
高棉語羅馬化 是使用拉丁字母轉寫高棉語的方案。常用於人名、地名中。


柬埔寨地名常使用將高棉文一一映射到拉丁字母(有時附加 變音符號轉寫羅馬化方案。儘管將兩種形式的元音都考慮在內,寫出來的結果因沒有對不發音字母和不規則發音特殊對待而不總能反映出標準的高棉語發音。

使用轉錄時,詞彙根據它們的發音被羅馬化。但高棉語的發音因使用者和地區 而異。高棉語的羅馬化轉寫常在網絡論壇聊天室中被特意設計出來,其結果有時也被稱作Khmenglish或是Khmerlish。這些羅馬化方案通常是以 英語發音 為藍本設計字母的, 儘管其也會受到高棉語拼寫的影響(比如說用 s而非h 來表示送氣音)。




由聯合國地名專家組發佈的高棉語羅馬化方案是以BGN/PCGN系統為藍本的。儘管柬埔寨地政局在1995年修訂的一套高棉語羅馬化方案在其國內投入使用[1] ,其被用在最近的一些地圖或地名詞典中的柬埔寨地名。



The Geographic Department of the Cambodian Ministry of Land Management and Urban Planning has developed a modified version of the UNGEGN system,[2] originally put forward in 1995, and used in the second edition of the Gazetteer of Cambodia in 1996. Further modifications were made in 1997, and the system continues to be used in Cambodia.[1]

The main change made in this system compared with the UNGEGN system is that diacritics on vowels are omitted. Some of the vowels are also represented using different letter combinations.


A system used by the United States Board on Geographic Names and the Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British Official Use, published in 1972. It is based on the modified 1959 Service Géographique Khmer (SGK) system.[3]

ALA-LC Romanization Tables

This system (also called Transliteration System for Khmer Script), from the American Library Association and Library of Congress,[4] romanizes Khmer words using the original Indic values of the Khmer letters, which are often different from their modern values. This can obscure the modern Khmer pronunciation, but the system has the advantage of relative simplicity, and facilitates the etymological reconstruction of Sanskrit and Pali loanwords whose pronunciation may be different in modern Khmer. The system is a modification of that proposed by Lewitz (1969), and was developed by Franklin Huffman of Cornell University and Edwin Bonsack of the Library of Congress for the library cataloguing of publications in Khmer.

Example words written in each romanization system

English Khmer Romanization
Khmer script អក្សរខ្មែរ 'âksâr khmêr 'aksar khmaer ʿʹaksar khmaer
Cambodia កម្ពុជា Kâmpŭchéa Kampuchea Kambujā
centre មណ្ឌល môndôl mondol maṇḍal
brightness ពន្លឺ pônlœ ponlueu banlȳ
peace សន្តិភាព sântĕphéap santepheap santibhāb
belief ជំនឿ chumnœă chumnoea jaṃnẏa
to go ទៅ tŏu tov dau

Tables of romanization systems

This chart shows in full the three main systems for the romanization of Khmer: UNGEGN (or BGN/PCGN), Geographic Department and ALA-LC:


  1st series   2nd series[note 1]

្ក [k] ka Ka k
្ខ [kʰ] kha Kha kh
្គ [k] Ga Go g
្ឃ [kʰ] Gha Gho gh
្ង [ŋ] Ṅa Ṅo ng
្ច [c] Ca Ca c
្ឆ [cʰ] Cha Cha ch
្ជ [c] Ja Jo j
្ឈ [cʰ] Jha Jho jh
្ញ [ɲ] Ña Ño ñ
្ដ [ɗ] Ṭa Ṭa
្ឋ [tʰ] Ṭha Ṭha ṭh
្ឌ [ɗ] Ḍa Do
្ឍ [tʰ] Ḍha Ḍho ḍh
្ណ [n] Ņa Ņa
្ត [t] Ta Ta t
្ថ [tʰ] Tha Tha th
្ទ [t] Da Do d
្ធ [tʰ] Dha Dho dh
្ន [n] Na No n
្ប [ɓ], [p] Pa Pa,Ba[note 2] p
្ផ [pʰ] Pha Pha ph
្ព [p] Ba Bo, po

[Note 2]

្ភ [pʰ] Bha Bho bh
្ម [m] Ma Mo m
្យ [j] Ya Yo y
្រ [r] Ra Ro r
្ល [l] La Lo l
្វ [ʋ] Va Vo v
្ឝ [s] Śa sha ś
្ឞ [s] Ṣa Sha
្ស [s] Sa Sa s
្ហ [h] Ha Ha h
[l] Ļa La
្អ [ʔ] A A A

Dependent vowels

A-series O-series A-series O-series A-series
◌◌ â ô a o a
◌់ á ó a o á
a éa a ea ā
ា់, ័◌ ă , a ea, oa â
ă ak eak à
័យ ăy oăy ai ey ăy
ĕ ĭ e i i
ei i ei i ī
œ̆ œ̆ oe ue
œ œ eu ueu ȳ
ŏ ŭ o u u
o u ou u ū
uo uo ua
aeu eu aeu eu oe
œă œă oea oea ẏa
ie ie ia
é é e e e
ê ê ae eae ae
ai ey ai ey ai
ao ou o
au ŏu au ov au
ុំ om ŭm om um uṃ
âm um am um aṃ
ាំ ăm ŏâm am oam āṃ
ាំង ăng eăng ang eang āṃng
ăh eăh ah eah aḥ
ិះ ĕh ĭh eh is iḥ
ឹះ œ̆h œ̆h oeh ueh ẏḥ
ុះ ŏh ŭh oh uh uḥ
េះ éh éh eh eh eḥ
ើះ aeuh euh aeuh euh oeḥ
ែះ êh êh aeh eaeh aeḥ
ោះ aôh ŏăh aoh uoh oaḥ

Independent vowels

â a a
អា a a ā
ĕ e i
ei ei ī
ŏ, ŭ o, u u
o, u ou, u ū
âu au ýu
rœ̆ rue
lœ̆ lue
ê ae ae
ai ai ai
ឱ, ឲ ao o
au au au

International Phonetic Alphabet transcription

Various authors have used systems based on the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) to transcribe Khmer. One such system is used in the books of Franklin E. Huffman and others;[5] a more recent scheme is that used in J.M. Filippi's 2004 textbook Everyday Khmer or Khmer au quotidien.[6] These systems differ in certain respects: for example, Huffman's uses doubling of vowel symbols to indicate long vowels, whereas Filippi's uses the IPA triangular colon vowel length symbol.


  1. ^ Khmer consonants belong to two classes that dictate the value of dependent vowels.
  2. ^ When accompanied by a subscript form, it is romanized as p in the 1st series, although the Khmer diacritical mark is generally omitted: ប្លែងplaeng, ប្អូនp'oun, ប្រាប់prab.


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Report on the Current Status of United Nations Romanization Systems for Geographical Names – Khmer, UNGEGN Working Group on Romanization Systems, September 2013 (linked from WGRS website).
  2. ^ Geographical Names of the Kingdom of Cambodia, submitted by Cambodia to the 8th UN Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names, 2002 (also addendum with corrections).
  3. ^ Romanization System for Khmer (Cambodian), BGN/PCGN 1972 System.
  4. ^ ALA-LC Romanization Tables, Khmer, rev. 2012.
  5. ^ For example, Franklin E. Huffman, Cambodian System of Writing and Beginning Reader with Drills and Glossary, Adam Wood, 1970 (downloadable PDF).
  6. ^ Jean Michel Filippi, Everyday Khmer, Funan, Phnom Penh , 2004. French edition: Filippi et al., Khmer au quotidien, Librairie You-Feng, 2008.