


  • 中文名:氯乙烯;乙烯基氯
  • 化學式:H2C=CHCl
  • CAS號:75-01-4、4984-12-7(H2C=CDCl)、6745-35-3(D2C=CDCl)、6745-38-6(HDC=CDCl)、14290-07-4(H2C=CH37Cl)、83176-59-4(H213C=13CHCl)
  • 英文名:vinyl chloride; chloroethylene; chloroethene
  • 外觀:無色氣體


定壓熱容(卡/克分子·K)[1] 12.90(300 K)
14.30(350 K)
15.57(400 K)
17.79(500 K)
21.76(750 K)
黏度(微泊)[1] 104.21(300 K)
138.47(400 K)
170.70(500 K)
245.57(750 K)
導熱係數(×10−5卡/cm·s·K)[1] 1.86(300 K)
3.11(400 K)
4.64(500 K)
9.57(750 K)
熱導率(mW/(m·K))[2] 7.782(300 K)
10.25(350 K)
13.01(400 K)
19.41(500 K)
吉布斯自由能(ΔfG0m,A(g),kJ/mol)[3] 56.3


溶解度(25 °C) 水:2.79 g/L(p=1 bar)[4]
水:2.7 g/L(溶液上方分壓:1.013×105Pa)[5]
溶解度 水:0.95 wt%(15 °C),0.995 wt%(16 °C),0.915 wt%(20.5 °C),0.88 wt%(26 °C),0.89 wt%(29.5 °C)[6]
聚氯乙烯:9.86~15.91 mg/g(根據製備方法不同而不同,50 °C,Pm/Pm0=0.084)[7]
[BMIM]BF4:0.139 mol%(293.15 K,1.10 bar),0.081 mol%(313.15 K,1.11 bar),0.037 mol%(333.15 K,1.19 bar)[8]
[BMIM]PF6:0.224 mol%(293.15 K,1.14 bar),0.076 mol%(313.15 K,1.15 bar),0.016 mol%(333.15 K,1.10 bar)[8]
空氣-水分配係數(mol L−1/mol L−1[4] 1.08
吉布斯自由能(ΔfG0m,A(aq),kJ/mol)[3] 64.3952
蒸汽壓[1] 77.442 mmHg(-60 °C)
380.28 mmHg(-30 °C)
863.36 mmHg(-10 °C)
1233.1 mmHg(0 °C)
3.252 atm(20 °C)
汽化熱(卡/克分子)[1] 5106(-30 °C)
4893(-10 °C)
4542(20 °C)
黏度(mPa·s)[2] 0.438(-60 °C)
0.273(-20 °C)
0.227(0 °C)
0.194(20 °C)
0.158(50 °C)
0.104(100 °C)
表面張力(mN/m)[2] 29.47(-60 °C)
22.67(-20 °C)
19.43(0 °C)
10.44(60 °C)
5.248(100 °C)
比熱容(J/(mol·K))[2] 87.96(-20 °C)
89.89(0 °C)
91.52(20 °C)
熱導率(mW/(m·K))[2] 142.7(-20 °C)
133.9(0 °C)
124.7(20 °C)


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 盧煥章. 石油化工基礎數據手冊. 北京:化工出版社, 1984. pp 436-437. 22-6 氯乙烯.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 劉光啟, 馬連湘, 劉傑. 化學化工物性數據手冊 有機卷. 北京: 化學工業出版社, 2002. ISBN 7-5025-3760-0/TQ·1514
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Yuanhui Ji, Zhuhong Yang, Xiaoyan Ji, Wenjuan Huang, Xin Feng, Chang Liu, Linghong Lu, Xiaohua Lu. Thermodynamic study on the reactivity of trace organic contaminant with the hydroxyl radicals in waters by advanced oxidation processes. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2009-03, 277 (1): 15–19 [2023-02-20]. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2008.10.020. (原始內容存檔於2018-06-27) (英語). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Christoph Aeppli, Michael Berg, Thomas B. Hofstetter, Rolf Kipfer, René P. Schwarzenbach. Simultaneous quantification of polar and non-polar volatile organic compounds in water samples by direct aqueous injection-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A. 2008-02, 1181 (1-2): 116–124 [2023-02-20]. doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2007.12.043. (原始內容存檔於2023-03-13) (英語). 
  5. ^ Yuanhui Ji, Wenjuan Huang, Xiaohua Lu, Xin Feng, Zhuhong Yang. Theoretical limit of energy consumption for removal of organic contaminants in U.S. EPA Priority Pollutant List by NRTL, UNIQUAC and Wilson models. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2010-10, 297 (2): 210–214 [2023-02-20]. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2010.03.009. (原始內容存檔於2022-06-20) (英語). 
  6. ^ Phillip T. DeLassus, Donald D. Schmidt. Solubilities of vinyl chloride and vinylidene chloride in water. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. 1981-07, 26 (3): 274–276 [2023-02-20]. ISSN 0021-9568. doi:10.1021/je00025a015. (原始內容存檔於2023-02-18) (英語). 
  7. ^ Berens, A. R. The solubility of vinyl chloride in poly(vinyl chloride). Die Angewandte Makromolekulare Chemie (Wiley). 1975-10-21, 47 (1): 97–110. ISSN 0003-3146. doi:10.1002/apmc.1975.050470107. 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Xuepei Cheng, Tiancheng Mu, Xiaoling Wang, Xiangkun Guo, Lizhuang Zou. Low Pressure Solubilities of Vinyl Chloride in Ionic Liquids. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. 2008-12-11, 53 (12): 2807–2809 [2023-02-20]. ISSN 0021-9568. doi:10.1021/je8005166. (原始內容存檔於2023-02-18) (英語).