黑暗騎士 (稱號)

黑暗騎士(英語:Dark Knight)是超級英雄蝙蝠俠的綽號。在比爾·芬格在《蝙蝠俠》第1期(1940年春季)所寫的一個故事中,蝙蝠俠首次使用這個暱稱。[1][2]




– 占士·哥頓 – 《黑暗騎士》(2008)

弗蘭克·米勒1986年的漫畫《黑暗騎士歸來》突出體現了這個綽號。據《現代流行文化中的怪物獵人》一書所記載,米勒之所以選擇這個書名是有原因的:「在這裏,『黑暗』並不指晚上工作或穿黑色服裝,而指披風鬥士的靈魂。其靈魂可能如他的獵物一般受到污染」[4]。《黑暗騎士歸來》中,蝙蝠俠騎着馬,在因電磁脈衝而癱瘓的葛咸城中前行;《Riddle Me This, Batman! 》一書將這個畫面中的蝙蝠俠描述為一個中世紀的浪漫俠客,並引用了傑西·納什筆下的一個以亞瑟王傳奇為背景的蝙蝠俠故事。這本書認為,後者除了以描寫騎馬來強調中世紀世界觀,並沒有體現亞瑟王的精髓:「蝙蝠俠在馬背上提倡恢復秩序的行為,實際上是中世紀領主以強硬手段保護和恢復社會結構來實現霸權的行為,與亞瑟王不同。」[5]


《電影社會學:電影中的社會生活》也闡述了蝙蝠俠被稱為「黑暗騎士」的原因。書中寫道,蝙蝠俠為正義和秩序行事,但「並不總是清楚他處在法律的哪一方……蝙蝠俠的猶豫使他成為一個獨特的超級英雄,其行動由內心鬥爭而激起,使得他和其他人一樣質疑其道德取向的動機和忠誠。」[8]《Screening the Face》認為蝙蝠俠戴着的半臉面具的作用類似於騎士頭盔。書中寫道,面具解釋了蝙蝠俠作為黑暗騎士的矛盾。[9]



  1. ^ Nobleman, Marc Tyler. Bill the Boy Wonder: The Secret Co-Creator of Batman. Charlesbridge Publishing. 2012: Back Matter. ISBN 978-1-58089-289-6. 
  2. ^ The term appears on p. 7 of the story "The Joker" from Batman No. 1, which is reprinted in the book Batman Chronicles, Volume One (2005). In the lower right panel, Batman is shown swimming in the water after having been knocked off a bridge by the Joker, and the caption reads "THE SHOCK OF COLD WATER QUICKLY REVIVES THE DARK KNIGHT!"
  3. ^ Tondro, Jason. Camelot in Comics. Sklar, Elizabeth S.; Hoffman, Donald L. (編). King Arthur in Popular Culture. McFarland. 2002: 174. ISBN 978-0-7864-1257-0. 
  4. ^ Dude, Heather L. Vigilantism and the Graphic Novel's Monster Hunters. The Monster Hunter in Modern Popular Culture. McFarland. 2008: 70. ISBN 978-0-7864-3406-0. 
  5. ^ Bundrick, Christopher. The Dark Knight Errant: Power and Authority in Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns. Durand, Kevin K.; Leigh, Mary K. (編). Riddle Me This, Batman!: Essays on the Universe of the Dark Knight. McFarland. 2011: 26–28. ISBN 978-0-7864-4629-2. 
  6. ^ Langley, Travis. Which Batman?. Batman and Psychology: A Dark and Stormy Knight. Wiley. 2012: 23. ISBN 978-1-118-16765-6. 
  7. ^ Schlegel, Johannes; Habermann, Frank. 'You Took My Advice About Theatricality a Bit -- Literally': Theatricality and Cybernetics of Good and Evil in Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and X-Men. Gray II, Richard J.; Kaklamanidou, Betty (編). The 21st Century Superhero: Essays on Gender, Genre and Globalization in Film. McFarland. 2011: 35. ISBN 978-0-7864-6345-9. 
  8. ^ Sutherland, Jean–Anne; Feltey, Kathryn. Deviance, Crime, and Law. Cinematic Sociology: Social Life in Film. SAGE Publications. 2012: 215. ISBN 978-1-4129-9284-8. 
  9. ^ Coates, Paul. Screening the Face. Palgrave Macmillan. 2012: 92. ISBN 978-0-230-29847-7. 
  10. ^ Southworth, Jason. Batman's Identity Crisis. White, Mark D.; Arp, Robert (編). Batman and Philosophy: The Dark Knight of the Soul. Wiley. 2008: 159–160. ISBN 978-0-470-27030-1.