

杜瑞尔獴学名Salanoia durrelli)是一种分布于马达加斯加的哺乳动物,分类学上属于食肉目食蚁狸科,和纯色獴共同组成了纯色獴属。杜瑞尔獴和纯色獴基因上很相似,但是形态上有所区别,因此科学家将其归为不同物种。2004年,科学家观测到杜瑞尔獴的个体,后于2010年将其命名为杜瑞尔獴。杜瑞尔獴仅出现于阿劳特拉湖区域。

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 哺乳纲 Mammalia
目: 食肉目 Carnivora
科: 食蚁狸科 Eupleridae
属: 纯色獴属 Salanoia
杜瑞尔獴 S. durrelli
Salanoia durrelli
Durbin et al., 2010
Map of Madagascar off the African coast, showing one red dot slightly northeast of the middle of the island, representing the range of Salanoia durrelli.



  1. ^ Durbin et al., 2010, figure 1


  • BirdLife International. 2010. Species factsheet: Tachybaptus rufolavatus页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). BirdLife International website. Downloaded on August 3, 2010.
  • Durbin, J., Funk, S.M., Hawkins, F., Hills, D.M., Jenkins, P.D., Moncrieff, C.B. and Ralainasolo, F.B. 2010. Investigations into the status of a new taxon of Salanoia (Mammalia: Carnivora: Eupleridae) from the marshes of Lac Alaotra, Madagascar (subscription required). Systematics and Biodiversity 8(3):341–355.
  • Garbutt, N. 1999. Mammals of Madagascar. Pica Press, 320 pp. ISBN 1-873403-52-6
  • Garbutt, N. 2007. Mammals of Madagascar: A Complete Guide. A & C Black, 304 pp. ISBN 978-0-7136-7043-1
  • Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, I. 1839. Notice sur deux nouveaux genres de mammifères carnassiers, les Ichneumies, du continent African, et les Galidies, de Madagascar页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Magasin de Zoologie (2)1:1–39 (in French).
  • Gill, V. 2010. New carnivorous mammal species found in Madagascar页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). BBC News. Downloaded on October 16, 2010.
  • Mutschler, T., Randrianarisoa, A.J. and Peistner, A.T.C. 2001. Population status of the Alaotran gentle lemur Hapalemur griseus alaotrensis (subscription required). Oryx 35(2):152–157.