
由Eland Zhou在話題過期翻譯的內容上作出的最新留言:10 年前
化學物質專題 (獲評未評級未知重要度
 未評級未評  根據專題品質評級標準,本條目頁尚未接受評級。
 未知  根據專題重要度評級標準,本條目尚未接受評級。


在創建條目的時候,我在一片參考文獻內看到了美國已經允許使用NHDC,可是英文維基中說美國還沒有允許使用。我在谷歌上搜索到的相關資料非常少。麻煩大家協助考證修改!大南瓜留言2013年12月26日 (四) 15:31 (UTC)回覆

麻煩大家查一下其他國家的允許情況大南瓜留言2013年12月27日 (五) 18:46 (UTC)回覆


Its potency is naturally affected by such factors as the application in which it is used, and the pH of the product.

It is particularly effective in masking the bitter tastes of other compounds found in citrus Industrially, it is produced by extracting neohesperidin from the bitter orange, and then hydrogenating this to make NHDC.

The product is well known for having a strong synergistic effect when used in conjunction with other artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, saccharin, acesulfame potassium, and cyclamate, as well as sugar alcohols such as xylitol. NHDC usage boosts the effects of these sweeteners at lower concentrations than would otherwise be required; smaller amounts of other sweeteners are needed. This provides a cost benefit.

作為一種鮮味增強劑, NHDC is used in a wide range of products and is indicated by the E number E 959. It is noted particularly for enhancing sensory effects (known in the industry as 'mouth feel'). An example of this is 'creaminess' in dairy foods such as yogurt and ice cream, but is also widely favoured for use in otherwise naturally bitter products. Pharmaceutical companies are fond of the product as a means of reducing the bitterness of pharmacological drugs in tablet form, and it has been used for livestock feed as a means of reducing feeding time. Other products NHDC can be found in may include a wide variety of alcoholic beverages (and non-alcoholic), savoury foods, toothpaste, mouthwash and condiments such as ketchup and mayonnaise.

NHDC in pure form is found as a white substance not unlike powdered sugar. In food it is used as a flavour enhancer in concentrations of around 4-5 parts per million (ppm) and as an artificial sweetener at around 15-20 ppm.

(~)補充:歡迎大家協助翻譯,謝謝!--南瓜留言|貢獻2014年3月14日 (五) 07:43 (UTC)回覆

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