
安全諮詢意見 (英語:Security Advisory Opinion縮寫SAO),又稱華盛頓特別許可英語:Washington Special Clearances[1],是美利堅合眾國在遭受911恐怖襲擊後,國務院駐外機構新增的一項用來決定是否向美國簽證申請人發放簽證的處理流程。該流程將需要進一步審查的簽證材料上送至總部位於華盛頓哥倫比亞特區的美國國務院,以便調查申請人是否有間諜行為、恐怖主義背景或意圖向美國境外輸送管制技術的傾向[2]


  1. ^ Washington Special Clearances (Security Advisory Opinions), 9 FAM Appendix G, 500 (PDF). U.S. Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual Volume 9 – Visas. United States Department of State. 2006-08-16 [2007-11-05]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2004-12-05). 
  2. ^ Janice L. Jacobs. Visa Processing Delays: Testimony before the House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform. United States Department of State. 2003-07-10 [2007-11-05]. (原始內容存檔於2007-10-21).