就業及退休保障部(英語:Department for Work and Pensions;威爾斯語:Yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau)是負責福利及撫恤金政策的英國政府部門。
英國政府機構 | |
就業及退休保障部 | |
Department for Work and Pensions | |
內閣部門概要 | |
成立時間 | 2001年6月8日 |
前身機構 | |
機構類型 | 英國政府部門 |
機構駐地 | 英格蘭倫敦 SW1H 9NA Tothill街6-12號 Caxton大廈7樓 |
僱員數目 | 84718名 (2016年5月)[1] |
年度預算額 | 1763億英鎊(資源性每年管理開支),[2] 63億英鎊 (資源性部門支出限額),[3] 3億英鎊(資本性部門支出限額), 23億英鎊(非預算支出) 至2017年3月31日止[4] |
隸屬部長 | 就業及退休保障大臣:施榮達 |
隸屬副部長 | 就業副大臣:岑浩文 殘障人士副大臣:賈斯汀·湯姆林森 撫恤金及金融普惠政務次官:蓋·歐柏曼 家庭支持、房屋及兒童保全政務次官:威爾·奎因斯 上院事務政務次官:佩塔·巴斯科姆女男爵 |
機構長官 | 常任秘書長:彼得·斯科菲爾德[5] |
網站 | www |
該部的前身可以追溯到1916年成立的撫恤金部(英語:Ministry of Pensions)及英國勞工部。撫恤金部的任務是給退伍軍人及軍屬發放撫恤金。勞工部則是從貿易局手中接管了調解勞資糾紛、勞務交流、勞資關係及統計就業相關數據,一戰後負責監督軍人復員及轉業,1918年開始執行最低工資標準,1919年,代表英國參加國際勞工組織。
1939年,勞工部更名為勞工及國民服務部(英語:Ministry of Labour and National Service),反映了1939年《國家兵役(武裝部隊)法》規定的新職責:分配人員在武裝部隊、民防及工廠之間工作。1945年4月,勞工部與失業保險及援助有關的職能移交給成立於1944年的國家保險部(英語:Ministry of National Insurance),二戰結束後,國民服務職能被交給國防部的徵兵部門。
1953年,撫恤金部及國家保險部合併成立撫恤金及國家保險部(英語:Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance)。[6]
1966年撫恤金及國家保險部更名為社會保障部(英語:Ministry of Social Security)。
1968,社會保障部與衛生部合併為(衛生及社會保障部)。勞工部也改名為就業及生產部(英語:Department of Employment and Productivity)。
1970年就業及生產部再更名為就業部(英語:Department of Employment)。[7]
- ^ DWP's headcount and payroll data for May 2016 (ODS). Department for Work and Pensions. 2016-07-01 [2016-08-02]. (原始內容存檔於2016-09-18).
- ^ How to understand public sector spending - Annually managed expenditure (AME). HM Treasury. 2013-05-29 [2016-08-02]. (原始內容存檔於2016-09-18).
Annually managed expenditure, or AME, is more difficult to explain or control as it is spent on programmes which are demand-led – such as welfare, tax credits or public sector pensions. It is spent on items that may be unpredictable or not easily controlled by departments, and are relatively large in comparison to other government departments.
- ^ How to understand public sector spending - Departmental Expenditure Limits (DEL). HM Treasury. 2013-05-29 [2016-08-02]. (原始內容存檔於2016-09-18).
The government budget that is allocated to and spent by government departments is known as the Departmental Expenditure Limit, or DEL. This amount, and how it is split between government departments, is set at Spending Reviews. Things that departmental budgets can be spent on include the running of the services that they oversee such as schools or hospital, and the everyday cost of resources such as staff. The government controls DEL by deciding how much each department gets.
- ^ Central Government Supply Estimates 2016-17. London: HM Treasury. 2016: 138 [2016-08-02]. (原始內容存檔於2016-09-17).
- ^ HM Government. Appointment of Peter Schofield as Permanent Secretary at the Department for Work and Pensions. www.gov.uk. 2018-01-12 [2018-01-15]. (原始內容存檔於2018-01-16) (英語).
- ^ Department for Work and Pensions. A century of support: Department for Work and Pensions turns 100 years old. Department for Work and Pensions. [2019-05-29]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-29).
- ^ Jon Davis "Employment, Department of (1970–95)" in John Ramsden (ed) The Oxford Companion to British Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, p.222
- ^ Dept. of Social Security. Resource Accounts 2000-2001. rightsnet.org. [2012-06-06]. (原始內容存檔於2014-03-19).
- ^ The welfare state 1945–2002. BBC News. 2002-08-05 [2012-04-26]. (原始內容存檔於2019-06-21).
- ^ Department of Social Security renamed. Practical Law Company. 2001-06-29 [2012-04-26]. (原始內容存檔於2013-07-21).
- ^ E Carmel & T Papadopoulos. The New governance of Social Security in Britain (PDF). University of Bath. [2012-06-06]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2014-03-20).
- ^ Dept. of Social Security. Resource Accounts 2000-2001. rightsnet.org. [2012-06-06]. (原始內容存檔於2014-03-19).
- ^ Department for Work and Pensions - GOV.UK. [2011-05-04]. (原始內容存檔於2011-04-23).