Debark是指人从船舶或飞机上离开的过程,也可以指货物从船舶或飞机上卸下的过程。 [1][2]


以前船上货物的卸货作业基本上由装卸工(码头工人)负责。如今如果要从船上卸下集装箱[3] 基本上通过起重机将这些集装箱从船上卸下来。 [4]

至于乘客和船员,人们通常通过舷梯登船和离船。 [5]


在军事领域,即使地处非战斗区域,军人要下船或下飞机也可能不是那么容易。 [6] [7] 当军人参加两栖登陆作战时,还要在炮火纷飞的情况下下船,例如第二次世界大战期间的诺曼底登陆就是如此。在这期间登陆艇负责将部队和货物运送到岸上。[8]


  1. ^ Lakes Ponchartrain and Maurepas Chart 11369 Booklet Chart Commemorative Edition (PDF). 4 April 2012 [2014-06-07]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2018-10-17). 
  2. ^ United States Marine Corps (PDF). [2014-06-07]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2019-11-12). 
  3. ^ Marc Levinson. The Box, How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger . Princeton Univ. Press. 2006. ISBN 0-691-12324-1. 
  4. ^ George, Rose. Deep sea and foreign going: inside shipping, the invisible industry that brings you 90% of everything. London: Portobello Books. 2013. ISBN 978-1-84627-263-9. 
  5. ^ Office of Marine and Aviation Operations. Safety News: Gangway Safety (PDF). Washington, DC: United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). 2013 [2014-06-17]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2013-02-14). 
  6. ^ Furse, George Armand. Embarkation and Disembarkation of Troops. Holbroook & Son: Holbroook & Son. 1888. OCLC 774601520. 
  7. ^ American Expeditionary Forces. Provisional instructions on disembarkation, entraining and detraining of troops in France. Washington, DC: United States Army. 1917. OCLC 18529496. 
  8. ^ The United States Service Magazine - Volume 2 1864 - Page 538 "The actual disembarkation is a matter of difficulty and labor under all circumstances, but in presence of the enemy it becomes one of extreme delicacy. If the troops must debark in boats, the fleet should carry a convenient number of launches