哈利·波特与混血王子 (电影)

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
剧本史蒂夫·克罗夫斯英语Steve Kloves
摄影布鲁诺·戴波内尔英语Bruno Delbonnel
剪辑马克·戴英语Mark Day (editor)
  • 2009年7月7日 (2009-07-07)伦敦首映)
  • 2009年7月15日 (2009-07-15)(英国、美国)

哈利波特:混血王子的背叛》(英语:Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince)是一部于2009年上映的奇幻片,由大卫·叶茨执导,史蒂夫·克罗夫斯英语Steve Kloves编剧,剧情改编自J·K·罗琳撰写的同名小说。该片是《哈利波特》系列电影的第六部作品,剧情围绕着哈利·波特霍格沃茨魔法学校的第六年展开,在这年中,哈利获得一本神秘的旧魔药学课本、坠入爱河,并企图取得一段对于击败伏地魔极为重要的记忆。

The film stars Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, alongside Rupert Grint and Emma Watson as Harry's best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. It is the sequel to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and is followed by Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1. Filming began on 24 September 2007, leading to the film's worldwide cinematic release on 15 July 2009, one day short of the fourth anniversary of the corresponding novel's release. The film was simultaneously released in regular cinemas and IMAX 3D everywhere except North America, where its IMAX release was delayed for two weeks.[4]

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince premiered in London on 7 July 2009[5] and was released theatrically worldwide on 15 July. The film was a major commercial success, breaking the record for the biggest single-day worldwide gross. In five days the film made $394 million, breaking the record for highest five-day worldwide gross. With a total gross of $934 million, it became the 8th-highest-grossing film of all time[6] and 2009's second-highest-grossing film (behind Avatar). It is currently the 48th-highest-grossing film of all time worldwide unadjusted for inflation.[7] It is the fifth-highest-grossing film in the franchise.

The film received positive reviews, with praise for Yates's direction and the performances, cinematography, musical score, and "emotionally satisfying" story.[8][9][10] The film was nominated at the 82nd Academy Awards for Best Cinematography[11] and the 63rd British Academy Film Awards for Best Special Visual Effects and Best Production Design.[12]



与此同时,现年16岁的哈利·波特跟着校长阿不思·邓布利多瑟比顿用现影术传送到巴利·巴柏顿村(Budleigh Babberton),会见前霍格沃茨魔药学教授霍拉斯·斯拉格霍恩。长期躲躲藏藏的斯拉格霍恩同意回到霍格沃茨重执教鞭。接着,邓布利多将哈利送到韦斯莱一家的居所“陋居”,让他与挚友罗恩·韦斯莱赫敏·格兰杰重逢。三人前去对角巷逛弗雷德与乔治·韦斯莱开的“韦斯莱魔法把戏坊”新店,却意外发现德拉科跟着几位食死徒(包含芬里尔·格雷伯克)走进黑魔法充斥的翻倒巷(Knockturn Alley)。哈利相信伏地魔招募德拉科成为食死徒,但罗恩与赫敏不信。在霍格沃茨特快车上,哈利用隐形衣躲在德拉科所在的车厢内,却被德拉科识破。德拉科用石化咒石化哈利,将他一个人留在车内,所幸卢娜·洛夫古德发现并救了他。









  • 鲁伯特·葛林饰演罗恩·韦斯莱,霍格沃茨学生,属于格兰芬多学院,是哈利与赫敏的挚友,对赫敏颇有好感。葛林表示,罗恩在片中有很大的转变:原本没有安全感、常被阴影笼罩的他开始逐渐坚强,且甚至表现出了自己的黑暗面[18]。葛林也认为将罗恩情绪化的一面诠释出来是非常有趣的[18]
  • 戴夫·雷吉诺饰演含芬里尔·格雷伯克狼人,食死徒之一[20]:115。雷吉诺并不认为格雷伯克是个纯粹残忍暴力的角色,说道“我从他身上看见了孤立感,为了补偿,他就想感染更多人,大家都和他一样,他就不会感到孤单”[20]:115

此外,西若·范恩斯-提芬英语Hero Fiennes-Tiffin闪回英语Flashback (narrative)片段中饰演孩童时期汤姆·里德尔(日后的伏地魔)[24]。西若·范恩斯-提芬是从第四集《火杯的考验》(2005年)开始担任伏地魔演员的赖夫·费恩斯的侄子[24]。闪回片段中少年时期的汤姆由法兰克·迪兰饰演。在第二集《消失的密室》(2002年)中饰演少年汤姆的克里斯蒂安·库尔森曾表示自己有兴趣回归[25],但导演大卫·叶茨认为已年近30岁的库尔森太老了[24][26]。少年时期的汤姆最初计划由汤玛斯·占士·朗格里英语Thomas James Longley饰演,但在重新商讨后,迪兰在最后一刻获得这个角色[24][27]

饰演芙蓉·德拉库尔克蕾曼丝·波西与饰演珀西·韦斯莱克里斯·兰金英语Chris Rankin皆曾表示自己有兴趣回归,但最终并未出现在该片中[28][29]。在比尔·奈伊表示自己有兴趣出演后[30],叶茨宣布奈伊将是《混血王子的背叛》中时任魔法部部长鲁弗斯·斯克林杰的演员首选[31]。然而,这个角色的戏份后来被删除,直到后来才在《哈利波特-死神的圣物1》中登场,由奈伊饰演[32]



许多导演都曾是该片导演的可能人选。第三集《阿玆卡班的逃犯》(2004年)的导演阿方索·克朗曾表示自己“希望能有机会”回归担纲导演[33]。第四集《火杯的考验》(2005年)导演麦克·纽威英语Mike Newell (director)放弃执导续集,且不再拍摄本系列电影[34]特里·吉列姆J.K.罗琳对第一集《神秘的魔法石》(2001年)的导演首选,然而,当问他是否会考虑执导之后的电影,吉列姆说,“华纳兄弟用掉了他们唯一的机会,他们已错失良机”[35]乔勒蒙·戴托路也是人选之一,但他为了拍《地狱怪客:金甲军团》而拒绝[36]。最后,第五集《凤凰会的密令》(2007年)的导演大卫·叶茨获选执导该片[36]

在接受网站黑暗地平线英语Dark Horizons的采访时,叶茨说道“当他们问我要不要拍《混血王子的背叛》时,我人还在拍《凤凰会的密令》。看来他们对《凤凰会的密令》的成品十分满意。因为这些对话是在《凤凰会的密令》上映之前,所以我得在《凤凰会的密令》开始宣传的同时开始筹拍《混血王子的背叛》。他们看到了令他们满意的东西,并做出回馈,就是这样”[37]。叶茨表示,《混血王子的背叛》结合了“《阿兹卡班的逃犯》的恐怖氛围和《火杯的考验》的奇幻冒险”[38]




前五部哈利波特电影的美术设计史都华·克雷格英语Stuart Craig,从2007年2月开始设计《混血王子的背叛》中的场景。其中几个新加入的场景包括汤姆·里德尔待的孤儿院、天文台和挂坠盒所在的洞窟[40]。在拍摄开始前,有人认为该片可能会离开前五部电影的拍摄地英国,到外地取景。当地报导指出电影将会在新西兰开拍,因为那里“更符合经济成本且气候宜人”[41]爱尔兰地方报导表示,电影制片和华纳执行长来此实地勘景,特别在爱尔兰伦斯特省芒斯特省,因为他们“认为现已排除英国本岛拍摄的可能性”,且“特别偏好于爱尔兰,认为当地风景相似于英国,场景风貌也雷同于前几部系列作”[42]。剧组亦前去苏格兰的愤怒角英语Cape Wrath作为电影里的洞窟勘景[43]

经过几星期的训练,该片于2007年9月24日开拍[44]。除了外景部分外,内景的部分按照系列电影惯例于英格兰华纳兄弟利维斯登制片厂拍摄[20]:10。拍摄期间,剧组回到苏格兰的格伦科峡谷英语Glen Coe格伦菲南英语Glenfinnan取景,两地皆是系列作的著名场景,旧地拍摄的目的是呈现出电影的延续性[45]。挂坠盒所在洞窟的外观在莫赫悬崖取景,内部则用布景配上绿幕技术制成[20]:142[46]。为了建构洞窟的内部布景,克雷格等人前往瑞士一处水晶洞穴和德国图林根州默克斯的一处大盐矿考察[20]:142。片头食死徒大肆破坏的桥段也用上了电脑特效[20]:130


2007年10月6日,剧组前往苏格兰雾气缭绕的威廉堡拍摄霍格沃茨特快车的桥段[45]。10月25日开始连续三夜,剧组在在拉科克村里和雷考克修道院英语Lacock Abbey(用于拍摄霍格沃茨内景)进行拍摄[49][50][51]。拍摄期间,剧组要求当地居民在窗外覆盖一层黑幕[51]。据报导,剧组在当地还拍摄了哈利和邓布利多拜访斯拉格霍恩教授的桥段[51]。同月,剧组亦在伦敦地苏别顿车站英语Surbiton railway station进行拍摄[52],并于2008年2月重回第一、二集的场景格洛斯特大教堂拍摄[53]。3月,剧组前往伦敦的千禧桥拍摄开场的灾难场面[54]。《混血王子的背叛》于2008年5月17日杀青[44]


奥斯卡入围者布鲁诺·戴波内尔英语Bruno Delbonnel负责为该片掌镜。大卫·叶茨之所以会找来布鲁洛拍摄本片,是因他“对角度的选择、紧框的近景、画面的步调”等都十分出色[55][56][57][58]。戴波内尔表示,他面临的挑战是如何做出改变:“有很多布景都是从第一集就延续至今的,我该如何用不同的方式来呈现呢?”他采用的手法包含用暗色调来拍摄霍格沃茨的桥段[59]。对于挂坠盒所在洞窟的桥段,他说“我希望洞窟中的光线能有种在活动的感觉,于是我选择在洞窟那一段中加入浮动的光线,而浮动的光线摇曳著并映照在人脸上十分有意思”[59]。此外,片中的色调和灯光深受荷兰画家林布兰的影响[60]


第三集《阿兹卡班的逃犯》的幕后班底——服装设计师杰尼·特明(Jany Temime)、特效总监提姆·柏克(Tim Burke)、生物及化妆效果设计师尼克·杜德曼(Nick Dudman)与特效监制约翰·理查森(John Richardson)都回归了该片[61]。Tim Burke and Tim Alexander were the visual effects supervisors for the film. Tim Alexander said that completing the Inferi-attack scene took several months. He said, "It's certainly much bolder and scarier than we imagined that they'd ever go in a 'Potter' movie. Director David Yates was cautious of not making this into a zombie movie, so we were constantly trying to figure out how not to make these dead people coming up look like zombies. A lot of it came down to their movement – they don't move fast, but they don't move really slow or groan and moan. We ended up going with a very realistic style." He also noted that Inferi are skinnier than zombies, waterlogged and grey.[62]

About Dumbledore's ring of fire, he noted that the effect would look as if someone sprayed propane and then lit it. He added, "We did a lot of research on molten volcanoes, which have a lot of heat going on but no actual flames, and collected a bunch of other references, including flares that burn underwater, and showed them to the Potter folks." The visual effects team emulated these six fire parameters: heat ripples, smoke, buoyancy, viscosity, opacity, and brightness. Since the whole fire scene was very time consuming, computer graphics artist Chris Horvath spent eight months finding a faster way to conjure flames.[63][64]

The opening scenes of the Death Eaters' attack on Diagon Alley and London was created by Double Negative, led by VFX Supervisor Paul Franklin. Double Negative spent six months surveying and documenting the environment around the River Thames and Trafalgar Square to create the swooping views of the city. Double Negative also contributed the Pensieve sequences, developing complex directed fluid simulations to realise the swirling world of memory and the past.[65]




第五集《凤凰会的密令》的配乐家尼古拉斯·霍珀回归谱写该片的配乐[36][66]。The soundtrack was released on an Audio CD format on 14 July 2009, a day before the film was released in cinemas.[67]

The album debuted at number twenty-nine on the Billboard 200 chart, thus making it the highest-charting soundtrack among all the six movie soundtracks released.[68] It was nominated for the 2010 Grammy Award for Best Score Soundtrack Album For Motion Picture, Television or Other Visual Media.[69]


While at the middle of the series in length, the film Half-Blood Prince did add or change events in the literary canon. The book begins with a scene involving the Muggle Prime Minister. Yates and his crew debated over this scene, as well as the character Rufus Scrimgeour, but gave up the beginning of the movie to events described but not seen in the book.[70] Yates thought it would give the audience a feel for what the Death Eaters were doing if they showed the collapse of the Millennium Bridge rather than simply describe it[71] (as was done with the Brockdale Bridge in the book). As with Goblet of Fire, the Dursleys were cut, which Steve Kloves did to "break the pattern".[70] Further background of Tom Riddle was removed, such as the Gaunts because they felt it more important to concentrate on Riddle as a young boy, and an additional action scene at the Burrow was added to keep with the tone of the franchise.[70] Yates felt that they needed "an injection of jeopardy and danger" and that without it there was too much comedy and lightness.[72] A small battle scene at Hogwarts which happened during the end of the book was cut; Heyman commented that it was removed to "[avoid] repetition" with the forthcoming adaptation of the Battle of Hogwarts in Deathly Hallows.[70] Dumbledore's funeral was removed as it was believed it did not fit with the rest of the film.[73]


Warner Bros. has spent an estimated $155 million to market and distribute the film.[74] The special-edition two-disc DVD for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix contained two sneak peeks of the film,[75][76] while the US edition included an additional clip.[77] A 15-second teaser for the film was shown alongside the IMAX release of The Dark Knight.[78] The first full-length US teaser trailer was released on 29 July on AOL's Moviefone website.[79] An international teaser was released on 26 October[80] and another teaser trailer was released. The US theatrical trailer was released on 14 November.[81] Another trailer was screened on the Japanese TV station Fuji TV during a screening of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on 18 January 2009.[82][83] Scenes from the film were aired during ABC Family's Harry Potter marathon which took place 5–7 December 2008.[84] On 5 February 2009, the first three promotional teaser posters were released, featuring Dumbledore and Harry.[85] On 5 March and 16 April 2009, new trailers were released by Warner Bros.[86]

Warner Bros and MSN ran an online Order of the Phoenix quiz, with the prize being a walk-on part in the Half-Blood Prince.[87] As with the previous films, EA Games produced a video game based on the film.[88] On 10 March 2009, it was announced that there would be a video game soundtrack, which was released on 17 March 2009.[89] On 27 March six character posters were released: Harry, Dumbledore, Ron, Hermione, Draco and Professor Snape.[90] An English version of the international trailer and a Japanese version of the international trailer were released online 10 April.[91] On 8 May, CW Channel aired a 30-second TV spot, which focused on the romantic side of the film.[92] On 20 May, first clip from the film was released through The Ellen DeGeneres Show's official website, showing love-struck Ron.[93] Another clip of the film, showing Dumbledore visiting Tom Riddle's Orphanage was released on 31 May 2009, at MTV Awards.[94]


Alan F. Horn, the Warner Bros. president and chief operating officer (left), May 2010.

The film was released in the United Kingdom, United States, France, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, Canada, Australia, Taiwan, New Zealand, India, Brazil, Spain and Mexico on 15 July 2009.[95] It was originally set to be released on 21 November 2008,[96] but was pushed back by eight months to 17 July, despite being completed. Warner Bros. executive Alan F. Horn noted that the move was meant "to guarantee the studio a major summer blockbuster in 2009," with other films being delayed due to the 2007–08 Writers Guild of America strike.[97] The box-office success of summer WB films Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and The Dark Knight also motivated the decision.[98] An unnamed rival studio executive told Entertainment Weekly that the move was to "stop next year's profits from looking seriously underwhelming after the phenomenal success of The Dark Knight," as "they don't need the money this year anymore."[99] Dan Fellman, WB head of distribution, said that the studio had considered the date change for three to four weeks prior to the announcement, but gave it serious consideration a week before they came to their final decision.[100] Three months before its release in July, the date was again changed by 2 days from 17 to 15 July, so it could open on a Wednesday like most tentpole summer movies.[101]

The date change was met with a heavily negative reaction by Harry Potter fans, as the Los Angeles Times noted: "Petitions were circulating, rumors were flying and angry screeds were being posted on Internet sites within minutes of the Thursday announcement."[98] The move was mocked by Entertainment Weekly which had Half-Blood Prince on the cover on its "Fall Preview Issue". Despite each being owned by Time Warner Inc., EW was unaware of the change until it was publicly announced by WB and noted that readers would now be in possession of a "Dewey Defeats Truman collectible".[99] Several days after the announcement, Horn released a statement in response to the "large amount of disappointment" expressed by fans of the series.[102] Following the date change, Half-Blood Prince's release slot was taken by Summit Entertainment's Twilight[103] and Walt Disney Pictures' Bolt.[104]

The sixth film was simultaneously released in regular cinemas and IMAX 3D everywhere but the United States, due to a conflicting agreement in which Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was given a four-week window by itself in IMAX in that country. Therefore, the IMAX 3D version of the film was released on 29 July 2009 there.[105] The film's opening sequence featuring the destruction of the Millennium Bridge was in 3D.[106] The film had been chosen to be screened at the 2008 Royal Film Performance on 17 November,[107] but was not shown. Cinema and Television Benevolent Fund chief executive Peter Hore noted he was "very disappointed" with Warner Bros' decision.[97]

Advance ticket sales on Fandango.com for Half-Blood Prince surpassed advance ticket sales for Transformers 2 at the same point in sale cycles. It is also in MovieTickets.com's top 25 advance sellers of all time.[108]

Running 153 minutes (2 hours 33 minutes and 19 seconds) long,[109] Half-Blood Prince is the third-longest film in the series, behind Chamber of Secrets (161 minutes)[110] and Goblet of Fire (157 minutes).[111]



On review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes the film has an approval rating of 84% based on 271 reviews, with an average rating of 7.1/10. The website's critical consensus reads, "Dark, thrilling, and occasionally quite funny, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is also visually stunning and emotionally satisfying."[112] On Metacritic, the film has a score of 78 out of 100 based on 36 critics, indicating "generally favourable reviews".[113] The film scored an 87 from professional critics at the Broadcast Film Critics Association; it is the first Harry Potter film to receive a Critic's Choice certificate.[114] On CinemaScore, audiences gave the film an average grade of "A-" on an A+ to F scale.[115]

The first review of the film came three weeks before the official release. Paul Dergarabedian of Hollywood.com ranked the film with The Lord of the Rings film trilogy and called the film a "possible Oscar contender". He highly praised the performance of Sir Michael Gambon, Alan Rickman and Daniel Radcliffe. He commented, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is a tour-de-force that combines style and substance, special effects and heart and most importantly great performances from all of the actors young and not-so-young".[116] Another early review came from the UK tabloid The Sun, whose anonymous reviewer called the film "masterful" and "very emotional". The reviewer praised David Yates's directing and called Jim Broadbent's portrayal of Horace Slughorn "perfect".[117] Devin Faraci of Chud.com called the film not only the best Harry Potter film yet, but also one of the best films of the year.[118]

Andrew Pulver of The Guardian wrote a positive review, and gave the film 3.5 out of 5 stars rating.[119] Todd McCarthy of the trade magazine Variety said that the film is "dazzlingly well made" and "less fanciful than the previous entries". He praised Alan Rickman's performance and he described Helena Bonham Carter as "mesmerising" and Jim Broadbent as a "grand eccentric old professor".[120] BBC News's Tim Masters praised the film's cinematography, visual effects, production design, improved acting and darker plotline.[121] The Hollywood Reporter's Kirk Honeycutt noted that the film's first half is "jerky and explosive", but in the second half, the film finds better footing. He adds, "Composer Nicholas Hooper, cinematographer Bruno Delbonnel and designer Stuart Craig deliver a singularly muscular and vigorous chapter".[122] Screen Daily called the film "[s]tunningly shot by Bruno Delbonnel in metallic hues leavened by buttery tones and the thumping beats of Nicholas Hooper's score bear little resemblance to the original and the overall effect is much less tween, much more grown-up".[123]

Chris Tilly of IGN UK commented on the length of the film, saying "while on occasion it drags, the 153-minute run-time never feels too long, thanks in no small part to the astonishing visuals and (largely) marvellous performances," and goes on to say, "This is by far the best-looking of the Potter films thus far," commending the "beautiful" Quidditch match and the "stunning" finale.[124] However, Dave Golder of SFX magazine found some aspects of the film to be a disappointment, largely due to the large number of opportunities the director and screenwriter had sacrificed to devote "huge swathes of the film to subplots of Harry and his chums' teenage romances," but nevertheless found the film to be a large enjoyment, praising the performances of Jim Broadbent and Alan Rickman.[125]

David Stratton, of Margaret and David at the Movies, gave the film a 2.5 out of a possible 5 stars, remarking, "For non-readers [of the Harry Potter series] the films are now borderline incomprehensible", and that the film was "a little tedious" and "generally less interesting visually than its predecessors." He praised the cast, describing them as "consummate", adding Sir Michael Gambon "really makes Dumbledore an imposing character" and Jim Broadbent was "wonderful". Margaret Pomeranz, the co-host of the television show, gave the film 3 out of 5 stars.[126]

At the time of its release, Rowling stated that Half-Blood Prince was her "favourite one" of the six film adaptations.[72] Radcliffe, however, was critical of his own performance in the film, stating in an interview in 2014 that he was "just not very good in it", and calling it "hard to watch".[127]


Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince broke the then-record for biggest midnight showings, making $22.8 million in 3,000 cinemas; The Twilight Saga: New Moon bested this with $26.3 million. Half-Blood Prince opened in the same Wednesday slot that Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix did in 2007, which grossed $12 million in midnight runs, on its way to $139.7 million in its five-day debut in the US.[128] The film's box office run was over on 17 December 2009.[129]

The film opened in 4,325 cinemas (rising to 4,455 three weeks later, becoming the largest number of cinemas until The Twilight Saga: Eclipse surpassed it with the 4,468 cinemas)[130] and grossed $58.2 million on its opening day at the top of the United States and Canadian box office, the third-highest Wednesday opening of all time behind Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. It is also the nineteenth-highest single-day gross of all time and the third-highest for a film in the Harry Potter franchise behind Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2's $91.1 million[131] and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1, which made $61.1 million.[132] It earned an additional $46 million overseas for a worldwide total of $104 million, breaking the record for highest single-day worldwide gross, previously held by The Dark Knight.[133] By 20 July, the film had taken in $158.7 million in the US and $236 million from 85 other markets, for a worldwide tally of $394.7 million.[134] This broke the record for biggest-ever worldwide five-day opening, surpassing Spider-Man 3's $381 million; this makes the film the fastest to reach the $350 million mark in worldwide box office of all time. In the US, it surpassed all of its predecessors by a wide margin, achieving the sixth-largest-ever five-day opening in that country.[135] The film held this record for two years until it was topped by Deathly Hallows – Part 2 ($483.2 million).[136] In the UK, the film grossed £19.75 million (equivalent to about $38.13 million), the highest opening for both the series and releases of 2009.[137] At the end of the film's US and Canadian box office run the total ticket sales of the film were $302 million,[3] making it the third most successful film in the franchise, after Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 and Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone,[138] as well as the third-highest-grossing film of 2009 in these regions behind Avatar and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.[139] As with all of the previous films in the franchise, Half-Blood Prince proved to be extremely successful globally with an estimated non-US total gross of $632.5 million, totalling approximately $934.4 million worldwide,[3] making it the second-highest-grossing film of 2009, behind Avatar, and the 34th-highest-grossing film of all time, unadjusted for inflation. It is the fifth-highest-grossing film in the franchise, behind Philosopher's Stone, both parts of Deathly Hallows, and Order of the Phoenix.[7]

In South Africa the film opened with the number one position grossing $789,176,[140] it maintained a number one position during the second week, too, with a total of $242,336.[141] In Australia, as in most of the world, the film broke records with a debut of $11,492,142 and opening at number one, maintaining a second week at number one with a total of $5,278,096 (down 54%), and grossed a total of $24,208,243.[142] In France the film debuted at $20,541,239 from 949 cinemas.[143]


The film was nominated for BAFTA Awards in Production Design and Visual Effects,[12] and was in the longlists for five other categories, including Best Supporting Actor for Alan Rickman.[144] Bruno Delbonnel was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Cinematography at the 82nd Academy Awards.[11] The film was also one of the final seven contenders for Best Visual Effects.[145]


Like the previous films, a 1-disc and 2-disc special edition for the film was released on Blu-ray with a Digital Copy and DVD on 7 December 2009 in the United Kingdom,[168] and 8 December 2009 in the United States.[169] The Blu-ray and DVD includes an 11-minute, 38-second feature on the new Wizarding World of Harry Potter mini theme park[170] which opened on 18 June 2010 at Islands of Adventure in Orlando, Florida. Also included are deleted scenes comprising 8 scenes with a running length of 6 minutes and 31 seconds,[171] and a sneak peek of the next Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 (2010).[172] The Blu-ray and DVD released in India,[173] the Philippines, South Africa, Czech Republic and Israel on 16 November 2009, making them the first countries to get the Half Blood Prince DVD release before the UK and the US. The release date for Australia and New Zealand was 18 November and for Brazil[174] and Chile, 19 November. The Blu-ray and two-disc DVD editions in North America includes a digital copy of the film.[169] In the United Kingdom, the DVD release became the fastest-selling DVD of the year with an estimated 840,000 copies of the film sold in a few hours.[175] In the US, the DVD made a strong debut at number one in both the DVD and Blu-ray markets widely beating out any competition with sales of 4,199,622 copies. Worldwide DVD and Blu-ray sales of the film show that it is the fastest-selling film of 2009.[176]

On 14 June 2011, an Ultimate Edition was released simultaneously with the Ultimate Edition of the Order of the Phoenix film on both Blu-ray and DVD, containing new bonus features, documentaries and collectables.[177]



  1. ^ HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE (2009). AFI Catalog of Feature Films. [2018-07-24]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-24). 
  2. ^ Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (12A). British Board of Film Classification. 2009-06-10 [2015-12-27]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-05). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009). Box Office Mojo. [2010-05-05]. (原始内容存档于2009-12-24). 
  4. ^ Barnes, Brooks. Tight Battle at the Holiday Box Office. The New York Times. 2009-08-06 [2009-08-06]. (原始内容存档于2011-05-01). 
  5. ^ Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince premiere: Daniel Radcliffe soaked by rain. The Telegraph. 2009-07-07 [2018-07-19]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-20). 
  6. ^ Strowbridge, C.S. International Details – Dusk for Ice Age. The Numbers. 2009-09-19 [2010-08-13]. (原始内容存档于2011-04-30). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 All Time Highest Grossing Movies Worldwide. Box Office Mojo. [2010-12-27]. (原始内容存档于2013-07-26). 
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  10. ^ Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Metacritic. [2011-08-06]. (原始内容存档于2011-08-29). 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 11.2 Nominees & Winners for the 82nd Academy Awards. AMPAS. AMPAS. [2010-04-26]. (原始内容存档于2010-04-19). 
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