紅水銀(Red Mercury,或稱紅汞)是一種虛構的物質,傳聞為蘇聯冷戰時期研製,通過純水銀和氧化汞銻放置在核反應堆內輻照二十天,則製造出的這種呈紅色的廉價但輻射度極高的物料。傳說紅水銀每立方公分重達二十點二公克(20.2 g/cm3),密度更勝於(19.1 g/cm3);只需把棒球大小的份量製成骯髒彈,就已足以造成災難性破壞。但由於至今仍無力證據證明紅水銀的存在,科學家對紅水銀到底是甚麼莫衷一是。被質疑以如此高能量密度的輻射物,穩定性不足,難以製造炸彈。所有相關討論都與蘇聯相關連,故部份專家認為是壞心人士散播的謠言





  • Peter Hounam英語Peter Hounam, Steve McQuillan, The Mini-Nuke Conspiracy: How Mandela Inherited a Nuclear Nightmare, Viking Adult(October 1, 1995)ISBN 0-670-86925-2. This book made the claim that South Africa had made red mercury, and used it to construct a thousand miniature tactical nuclear weapons, that were now in the hands of non-governmental South African right-wing elements which intended to make use of them in the near future (of 1995).
  • Henry Stevens, Hitler's Suppressed and Still-Secret Weapons, Science and Technology ISBN 978-1-931882-73-6. in Chapter 21, citing sources from above, Stevens makes a case that Germany may have developed technology of Red Mercury during World War II.
  • Cherry red and very dangerous By Rob Edwards 1995年4月29日, 全文(英文)




  1. ^ Aum Shinrikyo, Al Qaeda, and the Kinshasa Reactor (PDF). DTIC. According to press accounts, Osama bin Laden and his associates were tricked into paying for material called 「Red Mercury,」 which they believed to be weapons-grade nuclear material. Stefan Leader, 「Osama bin Laden and the Terrorist Search for WMD,」 Jane’s Intelligence Review, Vol. 11, No. 6, June 1999. 
  2. ^ ISIS的「終極武器」幻想(一):神秘的紅水銀 C. J. CHIVERS 2015年11月30日 紐約時報中文網
