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Penn效應沒有找到官方的翻譯,如果有更好的翻譯名稱請修改。 --loihsin (留言) 2010年10月25日 (一) 02:54 (UTC)回覆


未翻譯內容如下。--Flame 歡迎泡茶 2011年4月18日 (一) 00:48 (UTC)回覆


The PPP-deviation allows rural Indians to survive on an income below the absolute subsistence level in the rich world. If the money income levels are taken as given, then ceteris paribus, the Penn effect is a very good thing. If it did not apply, millions of the world's poorest people would find that their income was below the survival threshold. However, the effect implies that the money income level disparity as measured by international exchange rates is an illusion, because these exchange rates only apply to traded goods, a small proportion of consumption.

If the genuine income differential (taking local prices into account) is exaggerated by the RER, so the real difference in the standard of living between rich and poor countries is less than GDP per capita figures would suggest. To make a more significant comparison, economists divide a country's average income by its consumer price index.



The (naïve form of the) purchasing power parity hypothesis argues that the Balassa-Samuelson effect shouldn't occur. A simple open economy model treating Big Macs as commodity goods implies that international price competition will force Swiss, Russian, and U.S. burger prices to converge in price. The Penn effect denies this convergence; it is clear evidence that the general price level is much higher where (dollar) incomes are high, with no tendency to match the cheaper prices in poorer countries.


The law of one price says that the same item cannot sustain two different sale prices in the same market (since everyone would buy only at the lower price). By reversing this law, we can infer that different countries do not share an efficient common market from the fact that prices for the same good are different.

If a McDonalds patron in Zurich were able to eat in an identical Moscow restaurant at one quarter the price she would do so, and price competition would then equalize the Big Mac price throughout the world. Of course, someone can only eat out locally, so regional price differentials can persist; the Moscow and Zurich branches are not in competition. If the Moscow McDonalds starts giving away burgers the price in Zurich will be unaffected, since one is unlikely to dine in Moscow if starting the evening in Zurich.





祝編安。—InternetArchiveBot (報告軟件缺陷) 2017年9月19日 (二) 20:59 (UTC)回覆

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