
戲劇治療(英語:Drama therapy)是將戲劇方法應用於協助個人內在成長,促進個人心理健康的治療方法[1]。戲劇治療的適用領域非常廣泛,在醫院、學校、心理健康中心、監獄和職場等領域都可以看見其應用。戲劇治療作為一種「表達性治療英語Expressive therapies」(或稱「創造性藝術治療」)的方法[2],有很多不同的表現形式和做法,也用作個案治療、夫妻治療、家庭治療,或各種團體治療[3]


心理劇英語Psychodrama的創始人雅克布·莫雷諾英語Jacob L. Moreno是第一個將戲劇過程和劇場引入到心理治療領域的人。但戲劇治療的領域並沒有止步於此,越來越多的戲劇技術被用作了治療性干預的手段,如:角色扮演劇場遊戲英語Theatre games團體動力遊戲默劇玩偶劇,以及一些其他的即興戲劇的方法。通常,戲劇治療對來訪者有以下的幫助:解決問題;宣泄情緒;探索自我;理解那些對個人來說影響深刻的意象的意義;探索並超越適應不良的行為和人際互動模式。

戲劇治療是一門綜合性極強的學科,其的理論基礎源自於戲劇、劇場、心理學、心理治療、人類學、遊戲,以及人際互動的程式和創造的過程。菲爾·瓊斯(Phil Jones)在他的著作《戲劇治療:理論、實踐和研究》(Drama as Therapy: Theory, practice and research)中從以下三個方面描述了戲劇作為治療方法出現的緣起:首先,很早以前,人們就發現了戲劇的治癒功能。可以從古人所使用的治療儀式和不同種類的社會劇中發現這一點。亞里士多德是第一個正式提出戲劇的心理治療功能的人,「宣泄」一詞也是由他提出來的。這時亞里士多德所認為的戲劇的心理治療作用主要指對社會的治癒,而非對個體的治療。其次,二十世紀早期,醫院劇場興起,連同莫雷諾、葉夫列伊諾夫、伊爾金等人的工作,標誌着人們對戲劇與治療之間的關係有了新的認識,也成為了二十世紀後期戲劇治療的大量湧現的基礎。最後,受到二十世紀六十年代的實驗劇場興起,即興戲劇的出現和普及,以及團體動力學、角色扮演和心理學的影響,戲劇治療作為一種創造性藝術治療的方法在二十世紀七十年代正式登場。



菲爾·瓊斯在《用戲劇治療,在劇場生活》(Drama as Therapy)中說,戲劇治療有九個核心程序。投射認同和戲劇距離是其中的兩個。投射認同是指一個人感覺到其他人無法接近自己的感受的過程;戲劇距離指通過隱喻,能更容易與情緒和心理問題工作——通過隱喻,來訪者與問題之間擁有了適當的距離,也就更能夠忍受與之相關的痛苦。[4]


在美國和加拿大,北美戲劇治療協會管理着註冊戲劇治療師的認證標準[5],並為戲劇治療的碩士項目提供鑑定標準和選修課程。在北美,通過獲取以下五個機構的碩士學位可成為註冊戲劇治療師[6]安迪亞克大學英語Antioch University[7](位於西雅圖)、萊斯利大學英語Lesley University[8](位於劍橋)、紐約大學[9](位於紐約)、加利福尼亞整合學院[10](位於三藩市)以及康考迪亞大學[11](位於加拿大蒙特利爾)。除此之外,在相關領域獲得碩士學位的人可以通過參與培訓、參與實習及接受督導來獲得註冊資格。

在英國,相關的法定監管機構是健康專業委員會英語Health and Care Professions Council,專業機構是英國戲劇治療協會[12]羅漢普頓大學德比大學中央演講和戲劇學院安格里亞魯斯金大學開設了被健康專業委員會、英國戲劇治療協會和衛生部認可的戲劇治療研究生課程。








  • 禁閉島,精神病院第一次使用了戲劇治療法試圖治癒一個危險病人


  1. ^ Loretta Gallo-Lopez, Lawrence C. C. Rubin -Play-Based Interventions for Children and Adolescents on the ... 2012- Page 100 "An overview of drama therapy is provided next, along with support for the use of drama therapy with children with ASd."
  2. ^ Jeffrey A. Kottler and David S. Shepard, Introduction to Counseling: Voices from the Field, 2010, Page 179: "Frequently the use of expressive therapy is not theoretically isolated but occurs as an adjunct to other theoretical modalities."
  3. ^ Malchiodi, Cathy A. (2003), Expressive Therapies, New York: Guilford, ISBN 1-59385-379-3
  4. ^ Jones, Phil. Drama as Therapy, Theatre as Living. East Sussex, G.B. & New York, U.S.: Brunner-Routledge, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group. 2002 [23 December 2015]. ISBN 0-415-09969-2. 
  5. ^ North American Drama Therapy Association. www.nadta.org. [2024-02-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-08-14). 
  6. ^ Accredited Schools. www.nadta.org. [2016-01-01]. (原始內容存檔於2018-08-14). 
  7. ^ MA Drama Therapy | Graduate Degree | MA Counseling | MA Therapy. Antioch University Seattle. [2016-01-01]. (原始內容存檔於2017-02-03) (美國英語). 
  8. ^ Clinical Mental Health Counseling: Drama Therapy Master's Degree- Lesley University. www.lesley.edu. [2024-02-26]. (原始內容存檔於2017-07-06). 
  9. ^ Drama Therapy - NYU Steinhardt. steinhardt.nyu.edu. [2024-02-26]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-09). 
  10. ^ Drama Therapy. [2024-02-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-02-28). 
  11. ^ Drama Therapy (MA). www.concordia.ca. [2024-02-26]. (原始內容存檔於2022-01-25). 
  12. ^ badth.org.uk - The British Association of Dramatherapists. www.badth.org.uk. [2024-02-26]. (原始內容存檔於2024-08-14). 
  13. ^ Entry requirements and training (dramatherapist). 30 April 2015 [2024-02-26]. (原始內容存檔於2015-10-05). 
  14. ^ NHS. (2013). entry requirements and training for Dramatherapy. Available: http://www.nhscareers.nhs.uk/explore-by-career/allied-health-professions/careers-in-the-allied-health-professions/arts-therapists/dramatherapist/entry-and-training/頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館).
  15. ^ Landy, R. J., & Montgomery, D. T. (2012). Theatre for Change: Education, Social Action and Therapy. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Page 165 "Not surprisingly these concepts are derived from theatre. The two most essential are role and story. In all forms of Drama Therapy, clients take on roles, and while in the role they tell and/or enact a story. The role is the indivisible piece, as the dramatic moment begins as an actor slips into the skin of another."
  16. ^ Landy, R. J., & Montgomery, D. T. (2012). Theatre for Change: Education, Social Action and Therapy. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Page 170 "Like applied theatre, drama therapy occurs within community settings and concerns the exploration of social issues and implementation of actions intended to ameliorate distress and oppression. Although drama therapists most frequently work in groups, they also treat individuals, helping them to identify problematic issues in their lives and to discover effective ways to move through their distress."
  17. ^ Landy, R. J., & Montgomery, D. T. (2012). Theatre for Change: Education, Social Action and Therapy. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Page 191 "Drama therapy is about theatre and as such, it imposes all the theatrical artifice in the service of exploring a fictional reality underneath that of everyday life, one that can illuminate and in some instances transform the actor."
  18. ^ Landy, R. J., & Montgomery, D. T. (2012). Theatre for Change: Education, Social Action and Therapy. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Page 197 "Much of the actual practice of Drama Therapy is not very dramatic, in the sense of being exciting. Progress can appear to be very slow and resistance very high".
  19. ^ Landy, R. J., & Montgomery, D. T. (2012). Theatre for Change: Education, Social Action and Therapy. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Page 196 "The one exception is Therapeutic Theatre, a more public form of performance where a particular population, for example, psychiatric patients or Iraq war veterans perform for an invited audience".