
安第斯前陆盆地(英语:Andean foreland basins)是一组前陆盆地,位于南美洲西半部,紧邻安第斯山脉以东。 亚马逊河流域的安第斯前陆盆地被称为亚马逊前陆盆地。沿着安第斯造山带的走向,这些前陆盆地有明显的交替性地质构造,通常具有清晰的边界[1],因而产生了一系列安第斯前陆的分割,都具有不同的发展历史[2][3][4][5][6][7].

安第斯前陆盆地的构造形状、构造变形时间和速率,以及沉积历史有显著的南北变化。 这些纬度向的变化不仅与继承前安第斯盆地有关,而且与逆冲断层、及其相关的侵蚀和沉积作用有关[8]


  1. 薄皮变形:是一种浅逆冲断层中,仅涉及覆盖岩(通常是沉积岩),而不涉及更深的基底岩。
  2. 厚皮变形:并通常涉及基底岩层和深部断层的构造变形,深度为 10-20 km 和
  3. 基底逆断层。

在秘鲁以北的安第斯前陆盆地,其逆冲断层以薄皮变形及厚皮变形为主,而且在北部的厚皮变形向西置叠,并继承于中二叠统褶皱逆冲带。 往南部,逆冲断层变形逐渐趋向薄皮变形,主要受古生代楔型沉积体的几何形状控制[8]

三种基本结构样式对缩短地壳的效率不同:薄皮变形通常缩短 40-70%,厚皮变形缩短 20-35%,基底逆断层缩短不到 10%。因此,也就造成沿走向的前陆盆地结构的分割[1]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 J. Kley, C.R. Monaldi, J.A. Salfity (1999) Along-strike segmentation of the Andean foreland: causes and consequences, Tectonophysics,Volume 301, Issues 1–2, Pages 75-94, ISSN 0040-1951, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0040-1951(98)90223-2.(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0040195198902232)
  2. ^ Summa, L.L.; Goodman, E.D.; Richardson, M.; Norton, I.O.; Green, A.R. (2003). "Hydrocarbon systems of Northeastern Venezuela: plate through molecular scale-analysis of the genesis and evolution of the Eastern Venezuela Basin". Marine and Petroleum Geology. 20 (3–4): 323–349. doi:10.1016/s0264-8172(03)00040-0.
  3. ^ Baby, Patrice; Rivadeneira, Marco; Barragán, Roberto (2004). "Introducción". In Baby, Patrice; Rivadeneira, Marco; Barragán, Roberto (eds.). La Cuenca Oriente: Geología y Petróleo (in Spanish). pp. 13–20. ISBN 978-9978-43-859-6.
  4. ^ “Cuenca Cuyana". Secretaría de Energía (in Spanish). Government of Argentina. Retrieved 30 November 2015.
  5. ^ "Cuenca Neuquina". Secretaría de Energía (in Spanish). Government of Argentina. Retrieved 30 November 2015. Gallardo, Rocío E. (2014). "Seismic sequence stratigraphy of a foreland unit in the Magallanes-Austral Basin, Dorado Riquelme Block, Chile: Implications for deep-marine reservoirs". Latin American Journal of Sedimentology and Basin Analysis (in Spanish). 1221 (1). Retrieved 7 December 2015.
  6. ^ "Cuenca Austral". Secretaría de Energía (in Spanish). Government of Argentina. Retrieved 30 November 2015. De una superficie total de 170.000 Km2, unos 23.000 Km2 pertenecen al área costa afuera.
  7. ^ Wilson, T.J. (1991). "Transition from back-arc to foreland basin development in the southernmost Andes: Stratigraphic record from the Ultima Esperanza District, Chile". Geological Society of America Bulletin. 103 (1): 98–111. doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1991)103<0098:tfbatf>2.3.co;2.
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Patrice Baby, Ysabel Calderón, Stéphane Brusset, Martin Roddaz, Stéphanie Brichau, Adrien Eude, Gérome Calves, Ysabel Calderón, Alejandro Quispe, Léonardo Ramirez, Asaid Bandach, Rolando Bolaños, Christian Hurtado, Mélanie Louterbach, Nicolas Espurt (2018) AAPG Memoir 117: Petroleum Basins and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Andes of Peru and Bolivia,Pages 91-119。 DOI: 10.1306/13622118M1173767