



sub SetLiterals_EN
$out_statistics      = "Wikipedia Statistics" ;
$out_charts          = "Wikipedia Charts" ;
$out_pageviews       = "Page Views" ;

$out_btn_tables      = "Tables" ;
$out_btn_table       = "Table" ;
$out_btn_charts      = "Charts" ;

$out_wikipedia       = "Wikipedia" ;
$out_wikipedias      = "Wikipedias" ;
$out_wikipedians     = "wikipedians" ;

$out_wiktionary      = "Wiktionary" ;
$out_wiktionaries    = "Wiktionaries" ;
$out_wiktionarians   = "wiktionarians" ;

$out_wikibook        = "Wikibook" ;  # new
$out_wikibooks       = "Wikibooks" ; # new
$out_wikibookies     = "Wikibook authors" ; # new

$out_wikiquote       = "Wikiquote" ;  # new
$out_wikiquotes      = "Wikiquotes" ; # new
$out_wikiquotarians  = "Wikiquoters" ; # new

$out_wikinews        = "Wikinews" ;  # new
$out_wikinewssites   = "Wikinews sites" ; # new
$out_wikireporters   = "Wikireporters" ; # new

$out_wikisources     = "Wikisource" ;  # new
$out_wikisourcesites = "Wikisources" ; # new
$out_wikilibrarians  = "Wikilibrarians" ; # new

$out_wikispecial     = "Other Projects" ;  # new
$out_wikispecials    = "Other Projects" ; # new
$out_wikispecialists = "Authors" ; # new

$out_wikimedia       = "Wikimedia" ;
$out_wikimedia_sites = "Wikimedia sites" ;

$out_comparisons     = "Comparisons" ;

$out_creation_history = "Creation history" ; # new
$out_accomplishments  = "Accomplishments" ; # new
$out_created          = "Created" ; # new
$average_increase     = "Projects are color coded by average monthly growth" ; # new

$out_explanation_categories = "Behind each category you find the number of articles that belong to this category" ; # new
$out_follow_links           = "Tip: in order to avoid lengthy page reloads use Shift+Mouseclick to follow links" ; # new
$out_categories_templates   = "Category tags that were inserted via a template are <b>not yet</b> recognised." ; # new
$out_categories_redirects   = "Also this overview may lists categories pages that only contain a redirect tag." ;

$out_license      = "All data and images on this page are in the public domain." ;
$out_generated    = "Generated on " ;

$out_sqlfiles     = "from recent <a href='http://download.wikimedia.org'>database dump</a> files.<br>Data processed up to " ;
$out_pageviewfiles = "from recent <a href='$out_pageviewlogs'>page view log files</a>, produced by Domas Mituzas.<br>Data processed up to " ;
$out_delay        = "Please note that the lengthy dump process (many weeks) means a delay in publishing these statistics is always to be expected." ;
$out_version      = "Script version:" ;
$out_author       = "Author" ;
$out_mail         = "Mail" ;
$out_site         = "Web site" ;
$out_home         = "Home" ;
$out_sitemap      = "Site map";
$out_rendered     = "Charts rendered with " ;
$out_generated2   = "Also generated:" ;       # new
$out_easytimeline = "EasyTimeline charts" ; ; # new # Index to
$out_categories   = "Category overview" ; # new # per Wikipedia
$out_botactivity  = "Bot activity" ;     # new
$out_stats_for    = "Statistics for " ; # new
$out_stats_per    = "Statistics per " ; # new
#$out_documentation = "Documentation: see <a href='http://meta.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikistats'>Meta</a>" ; #new
$out_documentation = "Documentation" ;
$out_scripts      = "Scripts" ;
$out_csv_files    = "CSV files" ;

$out_gigabytes    = "GB" ;
$out_megabytes    = "MB" ;
$out_kilobytes    = "kB" ;
$out_bytes        = "B" ;
$out_million      = "M" ;
$out_thousand     = "k" ;

$out_date         = "Date" ;
$out_year         = "year" ;
$out_month        = "month" ;
$out_week         = "week" ;
$out_mean         = "Mean" ;
$out_growth       = "Growth" ;
$out_total        = "Total" ;
$out_bars         = "Bars" ;
$out_zoom         = "Zoom" ;

$out_new          = "new" ; # new
$out_all          = "all" ; # new  (people)
$out_all2         = "all" ; # new  (things)

$out_conversions1 = "" ;
$out_conversions2 = " (semi-)automatic conversions have been applied." ;

$out_phaseIII     = "Only Wikipedias that run on <a href='http://www.mediawiki.org'>MediaWiki</a> software are included." ;

$out_svg_viewer   = "To view the contents of this page you will need a " .
                    "SVG viewer, e.g. <a href='http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/'>Adobe SVG Viewer</a> " .
                    "for MS Explorer Win/Mac (free). Firefox has native SVG support." ;

$out_rendering    = "Rendering.... Please wait" ;

$out_sort_order   = "Wikipedias are ordered by number of internal links (excl. redirects)<br>" .
                    "This seems a fairer base for comparing the total effort than either number of articles or database size:<br>" .
                    "Number of articles is not so meaningful given the fact that some Wikipedias contain mainly short articles,<br>" .
                    "or even many automatically generated articles, while other Wikipedias contain less but much longer articles, all handwritten.<br>" .
                    "Database size depends on coding system (unicode characters take several bytes) and <br>" .
                    "on how much meaning can be conveyed by one character (e.g. Chinese characters are whole words).<br>" .
                    "Oct 2007: possibly the sort order should be changed to number of manual edits (excl. bots) as best comparison of efforts.<br>" .
                    "Feedback and suggestions are welcome" ;

$out_comparison   = "Wikipedias which contain {xxx} or more articles {yyy} are included here" ;
$out_included     = "Only Wikipedias which contain {xxx} or more articles and which received {yyy} or more edits in last month are listed above" ;
$out_not_included = "Not included" ; #new

$out_average_1    = "average counts over shown months" ;
$out_growth_1     = "average monthly growth over shown months" ;
$out_formula      = "formula" ;
$out_value        = "value" ;
$out_monthes      = "months" ;
$out_skip_values  = "(Wikipedias with values < 10 are skipped)" ;

$out_history      = "Note: figures for first months are too low. " .
                    "Revision history was not always preserved in early days." ;

$out_unique_users = "Unique users" ; # new
$out_archived     = "Archived" ; # new
$out_reg          = "Reg." ;   # new (Reg. = Registered)
$out_unreg        = "Unreg." ; # new (Unreg. = Unregistered)

$out_reg_users_edited = "reg. users edited" ; # new
$out_reg_user_edited  = "reg. user edited" ;  # new

$out_index        = "Index" ;    # new
$out_complete     = "Complete" ; # new
$out_concise      = "Concise" ;  # new

$out_categories_complete = "Complete" ; # new
$out_categories_concise  = "Concise" ;  # new
$out_categories_main     = "Main" ;     # new
$out_category_trees      = "Wikipedia Category Overviews" ; # new
$out_category_tree       = "Wikipedia Category Overview" ;  # new

$out_license      = "All data and images on this page are in the public domain." ; # new

$out_tbl1_intro   = "[[2]] recently active wikipedians, excl. bots, " .
                    "ordered by number of contributions" ;
$out_tbl1_intro2  = "Only article edits are counted, not edits on discussion pages, etc<br>As an exception in this table editors with less than 10 edits overall are included" ;
$out_tbl1_intro3  = "Δ = change in rank in 30 days" ; # new

$out_tbl1_hdr1    = "User" ;
$out_tbl1_hdr2    = "Edits" ;
$out_tbl1_hdr3    = "First edit" ;
$out_tbl1_hdr4    = "Last edit" ;
$out_tbl1_hdr5    = "date" ;
$out_tbl1_hdr6    = "days<br>ago" ;
$out_tbl1_hdr7    = "Total" ; # new
$out_tbl1_hdr8    = "Last<br>30 days" ; # new
$out_tbl1_hdr9    = "Rank" ; # new
$out_tbl1_hdr10   = "now" ; # new
$out_tbl1_hdr11   = "Δ" ; # $out_new
$out_tbl1_hdr12   = "Articles" ; # new
$out_tbl1_hdr13   = "Other" ; # new
$out_tbl1_hdr14   = "Creates" ; # new
$out_tbl1_hdr15   = "Counts" ; # new
$out_tbl1_hdr16   = "User<br>Contributions" ; # new

$out_tbl2_intro  = "[[3]] recently absent wikipedians, " .
                   "ordered by number of contributions" ;

$out_tbl3_intro   = "Growth in number of registered active wikipedians and their activity" ;

$out_tbl3_hdr1a   = "Wikipedians" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr1e   = "Articles" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr1l   = "Database" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr1o   = "Links" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr1t   = "Daily Usage" ;

# use   (non breaking space) in stead of normal spaces in following headers
# this ensures text will never be broken into two lines
$out_tbl3_hdr1a2  = "(registered users, incl. bots)" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr1e2  = "(excl. redirects)" ;

$out_tbl3_hdr2a   = "total" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2b   = "new" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2c   = "edits" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2e   = "count" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2f   = "new<br>per day" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2h   = "mean" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2j   = "larger than" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2l   = "edits" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2m   = "size" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2n   = "words" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2o   = "internal" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2p   = "interwiki" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2q   = "image" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2r   = "external" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2s   = "redirects" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2t   = "page<br>requests" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2u   = "visits" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2s2  = "projects" ; # new

$out_tbl3_hdr3c   = "> 5" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr3d   = "> 100" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr3e   = "official" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr3f   = "> 200 ch" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr3h   = "edits" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr3i   = "bytes" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr3j   = "0.5 Kb" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr3k   = "2 Kb" ;

$out_tbl6_intro  = "[[4]] anonymous users, " .
                   "ordered by number of contributions" ;
$out_table6_footer = "All together %d article edits were made by anonymous users, out of a total of %d article edits (%.0f\%)" ;

$out_tbl5_intro   = "Visitor statistics (based on <a href='http://www.mrunix.net/webalizer/'><font color='#000088'>Webalizer</font></a> output ; " .
                    "<a href='http://www.mrunix.net/webalizer/webalizer_help.html'><font color='#000088'>definitions</font></a>, " .
                    "<a href=''><font color='#000088'>chart</font></a>)" ;
$out_tbl5_hdr1a   = "Daily Average" ;
$out_tbl5_hdr1e   = "Monthly Totals" ;
$out_tbl5_hdr2a   = "Hits" ;
$out_tbl5_hdr2b   = "Files" ;
$out_tbl5_hdr2c   = "Pages" ;
$out_tbl5_hdr2d   = "Visits" ;
$out_tbl5_hdr2e   = "Sites" ;
$out_tbl5_hdr2f   = "KBytes" ;
$out_tbl5_hdr2g   = "Visits" ;
$out_tbl5_hdr2h   = "Pages" ;
$out_tbl5_hdr2i   = "Files" ;
$out_tbl5_hdr2j   = "Hits" ;

$out_tbl7_intro   = "Database records per namespace / Categorised articles<p>" .
                    "<small>1) Categories that are inserted via a template are not detected.</small>" ; # new
$out_tbl7_hdr_ns  = "Namespace" ; # new
$out_tbl7_hdr_ca  = "Categorised<br>articles <sup>1</sup>" ; # new

$out_tbl8_intro   = "Distribution of article edits over registered editors, incl. bots"  ; # new

$out_tbl9_intro   = "[[5]] most edited articles (> 25 edits)"  ; # new

$out_tbl10_intro  = "[[3]] bots, ordered by number of contributions" ; # new

@out_namespaces   = ("Article", "User", "Project", "Binaries", "MediaWiki", "Template", "Help", "Category", "Unused", "100","102","104","106","108","110") ;

@out_tbl3_legend  = (
"Wikipedians who edited at least 10 times since they arrived",
"Increase in wikipedians who edited at least 10 times since they arrived",
"Wikipedians who contributed 5 times or more in this month",
"Wikipedians who contributed 100 times or more in this month",
"Articles that contain at least one internal link",
"Articles that contain at least one internal link and 200 characters readable text, <br>" .
   "     disregarding wiki- and html codes, hidden links, etc.; also headers do not count<br>" .
   "     (other columns are based on the official count method)",
"New articles per day in this month",
"Mean number of revisions per article",
"Mean size of article in bytes",
"Percentage of articles with at least 0.5 Kb readable text (see F)",
"Percentage of articles with at least 2 Kb readable text (see F)",
"Edits in past month (incl. redirects, incl. unregistered contributors, incl. bots)", # bots added
"Combined size of all articles (incl. redirects)",
"Total number of words (excl. redirects, html/wiki codes and hidden links)",
"Total number of internal links (excl. redirects, stubs and link lists)",
"Total number of links to other Wikipedias",
"Total number of images presented",
"Total number of links to other sites",
"Total number of redirects",
"Page requests per day (<a href='http://www.mrunix.net/webalizer/webalizer_help.html'><font color='#000088'>definition</font></a>, based on <a href='http://www.mrunix.net/webalizer/'><font color='#000088'>Webalizer</font></a> output)",
"Visits per day (<a href='http://www.mrunix.net/webalizer/webalizer_help.html'><font color='#000088'>definition</font></a>, based on <a href='http://www.mrunix.net/webalizer/'><font color='#000088'>Webalizer</font></a> output)",
"Data for last months"
) ;

$out_webalizer_note = "Note: Webalizer data are not consistently available. Low figures for Dec 2003 are result of major server outage." ;

# some plots have slightly other criteria than corresponding tables
@out_plot_legend  = (
"Wikipedians who contributed 5 times or more in a week",
"Wikipedians who contributed 25 times or more in a week"
) ;

$out_legend_daily_edits = "Edits per day (incl. redirects, incl. unregistered contributors)" ;
$out_report_description_daily_edits    = "Edits per day" ;
$out_report_description_edits          = "Edits per month/day" ;
$out_report_description_current_status = "Current status" ; # new

@out_report_descriptions = (
"New wikipedians",
"Active wikipedians",
"Very active wikipedians",
"Article count (official)",
"Article count (alternate)",
"New articles per day",
"Edits per article",
"Bytes per article",
"Articles over 0.5 Kb",
"Articles over 2 Kb",
"Edits per month",
"Database size",
"Internal links",
"Links to other Wikipedias",
"External links",
"Page requests per day",
"Visits per day",
"Overview recent months"
) ;




sub SetLiterals_ZH
$out_statistics   = "维基百科数据" ;
$out_charts       = "维基百科图表" ;
$out_btn_tables   = "表格" ;
$out_btn_table    = "表格" ; # new singular OK ?
$out_btn_charts   = "图表" ;

$out_wikipedia    = "维基" ; # singular ??
$out_wikipedias   = "维基人" ;
$out_wikipedians   = "wikipedians" ; # new

$out_wiktionary   = "Wiktionary" ;
$out_wiktionaries = "Wiktionaries" ;
$out_wiktionarians   = "wiktionarians" ; # new

$out_wikibook        = "Wikibook" ;  # new
$out_wikibooks       = "Wikibooks" ; # new
$out_wikibookies     = "Wikibook authors" ; # new

$out_wikiquote       = "Wikiquote" ;  # new
$out_wikiquotes      = "Wikiquotes" ; # new
$out_wikiquotarians  = "Wikiquotarians" ; # new

$out_wikinews        = "Wikinews" ;  # new
$out_wikinewssites   = "Wikinews sites" ; # new
$out_wikireporters   = "Wikireporters" ; # new

$out_wikisources     = "Wikisource" ;  # new
$out_wikisourcesites = "Wikisources" ; # new
$out_wikilibrarians  = "Wikilibrarians" ; # new

$out_wikispecial     = "Wikispecial" ;  # new
$out_wikispecials    = "Wikispecial sites" ; # new
$out_wikispecialists = "Authors" ; # new

$out_wikimedia       = "Wikimedia" ;       # new
$out_wikimedia_sites = "Wikimedia sites" ; # new

$out_comparisons  = "比较" ;

$out_creation_history = "Creation history" ; # new
$out_accomplishments  = "Accomplishments" ; # new
$out_created          = "Created" ; # new
$average_increase     = "Average increase per month" ; # new

$out_explanation_categories = "Behind each category you find the number of articles that belong to this category" ; # new
$out_follow_links           = "Tip: in order to avoid lengthy page reloads use Shift+Mouseclick to follow links" ; # new
$out_categories_templates   = "Category tags that were inserted via a template are <b>not yet</b> recognised." ; # new
$out_categories_redirects   = "Also this overview may lists categories pages that only contain a redirect tag." ;

$out_license      = "All data and images on this page are in the public domain." ; # new
$out_generated    = "生成日期:" ;
$out_sqlfiles     = "数据库最后更新:" ;
$out_version      = "脚本版本" ;
$out_author       = "作者" ;
$out_mail         = "电子邮件" ;
$out_site         = "网站" ;
$out_home         = "主页" ;
$out_sitemap      = "网站地图";
$out_rendered     = "Charts rendered with " ; #new
$out_generated2   = "Also generated:" ;       # new
$out_easytimeline = "Index to EasyTimeline charts per Wikipedia" ; # new
$out_categories   = "Category Overview per Wikipedia" ; # new
$out_botactivity  = "Bot activity" ;     # new
$out_stats_for    = "Statistics for " ; # new
$out_stats_per    = "Statistics per " ; # new

$out_gigabytes    = "Gb" ;
$out_megabytes    = "Mb" ;
$out_kilobytes    = "Kb" ;
$out_bytes        = "b" ;
$out_million      = "M" ;
$out_thousand     = "K" ;

$out_date         = "日期" ;
$out_year         = "年" ;
$out_month        = "月" ;
$out_mean         = "平均" ;
$out_growth       = "成长" ;
$out_total        = "总计" ;
$out_bars         = "统计条" ;
$out_zoom         = "聚焦" ;
$out_scripts      = "Scripts" ; # new

$out_new          = "new" ; # new
$out_all          = "all" ; # new  (people)
$out_all2         = "all" ; # new  (things)

$out_conversions1 = "" ;
$out_conversions2 = " 我们使用了(半)自动转换。" ;

$out_phaseIII     = "只有使用<a href='http://www.mediawiki.org'>MediaWiki</a>软件的维基百科才被列入统计中。" ;

$out_svg_viewer   = "To view the contents of this page you will need a " .
                    "SVG viewer, e.g. <a href='http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/'>Adobe SVG Viewer</a> " .
                    "for MS Explorer Win/Mac (free)" ; # new
$out_rendering    = "Rendering.... Please wait" ; # new

$out_sort_order   = "维基百科是根据内部链接数目排列的。<br>" .
                    "这要比按照条目数或数据库大小来排列更公平:<br>" .
                    "条目数并不能说明问题,因为一些维基百科可能包含了许多较短的条目<br>" .
                    "或一些自动生成的条目,而另一些则可能包含较少但更长的文章。<br>" .
                    "数据库的大小取决于编码系统(像unicode字符一般占了多个byte),而且<br>" .
                    "各个语言的表达方式也不同(如一个中文字所能表达的意思往往与一个英文单词所能表达的意思相同)。<br>" ;
$out_not_included = "Not included" ; #new

$out_average_1    = "平均统计" ;
$out_growth_1     = "平均每月成长" ;
$out_formula      = "公式" ;
$out_value        = "值" ;
$out_monthes      = "月份" ;
$out_skip_values  = "(数值小于10的月份未被列入统计)" ;
# new text: Wikipedia's with value(s) < 10 are omitted

$out_history      = "注意:前几个月的统计数字太小。" .
                    "早期并没有保存修订历史。" ;

$out_unique_users = "Unique users" ; # new
$out_archived     = "Archived" ; # new
$out_reg          = "Reg." ;   # new (Reg. = Registered)
$out_unreg        = "Unreg." ; # new (Unreg. = Unregistered)

$out_reg_users_edited = "reg. users edited" ; # new
$out_reg_user_edited  = "reg. user edited" ;  # new

$out_index        = "Index" ;    # new
$out_complete     = "Complete" ; # new
$out_concise      = "Concise" ;  # new

$out_categories_complete = "Complete" ; # new
$out_categories_concise  = "Concise" ;  # new
$out_categories_main     = "Main" ;     # new
$out_category_trees      = "Wikipedia Category Overviews" ; # new
$out_category_tree       = "Wikipedia Category Overview" ;  # new

$out_license      = "All data and images on this page are in the public domain." ; # new

$out_tbl1_intro   = "最近活跃的[[2]]个维基人," .
                    "按照贡献的数量排序:" ;
$out_tbl1_intro2  = "(只统计了文章的编辑次数,讨论页面上的编辑次数并未被列入)" ;
$out_tbl1_intro3  = "Δ = change in rank in 30 days" ; # new

$out_tbl1_hdr1    = "用户" ;
$out_tbl1_hdr2    = "编辑" ;
$out_tbl1_hdr3    = "第一次编辑" ;
$out_tbl1_hdr4    = "最后一次编辑" ;
$out_tbl1_hdr5    = "日期" ;
$out_tbl1_hdr6    = "注册天数" ;
$out_tbl1_hdr7    = "total" ; # new
$out_tbl1_hdr8    = "last<br>30 days" ; # new
$out_tbl1_hdr9    = "rank" ; # new
$out_tbl1_hdr10   = "now" ; # new
$out_tbl1_hdr11   = "Δ" ; # $out_new
$out_tbl1_hdr12   = "条目" ; # new
$out_tbl1_hdr13   = "Other" ; # new

$out_tbl2_intro  = "最近离开的[[3]]个维基人," .
                   "按照贡献的数量排序:" ;

$out_tbl3_intro   = "已注册的活跃的维基人数量的成长度及其活跃度" ;

$out_tbl3_hdr1a   = "维基人" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr1e   = "条目" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr1l   = "数据库" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr1o   = "链接" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr1t   = "每天使用率" ;

# use   (non breaking space) in stead of normal spaces in following headers
# this ensures text will never be broken into two lines
$out_tbl3_hdr1a2  = "(已注册用户)" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr1e2  = "(不包括重定向)" ;

$out_tbl3_hdr2a   = "总计" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2b   = "新人" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2c   = "编辑" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2e   = "计数" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2f   = "每天<br>新增" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2h   = "平均" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2j   = "长条目" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2l   = "编辑" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2m   = "大小" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2n   = "字数" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2o   = "内部链接" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2p   = "跨语言链接" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2q   = "图像" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2r   = "外部链接" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2s   = "重定向" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2t   = "页面<br>索取量" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2u   = "访问量" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr2s2  = "projects" ; # new

$out_tbl3_hdr3c   = "> 5" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr3d   = "> 100" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr3e   = "正式" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr3f   = "> 200字符" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr3h   = "编辑" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr3i   = "字节" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr3j   = "0.5 Kb" ;
$out_tbl3_hdr3k   = "2 Kb" ;

$out_tbl6_intro  = "[[4]] anonymous users, ordered by number of contributions" ; # new
$out_table6_footer = "Alltogether %d edits were made by anonymous users, out of a total of %d edits (%.0f\%)" ; # new

$out_tbl5_intro   = "访问者统计(基于<a href='http://www.mrunix.net/webalizer/'><font color='#000088'>Webalizer</font></a>输出;" .
                    "<a href='http://www.mrunix.net/webalizer/webalizer_help.html'><font color='#000088'>说明</font></a>, " .
                    "<a href=''><font color='#000088'>图表</font></a>)" ;
$out_tbl5_hdr1a   = "平均每天" ;
$out_tbl5_hdr1e   = "每月总计" ;
$out_tbl5_hdr2a   = "点击" ;
$out_tbl5_hdr2b   = "文件" ;
$out_tbl5_hdr2c   = "页面" ;
$out_tbl5_hdr2d   = "访问" ;
$out_tbl5_hdr2e   = "站点" ;
$out_tbl5_hdr2f   = "KBytes" ;
$out_tbl5_hdr2g   = "访问" ;
$out_tbl5_hdr2h   = "页面" ;
$out_tbl5_hdr2i   = "文件" ;
$out_tbl5_hdr2j   = "点击" ;

$out_tbl7_intro   = "Database records per namespace / Categorised articles<p>" .
                    "<small>1) Categories that are inserted via a template are not detected.</small>" ; # new
$out_tbl7_hdr_ns  = "Namespace" ; # new
$out_tbl7_hdr_ca  = "Categorised<br>articles <sup>1</sup>" ; # new

$out_tbl8_intro = "Distribution of article edits over wikipedians"  ; # new

$out_tbl9_intro   = "[[5]] most edited articles (> 25 edits)"  ; # new

$out_tbl10_intro  = "[[3]] bots, ordered by number of contributions" ; # new

@out_namespaces   = ("Article", "User", "Project", "Image", "MediaWiki", "Template", "Help", "Category") ; #new

@out_tbl3_legend  = (
"条目最少包含一个内部链接并且最少有200个字符的文本,<br>" .
   "     忽略wiki-和html代码,隐藏链接等;也不包括标题<br>" .
   "     (其他列都基于这个正式的计数方法)",
"至少0.5 Kb字数的条目的百分数(参看 F)",
"至少2 Kb 字数的条目的百分数(参看 F)",
"以往月份的编辑次数 (包括重定向,包括未注册用户的贡献)",
"所有条目的总计大小 (包括重定向)",
"字符总数 (不包括重定向,html/wiki代码和隐藏链接)",
"内部链接总数 (不包括重定向,短条目和链接列表)",
"页面每天索取量 (<a href='http://www.mrunix.net/webalizer/webalizer_help.html'><font color='#000088'>说明</font></a>,基于<a href='http://www.mrunix.net/webalizer/'><font color='#000088'>Webalizer</font></a>的输出)", #new
"每天访问量 (<a href='http://www.mrunix.net/webalizer/webalizer_help.html'><font color='#000088'>说明</font></a>,基于<a href='http://www.mrunix.net/webalizer/'><font color='#000088'>Webalizer</font></a>输出)",
) ;

# some plots have slightly other criteria than corresponding tables
@out_plot_legend  = (
"Wikipedians who contributed 5 times or more in a week",
"Wikipedians who contributed 25 times or more in a week"
) ;

$out_legend_daily_edits = "每天编辑次数 (包括重定向,包括未注册用户的贡献)" ;
$out_report_description_daily_edits = "每天编辑次数" ;
$out_report_description_edits       = "每月/天编辑次数",
$out_report_description_current_status = "Current status" ; # new

@out_report_descriptions = (
"条目计数 (正式)",
"条目计数 (预备)",
"超过0.5 Kb的条目",
"超过2 Kb的条目",
) ;

# the full list is in WikiReports.pl
# this selection is for translators only
$out_languages {"ar"} = "阿拉伯语" ;
$out_languages {"bs"} = "波斯尼亚语" ;
$out_languages {"cs"} = "捷克语" ;
$out_languages {"cy"} = "威尔士语";
$out_languages {"da"} = "丹麦语" ;
$out_languages {"de"} = "德语" ;
$out_languages {"el"} = "希腊语" ;
$out_languages {"en"} = "英语" ;
$out_languages {"eo"} = "世界语" ;
$out_languages {"es"} = "西班牙语" ;
$out_languages {"et"} = "爱沙尼亚语" ;
$out_languages {"fa"} = "波斯语" ;
$out_languages {"fi"} = "芬兰语" ;
$out_languages {"fr"} = "法语" ;
$out_languages {"fy"} = "弗里西语" ;
$out_languages {"ga"} = "爱尔兰语" ;
$out_languages {"hi"} = "印地语" ;
$out_languages {"he"} = "希伯来语" ;
$out_languages {"hr"} = "克罗地亚语" ;
$out_languages {"hu"} = "匈牙利语" ;
$out_languages {"ia"} = "国际语" ;
$out_languages {"id"} = "印度尼西亚语" ;
$out_languages {"it"} = "意大利语" ;
$out_languages {"ja"} = "日语" ;
$out_languages {"ka"} = "格鲁吉亚语" ;
$out_languages {"ko"} = "朝鲜语" ;
$out_languages {"la"} = "拉丁语" ;
$out_languages {"lt"} = "立陶宛语" ;
$out_languages {"ms"} = "马来语" ;
$out_languages {"my"} = "缅甸语" ;
$out_languages {"ml"} = "马拉雅拉姆语" ;
$out_languages {"nah"} = "纳瓦特尔语";
$out_languages {"nl"} = "荷兰语" ;
$out_languages {"no"} = "挪威语" ;
$out_languages {"pl"} = "波兰语" ;
$out_languages {"pt"} = "葡萄牙语" ;
$out_languages {"ro"} = "罗马尼亚语" ;
$out_languages {"ru"} = "俄语" ;
$out_languages {"sh"} = "塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语" ;
$out_languages {"sk"} = "斯洛伐克语";
$out_languages {"sl"} = "斯洛文尼亚语";
$out_languages {"sr"} = "塞尔维亚语" ;
$out_languages {"sv"} = "瑞典语" ;
$out_languages {"th"} = "泰语" ;
$out_languages {"tr"} = "土耳其语" ;
$out_languages {"zh"} = "汉语" ;
$out_languages {"zz"} = "所有语言" ;
