
1954年公约旅行证(英语:1954 Convention Travel Document)为根据1954年9月28日联合国《关于无国籍人地位的公约》第28条的规定颁发给合法在其领土内居留的无国籍人的旅行证。[1]封面上会写“公约旅行证”的字样,语言通常以发行国家为主。证件上面会纪载公约的日期,但并没有难民旅行证封面右上角的条纹。发证国颁发此种旅行证的目的在于向持证人提供一种能代替国民护照使用的证件,供持证人到发证国领土以外旅行。旅行证必须有持证人签名方为有效。旅行证的有效地区和有效期由发证机关根据持证人的具体情况确定。





  1. ^ Blitz, Brad K.; Lynch, Maureen (编). Statelessness and the Benefits of Citizenship: A Comparative Study” (PDF). Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights and International Observatory on Statelessness. June 2009: 27 [31 August 2011]. ISBN 978-0-9563275-1-2. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2011-10-08). [T]he Convention also provides for the issuance of travel documents, this time to stateless persons who are lawfully staying in the territory of a contracting state. The so-called Convention Travel Document (CTD) is designed to function in lieu of a passport—a document that is generally unavailable to stateless persons since it is usually issued by the country of nationality.