夏延河(英語:Cheyenne River[1],或寫作Chyone River[2])名字來自曾經生活在那裏的夏延族原住民[3],是密蘇里河的一條支流,位於美國懷俄明州南達科他州,長約為475公里,流域面積約62 800平方公里[4],其中約60%的流域面積位於南達科他州。[5]



  1. ^ Ullrich, Jan (編). New Lakota Dictionary 2nd. Bloomington, IN: Lakota Language Consortium. 2011: 607, 626, 883. ISBN 978-0-9761082-9-0. LCCN 2008922508. 
  2. ^ Marshall, Thomas Maitland (編). The life and papers of Frederick Bates. St Louis MO: Missouri Historical Society. 1923.  vol 1, p 203 - 1807 Hunting Licenses Granted July 6 Primo and Bessonett On the Chyone
  3. ^ Federal Writers' Project. South Dakota place-names, v.3. University of South Dakota. 1940: 4 [2018-04-01]. (原始內容存檔於2021-06-20). 
  4. ^ Archived copy (PDF). [2010-11-14]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2011-07-15).  Cheyenne River Phase I TMDL Assessment
  5. ^ Hogan, Edward Patrick; Fouberg, Erin Hogan. The Geography of South Dakota Third. Sioux Falls, SD: The Center for Western Studies – Augustana College. 2001. ISBN 0-931170-79-6. 
