金融資本主義(英語:finance capitalism / financial capitalism)是生產過程從屬於金融體系內貨幣利潤積累過程的關係。[6]因此,金融資本主義是資本主義的一種形式,儲蓄到投資的中介在經濟中成為主導功能,廣泛影響政治進程和社會發展。[7]從20世紀晚期開始,在有時被稱為金融化的過程中,無論是在新自由主義還是其他形式中,[8]它都已成為全球經濟的主導力量。[9]
托馬斯·帕利認為,21世紀金融資本的主導地位導致相較於全球經濟中企業成長的投資,投機——賭場資本主義(Casino Capitalism)——更受偏好。[14]
魯道夫·希法亭認為是將金融資本主義一詞帶入公眾視野的第一人,他在1910年對第一次世界大戰之前德國信託、銀行和壟斷部門之間的聯繫進行了研究,列寧將其納入了他在戰時對帝國主義關係的分析中。[15]列寧得出的結論是,銀行「是全部資本主義國民經濟體系的神經中樞」: [16]對於第三國際,「金融資本主義專政」一詞[17]成為常規。
費爾南·布勞岱爾後來指出,在人類歷史上兩個較早時期出現過金融資本主義,分別是16世紀的熱那亞人和17、18世紀的荷蘭人,儘管當時正是它從商業資本主義(commercial capitalism)發展而來。[18]傑奧瓦尼·阿瑞基擴展了布勞岱爾的分析,認為只要商業/工業資本主義擴張的前一個階段達到穩定的高水平,金融資本主義的主導地位便是一種反覆出現的長期現象。[19]
- ^ Neal, Larry: The Rise of Financial Capitalism: International Capital Markets in the Age of Reason (Studies in Monetary and Financial History). (Cambridge University Press, 1993, ISBN 9780521457385)
- ^ Goetzmann, William N.; Rouwenhorst, K. Geert: The Origins of Value: The Financial Innovations that Created Modern Capital Markets. (Oxford University Press, 2005, ISBN 978-0195175714))
- ^ Rothbard, Murray: Making Economic Sense, 2nd edition. (Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2006, ISBN 9781610165907), p. 426. In own words of the Austrian School economist Ludwig von Mises, "A stock market is crucial to the existence of capitalism and private property. For it means that there is a functioning market in the exchange of private titles to the means of production. There can be no genuine private ownership of capital without a stock market: there can be no true socialism if such a market is allowed to exist."
- ^ Dore, Ronald: Stock Market Capitalism, Welfare Capitalism: Japan and Germany versus the Anglo-Saxons. (Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. 280, ISBN 978-0199240616)
- ^ Preda, Alex: Framing Finance: The Boundaries of Markets and Modern Capitalism. (University of Chicago Press, 2009, pp. 328, ISBN 978-0-226-67932-7)
- ^ "Capitalism" by John Scott and Gordon Marshall in A Dictionary of Sociology Oxford University Press 2005. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press
- ^ Simon Johnson, "The Quiet Coup", May 2009, The Atlantic.. [2019-11-12]. (原始內容存檔於2010-01-04).
- ^ Charles R. Morris, The Trillion Dollar Meltdown (2008) p. 156
- ^ R. Munck, Globalization and Labour (2011) p. 77–8
- ^ "The Contradiction of Capitalism in the Search for Democracy" (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), Latin American Perspectives, Vol. 24, No. 3, Ecuador, Part 1: Politics and Rural Issues (May, 1997), pp. 116–122
- ^ F. Boldizzoni, Means and Ends: The Idea of Capital in the West 1500–1970, Palgrave Macmillan 2008, pp. 128–32
- ^ J. Bradford De Long & Carlos D. Ramirez, "Understanding America’s Hesitant Steps Toward Financial Capitalism", 1996, UC Berkeley 網際網路檔案館的存檔,存檔日期2012-03-13.
- ^ Dimitri B. Papadimitriou & L. Randall Wray, "Minsky's Analysis of Financial Capitalism, 1999 (PDF). [2019-11-12]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2017-08-09).
- ^ Thomas Palley, From Financial Crisis to Stagnation (2012) p. 218
- ^ Frederic Jameson, 'Culture and Finance Capital', in The Jameson Reader (2005) p. 257
- ^ Quoted in E. H. Carr, The Bolshevik Revolution 2 (1971) p. 137
- ^ Quoted in F. A Voight, Unto Caesar (1938) p. 22
- ^ C. J. Calhoun/G. Derluguian, Business as Usual (2011) p. 57
- ^ Jameson, p. 259-60
- ^ A. Sampson, Anatomy of Britain Today (1969) p. 475
- ^ P.Auger, Chasing Alpha (2009) p. 122 and p. 108
- ^ Jameson, p. 256-7
- ^ Jameson, p. 268-273
- Rudolf Hilferding, Finance Capital (1981[1910])
- Giovanni Arrighi, The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power, and the Origins of our Times (1994)
- John Kenneth Galbraith, The New Industrial State (1974)