牛津英語詞典早在1718年就已在其中提到「完美風暴」(perfect storm),雖然給出的例句中,「完美」一詞的含義更傾向於「絕對」、「完全」或表強調之意[1]。
1848年出版的由威廉·梅克比斯·薩克萊所著的《浮華世界》中,亦有「完美風暴」一詞出現,其中寫道[2][原 1]:
“ | 我聽一個在那不勒斯講故事的同行說過,他在沿岸向那些無所事事的懶漢,或說那些老實的夥計布說着,帶着一腔即將要向自己口中敘述的那些十惡不赦的壞蛋宣泄的狂熱憤怒激情,為這些終亦將被此種情緒感染的聽眾布說着;隨後不論從是台上本就在滔滔不絕地說着的詩人自己那裏,還是從台下圍着他的那些聽眾那裏,爆發出、咆哮出的都是對這虛構之惡魔的惡毒咒詛,於是這位同行手中的帽子變圓變鼓,其中塞滿了,在這場由同情而起的完美風暴之中,擲出的一枚又一枚金幣。 | ” |
——威廉·梅克比斯·薩克萊,《浮華世界》 |
在氣象領域,「完美風暴」一詞最早出現在1850年5月30日,曼徹斯特威辛頓的勞伊德牧師(Rev. Lloyd)在當時記錄每月的降水量,而5月30日當天他寫道:「一場雷電交織的完美風暴覆蓋了全英格蘭(除倫敦),造成了可怕且致命的破壞。」[原 2]這份記錄保存在英國氣象局[3]。之後的一份記錄案例是在1936年3月20日,德克薩斯州的《亞瑟港新聞》刊出:「氣象局將這起風波描述為一次『完美風暴』,有七個因素相連鎖促成了這場洪水的發生。」[1][原 3]
1993年,新聞記者兼作家賽巴斯欽·鍾格計劃撰寫一部以1991年萬聖節東北風暴為主題的書籍。雖然從專業角度講這場風暴僅應歸類為溫帶氣旋,但榮格爾在與美國國家氣象局預報員羅伯特·凱斯交流後,從對方口中得知,這場風暴的產生過程中共有三種不同的天氣現象交匯,從而為這樣一場風暴的產生創造了「完美環境」(perfect situation)[4]:
- 冷鋒從一個方向催生出一片溫帶低氣壓帶來暖空氣
- 高氣壓從另一個方向帶來一股乾燥冷空氣
- 熱帶風暴或颶風帶來的大量暖濕水汽
- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 The Grammarphobia Blog: The imperfect storm. Grammarphobia.com. 2008-05-08 [2013-10-29]. (原始內容存檔於2022-07-09).
- ^ William Makepeace Thackeray. Vanity Fair - A novel without a hero. London: Bradbury and Evans. 1848.
- ^ The Met Office, UK,
- ^ NOAA Meteorologist Bob Case, the Man Who Named the Perfect Storm. National Oceanographic & Atmospheric Administration News. 2000-06-16 [2014-01-20]. (原始內容存檔於2012-01-27).
- ^ Junger, Sebastian. The Perfect Storm. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. 2000: 38. ISBN 9780393040166.
- ^ Meteorologists Say "Perfect Storm" "(Not So Perfect)". Science Daily. 2000-06-29 [2022-07-12]. (原始內容存檔於2022-09-22).
- ^ West, James. The naming of ("The Perfect Storm"). USA Today. 2000-07-06 [2022-07-12]. (原始內容存檔於2011-02-05).
- ^ FT.com / Companies / US & Canada - Fed rapped over subprime loans. 2008 [2008-05-19]. (原始內容存檔於2008-04-24).
- ^ Prepare for another perfect storm. (原始內容存檔於2010-07-27).
- ^ Andrew Stern. Wordsmiths, avoid these words.. Reuters. 2008-01-01 [2022-07-12]. (原始內容存檔於2022-07-12).
- ^ I have heard a brother of the story-telling trade at Naples preaching to a pack of good-for-nothing honest, lazy fellows by the sea-shore, work himself up into such a rage and passion with some of the villains whose wicked deeds he was describing and inventing, that the audience could not resist it; and they and the poet together would burst out into a roar of oaths and execrations against the fictitious monster of the tale, so that the hat went round, and the bajocchi tumbled into it, in the midst of a perfect storm of sympathy.
- ^ A perfect storm of thunder and lightning all over England (except London) doing fearful and fatal damage
- ^ The weather bureau describes the disturbance as "the perfect storm" of its type. Seven factors were involved in the chain of circumstances that led to the flood.