

Please always communicate in Modern Chinese

You have posted comments in a language other than modern Chinese. To make your comments be comprehensible to the community at large, please always communicate in Chinese, no matter to whom you address your comments. If it's unavoidable to use another language, please provide a translation of the comments. If you do not write Chinese but need to contact zh-wikipedia, you can leave your message here. Thank you.

--Hoben7599 | 支持立场新闻 2023年10月30日 (一) 12:21 (UTC)回复

有强烈迹象表明内容受到了不尊重的编辑,缺乏足够客观性,可能是由教育程度不够的个人所为。社区似乎受到特定群体的主导,导致了透明度的不足。比较起英文维基百科,中文维基百科客观中立性严重不足。--Plantton留言2023年10月30日 (一) 13:36 (UTC)回复
总之维基百科就是不中立不客观,背后还有一个由Hoben7599建立的恐怖组织打压阁下,只有阁下认为的方为真理。--Benho7599 | Talk 2023年11月11日 (六) 12:32 (UTC)回复


  请勿添加无资料来源来源不可靠的内容,以免违反可供查证方针。如果您继续此类行为,你可能将会遭到封禁Hoben7599 | 支持立场新闻 2023年10月30日 (一) 12:51 (UTC)回复

I am now seriously assessing the objective aspect of this matter and preparing to report it. There's a strong indication that the content has been edited disrespectfully, possibly by individuals lacking proper education. The community appears to be dominated by a specific group of people, leading to a lack of sufficient transparency.--Plantton留言2023年10月30日 (一) 13:00 (UTC)回复