
快速诊断测试(英语:Rapid diagnostic test, RDT),简称快速测试快测,又称快速筛检快筛,是步骤简单可以快速进行,也可以快速得知结果的医疗诊断测试英语diagnostic test,适用于初步或是紧急的疾病筛检,也会用在资源有限的医疗机构中。快速诊断测试也可以用在基础医疗床边检测,进行一些以往只能在医学检验室才能进行的检查。快速诊断测试通常在同一天内的二小时内知道结果,一般多半会在20分钟内得知结果[1][2]



侧流测试英语Lateral flow test可能是最广为人知的快速诊断测试[4] ,像怀孕测试就是用此方式,不过也有其他的测试系统,例如尿液试纸、垂直流测试等。许多在病患病床边可以采集到的东西都可以用来测试。先进的侧流测试技术Cornell FeverPhone已确认可以用一滴血,在15分钟内区分急性发烧疾病的病因[5],例如骨痛热症病毒[6]、 屈公病病毒[6]及疟疾[7]





  1. ^ Simple / Rapid tests. WHO. [19 July 2014]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-01). 
  2. ^ Rapid Diagnostic Tests: How They Work. CDC. [19 July 2014]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-12). 
  3. ^ 2009/886/EC: Commission Decision of 27 November 2009 amending Decision 2002/364/EC on common technical specifications for in vitro diagnostic medical devices
  4. ^ Quesada-González, Daniel; Merkoçi, Arben. Nanoparticle-based lateral flow biosensors. Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 2015, 15 (special): 47–63. PMID 26043315. doi:10.1016/j.bios.2015.05.050. hdl:10261/131760. 
  5. ^ Friedlander, Blaine. NIH provides $2.3M grant for FeverPhone development. Cornell Chronicle. June 21, 2016 [February 16, 2023]. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Lee, S; Mehta, S; Erickson, D. Two-Color Lateral Flow Assay for Multiplex Detection of Causative Agents Behind Acute Febrile Illnesses. Anal Chem. September 2, 2016, 88 (17): 8359–8363. PMC 5396465 . PMID 27490379. doi:10.1021/acs.analchem.6b01828. 
  7. ^ Kim, J; Cao, XE; Finkelstein, JL; Cárdenas, WB; Erickson, D; Mehta, S. A two-colour multiplexed lateral flow immunoassay system to differentially detect human malaria species on a single test line. Malar J. September 18, 2019, 18 (1): 313. PMC 6749696 . PMID 31533756. doi:10.1186/s12936-019-2957-x .