工合 (美國俚語)
工合的中華民國國語發音衍生作美式英語形容詞Gung ho(發音: /ˈɡʌŋˈhoʊ/)。儘管此兩字的中文原意為「工業合作社」之簡稱[1],但被美式英語吸收後衍伸出「起勁」、「賣力」及「熱心」,甚至是「過份熱心」[2]的涵義。
之後,卡爾遜將「工合」的理念用於其領導的第2海軍陸戰突擊營(2nd Marine Raider Battalion)中,後來擴大到全海軍陸戰隊中其他部隊,成為精神標語。而在以第2陸戰突擊營及其梅金島奇襲為題材的1943年戰爭片「喋血梅金島」(英語:Gung Ho!)上映後,該詞彙開始為美國民間及社會大眾使用。
- ^ Moe, 26, 30.
- ^ Yiannoppulos, Milo. HERE ARE SOME OF THE MOST OUTRAGEOUS HOLLYWOOD REACTIONS TO TRUMP’S VICTORY. 2016-11-09 [2016-11-10]. (原始內容存檔於2016-11-10) (英語).:第一段這麼寫:
Many of the celebrities that were gung-ho for Hillary on the campaign trail have devolved into a state of frenzy.
- ^ 原文:「I was trying to build up the same sort of working spirit I had seen in China where all the soldiers dedicated themselves to one idea and worked together to put that idea over. I told the boys about it again and again. I told them of the motto of the Chinese Cooperatives, Gung Ho. It means Work Together-Work in Harmony.....」
Don Burke, "Carlson of the Raiders," Life, September 20, 1943, quote in Moe, p. 58.