 1904. 1910年: 39–40.(英文)
- ^ Clements Robert Markham (編). Narratives of the mission of George Bogle to Tibet, and of the journey of Thomas Manning to Lhasa. 1876年: 273–274.(英文)
- ^ Peter Bishop, The Myth of Shangri-La: Tibet, travel writing, and the western creation of sacred landscape, University of California Press, 1989年, p. 308, p. 94.
- ^ 有关烤猪的论文. [2012-08-10]. (原始內容存檔於2021-01-25).
- ^ Charles Lamb. Essays of Charles Lamb. Ginn. 1904年: 362.
- ^ Thomas MANNING. G.A. Anderson; P.P. Howe , 編. The Letters of Thomas Manning to Charles Lamb, with a Portrait and Facsimiles. London. 1925年.
- MARKHAM, Clements R., Narratives of the Mission of Georges Bogle to Tibet and of the Journey of Thomas Manning to Lhasa, New Delhi: Cosmo Publications, 1910 [1876] (Indian Historical Researches, 42).
- Ergriffen vom Dalai Lama (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) (German newspaper article about the journey of Thomas Manning to Lhasa)
- 英國國家檔案館里相關的資料 托馬斯·曼寧 (漢學家)