此條目需要擴充。 (2015年12月10日) |
無教派穆斯林[1]是指不屬於一個明確伊斯蘭教派的穆斯林。[2]無教派穆斯林可以指向《古蘭經》儀姆蘭的家屬第103節來捍衛這一立場,即要求穆斯林保持團結不要分離。[3]在各種調查中,當問及其屬於哪個教派時,這些穆斯林通常會自我認定為「只是一個穆斯林」。[4][5]在獲得明確的解釋之前,這些穆斯林會自己對教義(包括經文和聖訓)進行推理判斷或考慮大多數伊斯蘭學者的意見。在英語中,這種意識形態的穆斯林還有一個Just Muslim的稱呼。[6][7][8][9][10]
在至少22個國家中至少五分之一的穆斯林為無教派穆斯林。根據皮尤研究中心的宗教信仰與公共生活項目,有着最多無教派穆斯林人口的國家是哈薩克斯坦,占比達到74%。報告還指出,在9個國家的穆斯林人口中,無教派穆斯林占多數(在另外3個國家占相對多數):阿爾巴尼亞共和國 (65%)、吉爾吉斯共和國 (64%)、科索沃共和國 (58%)、印度尼西亞共和國 (56%)、馬利共和國 (55%)、波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納 (54%)、烏茲別克斯坦共和國 (54%)、亞塞拜然共和國 (45%)、俄羅斯聯邦 (45%)和奈及利亞聯邦共和國 (42%)。其它占比較高的國家是:喀麥隆共和國 (40%), 突尼西亞共和國(40%),幾內亞比索共和國(36%),烏干達共和國(33%),摩洛哥王國(30%),塞內加爾共和國(27%),查德共和國(23%),衣索比亞聯邦民主共和國(23%),賴比瑞亞共和國(22%),尼日共和國(20%)和坦尚尼亞聯合共和國(20%)。[4]不過,這些數字可能會產生誤導,應採取謹慎態度,因為其中大部分國家都有一個占主導地位的伊斯蘭教派,如遜尼派和什葉派,還有一些缺乏競爭力的教派。這些國家的大部分穆斯林選擇只認同自己是穆斯林,而不是自稱屬於一個特定的教派。
- ^ Ngaima, Samuel. Factors to the Liberian National Conflict: Views of the Liberian Expatriates. 2014: 17.
- ^ Benakis, Theodoros. Islamophoobia in Europe!. New Europe (Brussels). 13 January 2014 [20 October 2015]. (原始內容存檔於2016-01-31).
... the non-denominational Muslims – those who are neither Shiites nor Sounites, but who accept Islam as a religion generally.
- ^ Intra-Societal Tension and National Integration, p 119, A. Jamil Qadri - 1988
- ^ 4.0 4.1 Chapter 1: Religious Affiliation. The World’s Muslims: Unity and Diversity. Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project. August 9, 2012 [4 September 2013]. (原始內容存檔於2016-12-26).
- ^ Burns, Robert. Christianity, Islam, and the West. : 55 [2015-12-10]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-16).
40 per cent called themselves "just a Muslim" according to the Council of American-Islamic relations
- ^ Mustapha, Abdul. Sects & Social Disorder. 2014: 5 [2015-12-10]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-19).
of Muslims identified themselves as Sunni, 12 per cent as Shi'a, 3 per cent as Ahmadiyya but 44 per cent as 'just Muslim' (Pew Forum, 2010)
- ^ Muttitt, Greg. Fuel on the Fire: Oil and Politics in Occupied Iraq. 2012: 79 [2015-12-10]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-16).
A January 2004 survey by the Iraq Centre for Research and Strategic Studies, for instance, asked people which description suited them best Sunni Muslim, Shi'a Muslim or just Muslim'.
- ^ Boulting, Ned. On the Road Bike: The Search For a Nation’s Cycling Soul. : 155.
What is your religion, asked a UN official. Muslim. Are you Shi'a or Sunni. Just Muslim
- ^ Tatari, Eren. Muslims in British Local Government: Representing Minority Interests in Hackney, Newham and Tower Hamlets. 2014: 111 [2015-12-10]. (原始內容存檔於2020-07-29).
Nineteen said that they are Sunni Muslims, six said they are just Muslim without specifying a sect, two said they are Ahmadi, and two said their families are Alevi
- ^ Lopez, Ralph. Truth in the Age of Bushism. 2008: 65 [2015-12-10]. (原始內容存檔於2020-08-03).
Many Iraqis take offense at reporters' efforts to identify them as Sunni or Shiite. A 2004 Iraq Centre for Research and Strategic Studies poll found the largest category of Iraqis classified themselves as "just Muslim."
- ^ Cughtai, Muhammad Ikram. Jamāl Al-Dīn Al-Afghāni: An Apostle of Islamic Resurgence. 2005: 454.
Condemning the historically prevailing trend of blindly imitating religious leaders, al- Afghani revised to identity himself with a specific sect or imam by insisting that he was just a Muslim and a scholar with his own interpretation of Islam.