
傑克·希爾斯Jack G. Hills)是一名美國天文學家。他曾提出內奧爾特雲的概念,該區域因此也冠上他的姓,稱為「希爾斯雲」[1][2]。他大部分職業生涯都是在美國洛斯阿拉莫斯國家實驗室渡過的。從1998年開始,他成為該實驗室的研究員[3]



  1. ^ Stellar Dynamics: Jack Hills. Department of Physics and Astronomy. (原始內容存檔於15 December 2014). 
  2. ^ Michael Moltenbrey. Dawn of Small Worlds: Dwarf Planets, Asteroids, Comets. Springer. 24 October 2015: 97 [2019-01-13]. ISBN 978-3-319-23003-0. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-13). 
  3. ^ Laboratory Fellows from 1981 to the present頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) Los Alamos National Security J. G. Hills has made large contributions to Laboratory and international programs in astrophysics, interplanet science, and asteroid interdiction. He also is recognized worldwide as one of the major authorities in the field of stellar dynamics and has made seminal contributions to the quantitative understanding of interactions between binary and single stars in clusters.
