
弗雷德里克·高登·布朗奈尔阿非利卡语Frederick Gordon Brownell[1],1940年3月8日—2019年5月10日[2]),南非纹章学家旗帜学家系谱学家

Frederick Brownell
Frederick Gordon Brownell




布朗奈尔于1940年3月8日在南非奥兰治自由邦省伯利恒出生。1957年,布隆方丹的圣安德鲁学校录取了他。布朗奈尔在空军体育馆内的一个摩托艇中队(海空救援)服志愿役,之后他前往格拉罕镇罗德斯大学英语Rhodes University修读历史与社会人类学,并于1961年获得文学学士学位。随后,他于1965年在南非大学完成了历史荣誉学位,并于1977年获得同一所大学的文学硕士学位(优异成绩),题目为《1946年至1970年英国人移民到南非》。

1962年9月29日,他与于罗德斯大学英语Rhodes University内认识的克里斯汀·德·维利埃在比勒陀利亚结婚,他们两人合共有三个女儿[5]



随后,他于1977年8月1日加入国家教育部(即后来的艺术、文化、科学与技术部),担任纹章局英语Bureau of Heraldry (South Africa)的国家纹章专家助理。1982年5月1日,他晋升为国家纹章专家,直至2002年退休。

布朗奈尔在1990年设计了许多纹章、徽章以及旗帜,其中包括那米比亚的国徽国旗[6]。在1993年/1994年,他设计了现今的南非国旗,其中有一个三臂交汇的“丫”字图案,称为“纹章中的阴影英语Pall (heraldry)”,象征着未来的南非英语Post-apartheid South Africa将由不同文化融合而成[2][4]。后来,他又为南非新的省级政府设计了纹章[7]。1999年,布朗奈尔获得总统纳尔逊·曼德拉颁发的优秀服务奖英语Order for Meritorious Service,以表彰他在南非国旗设计中所扮演的角色,到后来又因为曾于1995年及2015年推广旗帜学的杰出旗帜奖而再次获得优秀服务奖,是唯一两次获得优秀服务奖的人。此外,他还发表了许多关于纹章及旗帜的文章与书籍。布朗奈尔亦获得不少荣誉与奖项。


退休后不久,布朗奈尔与他的妻子搬到比勒陀利亚东南部的纽兰兹公园养老院。他仍然是南部非洲旗帜学协会英语Southern African Vexillological Association的积极会员,并完成了关于南非军事色彩的SAVA期刊系列(1994年4月16日至26日)。此外,他于2015年9月在比勒陀利亚大学人文学院获得哲学博士学位,论文题目为《融合与统一:历史视角下的南非国旗(1994年)》[5],介绍了设计现今南非国旗的过程以及他在当中发挥的作用。





  • National and provincial symbols and flora and fauna emblems of the Republic of South Africa. C. van Rensburg Publications. 1993. ISBN 978-0-86846-074-1. 
  • Nasionale en Provinsiale Simbole en Flora- en Fauna-embleme van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, C. van Rensburg Publications. 1993 ISBN 9780868460758
  • National symbols of the Republic of South Africa, Chris van Rensburg Publications, 1995
  • British Immigration to South Africa, 1946–1970. Government Printer. 1985 [2019-05-19]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-25). 
  • The South African Armorial, a computerised register of arms, badges, flags etc. registered under the Heraldry Act, Vols. I to VIII (1987–2001). [2019-05-19]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-25). 
  • Heraldry in the Church of the Province of Southern Africa, 1847–2000: coats of arms of the dioceses, collegiate and parish churches, and the Order of Ethiopia. Heraldsholme CC. 2002. ISBN 978-0-620-28606-0. 
  • Consolidated index to the South African Armorial (1989, 1990, 1992, 1997, 2001)
  • Index to local and regional authorities which have registered arms, badges and seals with the Bureau of Heraldry (1990, 1991, 1997)
  • Alphabetical index to South African Defence Force heraldic representations registered with the Bureau of Heraldry (1991, 1997, 2000)
  • Names, Uniforms and Badges – a computerised record of the registrations under the Protection of Names, Uniforms and Badges Act, 1935, Vols. 1 – 4 (2000)


  • Report on the Transformation of National Orders in South Africa, co-authored with Dr Y Muthien and General L Moloi, 1998
  • South African Military Colours – 1664 to 26 April 1994 Part II Vol.1 – Military Colours of the Union Defence Forces and of the South African Defence Force : 1 July 1912 to 30 May 1961, co-authored with Prof H H Smith, SAVA Journal SJ: 8/99, December 1999 ISBN 0-620-30685-8
  • South African Military Colours – 1664 to 26 April 1994 Part II Vol.2 – Military Colours of the Union Defence Forces and of the South African Defence Force : 1 July 1912 to 30 May 1961 : Colours devised for the Commandos of the South African Defence Forces prior to World War II, co-authored with Prof H H Smith, SAVA Journal SJ:9, July 2005 ISBN 0-620-34701-5
  • South African Military Colours – 1664 to 26 April 1994 Part III Vol. 1 – Military Colours of the South African Defence Force 31 May 1961 to 26 April 1994 : The National Colour and Colours devised for the South African Army, co-authored with Prof H H Smith, SAVA Journal SJ:10, June 2011 ISBN 978-0-620-50804-9
  • South African Military Colours – 1664 to 26 April 1994 Part III Vol. 2 – Military Colours of the South African Defence Force 31 May 1961 to 26 April 1994 : Colours devised for the South African Air Force, Navy, Medical Service and the South African Police, co-authored with Prof H H Smith, SAVA Journal SJ:11, December 2017 ISBN 978-0-6399231-0-9
  • The Union Jack over Southern and Central Africa, 1795 – 1994, SAVA Journal SJ: 3/94, October 1994 ISBN 0-620-18833-2
  • Some Southern African Flags, 1949 – 1991, SAVA Journal SJ: 1/92, April 1992 ISBN 0-620-16598-7
  • Symbolism in the coats of arms of Special Schools for the Cerebral Palsied, in Education and Culture, II, 2, June 1978
  • The Bureau of Heraldry, its establishment, functions and procedures, in Education and Culture, V, I, March/June 1982
  • Heraldry in South Africa, in Optima, Vol. 32, 4, December 1984 (subsequently reprinted in The New Zealand Armiger, 18, December 1990)
  • Finnish Influence on South African Heraldic Design, in the Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences, Helsinki, 1984
  • Historic Flags of South Africa, in the Report of the 11th International Congress of Vexillology, Madrid, 1985
  • Heraldry in Natal, in Natalia, 17, December 1987
  • New Southern African Flags, in the Proceedings of the 12th International Congress of Vexillology, 1987, published in The Flag Bulletin, XVIII, 1 – 4/130, Jan – Aug 1990
  • The Evolution of the Coat of Arms and Flags of South West Africa and Namibia, published in 8 parts in Archives News, XXXII, 11 May 1990 – XXXIII, 6, December 1990
  • Kruger Gray's bookplate for South Africa House, London, in Africana Society of Pretoria, Yearbook 8, 1990
  • Symbols for Namibia, in The Flag Bulletin, XXXI, 1 – 2/145, Jan – April 1992
  • Heraldic adaptation in the Southern African context, in Genealogica & Heraldica, the Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences, Uppsala, 1992
  • The flags of the Diggers' Republic, in Fahnen Flags Drapeaux, the Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Vexillology, Zurich, 1993
  • Some Bookplates in the Brenthurst Library, in Brenthurst Archives, I, 1, 1994
  • The design of the new South African national flag, SABS Bulletin, XIII, 3, May/June 1994 (subsequently reprinted in the Journal of the Dental Association of South Africa, Vol. 49, II, November 1994)
  • Creating an interim flag for South Africa, in The Flag Bulletin, XXXIII, 3/158, May – June 1994 (co-authored with B B Berry, D de Waal and T Stylianides)
  • The evolution of a distinctive South African heraldic idiom, 1963–1996, in Genealogica & Heraldica, the Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences, Ottawa, 1996
  • The Cartoonist's view of the South African National Flag, in Flags in Southern Africa and the World, the Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Vexillology, Cape Town, 1997 ISBN 0 620 24397 X
  • The Seal of the Republic of South Africa – a little oversight?, in Arma (New Series), Vol. 4, 1–2, December 1998
  • Flags of the Uniformed and other services in the former African 'Homelands' of South Africa, in Flags from Sea to Sea, the Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Vexillology, Victoria, British Columbia, 1999



  1. ^ Pretoria High School for Girls. 4 September 2015 [2 October 2015]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-10). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Fred Brownell: The man who made South Africa's flag. BBC News. 26 April 2014 [2017-10-25]. (原始内容存档于2014-04-27). 
  3. ^ Faulkner 2014,第92页.
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 融合與團結 南非現代國旗的故事. 风传媒. 2014年4月28日 [2019年5月19日]. (原始内容存档于2021年4月21日). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Brownell, Frederick. Convergence and Unification: The National Flag of South Africa (1994) in Historical Perspective (pdf) (学位论文). University of Pretoria. 2015 [2019-05-19]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2021-06-15). 
  6. ^ (reported by) FG Brownell, Coats of Arms and Flags in Namibia, December 1990  (A series of 8 articles.)
  7. ^ Brownell 1993.
  8. ^ SA flag designer dies. News24. 12 May 2019 [14 May 2019]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-14). 
诺登·哈特曼英语Norden Hartman
添巴·马巴索英语Themba Mabaso