

YouTube创作者奖(英语:YouTube Creator Awards),俗称YouTube播放按钮,是影音网站YouTube设立的奖项,旨在表扬受欢迎的频道。这个奖项是依据频道订阅数决定的,但并不是只要达到特定订阅数就必定得奖,YouTube有决定是否授奖的权力。每个频道在获奖前都会经过审查,以确保该频道符合YouTube社群规范[1]。YouTube不曾将这个奖颁授给会令人反感的频道,也不颁授给政治性的频道。[2][3]

扬·齐默尔曼(左)和蒂姆·莱曼(右)举着Gewitter im Kopf-Leben mit Tourette频道的金银创作奖




  • 石墨级,订阅数介于1到1千人的创作者。
  • 蛋白石级,订阅数介于1千到1万人以下的创作者。游戏频道的订阅数必须超过1千才可开启频道会员功能。[4]
  • 黄铜级,订阅数介于1万到10万人以下的创作者。享有YouTube制片厂推出的各项福利,也可以参加 YouTube NextUp大赛。[5]




  •   订阅数超过10万的频道会被授予白银创作者奖,旧版的奖牌是以镀镍白铜合金打造[7]。而截至2017年3月1日的新版本,里面含有92%的镍,5%的碳、2.5%的锌,以及其他金属[8]。2018年3月,白银奖牌的设计变更,使它更不易受损,外观更简洁也更扁平[9]。而达到这个级别的频道也有资格申请数码验证。[10]
  •   订阅数超过100万的频道会被授予铄金创作者奖,奖牌以镀金黄铜打造。[7]
  •   订阅数超过1000万的频道会被授予钻石创作者奖,是以镀银金属制成。外观设计与白银、铄金有别,是一个大型的透明按钮[11][12]。截至2021年5月,有868个频道达到这个等级。[13]
  •   订阅数超过5000万的频道会被授予客制创作者奖,这个奖项并没有列在Youtube的创作者奖页面,而每个创作者的颜色会有所不同:例如,T-Series获得了无色奖,而Blackpink获得了粉红色底座上的黑色奖。带有匕首(†)符号的频道代表已向公众公开了他们的自定义创作者奖。截至2021年7月,有27个频道达到这个级别,包括:[13]
  1. PewDiePie† (December 8, 2016)[14][15][16]
  2. T-Series† (June 27, 2018)[17]
  3. 5-Minute Crafts (February 21, 2019)[18]
  4. Cocomelon (June 7, 2019)[19]
  5. SET India (June 20, 2019)
  6. Canal Kondzilla† (June 21, 2019)[20]
  7. WWE (October 24, 2019)
  8. Justin Bieber (February 3, 2020)
  9. Zee Music Company (February 7, 2020)
  10. Like Nastya Vlog (March 13, 2020)
  11. Dude Perfect (March 24, 2020)
  12. Kids Diana Show (March 30, 2020)
  13. Vlad and Niki (August 18, 2020)
  14. Zee TV (September 2, 2020)
  15. Blackpink† (October 4, 2020)[21]
  16. Marshmello (November 22, 2020)
  17. MrBeast† (January 3, 2021)[22][a]
  18. HYBE LABELS (January 9, 2021)
  19. Goldmines Telefilms (February 27, 2021)
  20. Movieclips (February 27, 2021)
  21. Shemaroo Filmi Gaane (March 27, 2021)
  22. Sony SAB (May 2, 2021)
  23. BangtanTV (May 21, 2021)
  24. Pinkfong† (June 29, 2021)[23]
  25. ChuChu TV (July 21, 2021)
  26. Ariana Grande (October 28, 2021)
  27. Ed Sheeran (November 13, 2021)




  1. ^ 虽然MrBeast的定制创作者奖没有被证实来自YouTube,但它被列在社会奖网站上。


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 YouTube Creator Rewards. YouTube. [April 12, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-25). 
  2. ^ Weiss, Geoff. YouTube On 'Play Button' Awards: "Not All Creators Who Apply Will Receive Awards" - Tubefilter. February 6, 2018 [June 9, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-13). 
  3. ^ Alexander, Julia. YouTube says 'not all creators who apply' for Creator Awards will receive them. February 2, 2018 [June 9, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-12). 
  4. ^ Channel memberships eligibility, policies, & guidelines - YouTube Help. YouTube Help. [May 6, 2019]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-02). 
  5. ^ 獎勵等級. YouTube. [2020-03-03]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-15). 
  6. ^ YouTube Creator Hub. YouTube. [February 1, 2017]. (原始内容存档于2017-02-01). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 What is the Gold Play Button REALLY Made Of?. YouTube. [June 6, 2017]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-03). 
  8. ^ What is the NEW Silver Play Button REALLY made of?!. YouTube. [April 29, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-04). 
  9. ^ YouTube’s silver and gold play buttons are getting a new look. [June 15, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-15). 
  10. ^ McPhie, Jonathan. Updates to YouTube's verification program. YouTube Creator Blog. September 19, 2019 [September 20, 2019]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-20). 
  11. ^ Brouwer, Bree. YouTube Gives New Diamond Play Button To Channels With 10 Million Subscribers. Tubefilter. July 24, 2015 [April 12, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-10). 
  12. ^ Dillon, Poppy. YouTube Announced Diamond Play Button. TenEighty. August 3, 2015 [April 12, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2019-01-17). 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Top 5000 Subscribed YouTube Channels (Sorted by Subscriber Count). [February 27, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-24). 
  14. ^ @YouTube. Married to @marziapie 💍Revived our love of Minecraft ⛏️ Reached 100 million subscribers on YouTube ✔️ What a month to celebrate and congratulate @PewDiePie 👊 (推文). August 25, 2019 –通过Twitter. 
  15. ^ PewdiePie's video on receiving the award. YouTube. [May 1, 2017]. (原始内容存档于April 7, 2019). 
  16. ^ YouTube Sends PewDiePie Custom Ruby Play Button To Commemorate 50 Million Subscribers. [May 1, 2017]. (原始内容存档于April 27, 2017). 
  17. ^ @KEEMSTAR. YouTube awarded @TSeries with a 50 Million Play Button. (推文). September 11, 2018 [September 30, 2018] –通过Twitter. 
  18. ^ UC295-Dw_tDNtZXFeAPAW6Aw YouTube Stats, Channel Statistics. [2019-05-24]. (原始内容存档于February 24, 2017). 
  19. ^ Cocomelon was the first nursery rhyme to hit 50 million subscribers in the video. [June 7, 2019]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-21). 
  20. ^ KondZilla celebra os 50 milhões de inscritos [KondZilla celebrates 50 million subscribers]. July 17, 2019 [December 12, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-08) (葡萄牙语). 
  21. ^ BLACKPINK Becomes The First Korean YouTube Channel To Receive The Ruby Play Button. December 1, 2020 [December 2, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-15). 
  22. ^ Official Listing for MrBeast 50 Million Subscriber Award. [April 13, 2021]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-14). 
  23. ^ @Pinkfong. YouTube sent us this stunning ✨Custom Play Button✨ to celebrate Pinkfong Baby Shark's English channel for reaching 50 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS! Thank you to our fans for all the love and support💕! Your love is a gift we always treasure. #Pinkfong #BabyShark #RubyButton (推文). August 5, 2021 [August 8, 2021] –通过Twitter. 
  24. ^ YouTube. Tweet. Twitter. May 29, 2019 [2020-03-03]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-12). Hey @TSeries, you might want to make some space on your shelf for something new and shiny... 
  25. ^ 存档副本. [2020-03-03]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-18). 
  26. ^ Spangler, Todd. MrBeast Tops 100 Million YouTube Subscribers: ‘I Hope to Do YouTube Until the Day I Die’. July 28, 2022 [August 1, 2022]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-29). 
  27. ^ Perez, Sarah. YouTube overhauls its problematic verification program. September 19, 2019 [October 22, 2019]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-19). 
