- 连续统假设(或称CH;哥德尔制造了一个CH为真的ZFC模型,继而证明了CH不能在ZFC中被证否;保罗·寇恩其后发明了力迫法去展示了一个CH为假的ZFC模型,证明了CH不能在ZFC中被证明;以下4条独立性结果亦是来自哥德尔/寇恩。);
- 广义连续统假设 (GCH);
- 可构造性公理 (Axiom of constructibility)(V = L);
- 钻石原则 (Diamond principle)(◊);
- 马丁公理 (Martin's axiom)(MA);
- MA + ¬CH. (独立性由Robert M. Solovay及Stanley Tennenbaum证明[1])
- V = L → ◊ → CH.
- V = L → GCH → CH.
- CH → MA
如果集合S 的元素少于集合T(在势的意义上),那么S的子集合少于T。
- Proper forcing axiom
- Open coloring axiom
- Martin's maximum
- Existence of 0#
- Singular cardinals hypothesis
- 射影决定性(在不假定选择公理的状况下,甚至完全的决定公理也适用此)
有很多实数线上的基数不变量跟测度理论与贝尔纲定理相关的好些命题有所连结,而其独立于ZFC。当非平凡的关系可以在他们之间被证明,大部份的基数不变量皆介于ℵ1与2ℵ0之间。这是一个实数线集合论的主要研究范围(见Cichoń's diagram)。MA有一个趋势使得大部份有趣的基数不变量皆等于2ℵ0。
A subset X of the real line is a strong measure zero set if to every sequence (εn) of positive reals there exists a sequence of intervals (In) which covers X and such that In has length at most εn. Borel's conjecture, that every strong measure zero set is countable, is independent of ZFC.
A subset X of the real line is -dense if every open interval contains -many elements of X. Whether all -dense sets are order-isomorphic is independent of ZFC.[2]
苏斯林问题(Suslin's problem)提出一个指定的特性列表能否刻画一个实数R的有序集合。这是在ZFC中未决的[3]。 一条 Suslin line 是指一个满足该指定的特性列表但不与R序同构的有序集。钻石原则证明了Suslin line的存在性,而MA + ¬CH 推导出EATS(every Aronszajn tree is special;每一个Aronszajn tree皆为特别)[4], 而推导出(但不等价于)[5]Suslin line的不存在性。Ronald Jensen证明了CH并不推出Suslin line的存在性[6]。
假设不可达基数的相容性之前提下,Kurepa tree的存在性与ZFC独立[7]。
Existence of a partition of the 序数 into two colors with no monochromatic uncountable sequentially closed subset is independent of ZFC, ZFC + CH, and ZFC + ¬CH, assuming consistency of a Mahlo cardinal.[8][9][10] This theorem of Shelah answers a question of H. Friedman.
‘一个人能否写下一个具体的多项式p ∈ Z[x1,...x9]使得命题“存在著整数m1,...,m9 使得 p(m1,...,m9)=0”’为无法被ZFC证明或证否(假设ZFC相容)[11]。这来自尤里·马季亚谢维奇对希尔伯特第十问题的解析;这多项式被建构使得它有整数根若且唯若ZFC乃不相容。
富比尼定理对于正函数的一个更强版本,当中该函数不再假设为可被测度而仅仅那2个迭代积分(Iterated integral)有明确定义并存在,为独立于ZFC。另一方面,CH意味了存在著一个单位平方上的函数,其迭代积分不相等——该函数只为“等价于势ω1良序关系的[0, 1]序”之指示函数。类似例子可以以MA去构建。另一方面,强富比尼定理的相容性由Harvey Friedman首次展示[12]。它亦可以由Freiling's axiom of symmetry的一个变种推导而出[13]。
正规Moore Space猜想(每一个正规的Moore Space皆为可度量),能够在假设CH或MA + ¬CH的情况下被证否,而能够在假设一个意味大基数存在性的公理的情况下被证明。因此,granted large cardinals, 正规Moore Space猜想独立于ZFC。
- ^ Kunen, Kenneth. Set Theory: An Introduction to Independence Proofs. Elsevier. 1980. ISBN 0-444-86839-9.
- ^ Baumgartner, J., All -dense sets of reals can be isomorphic, Fund. Math. 79, pp.101 – 106, 1973
- ^ Solovay, R. M.; Tennenbaum, S. Iterated Cohen extensions and Souslin's problem. Annals of Mathematics. Second Series. 1971, 94 (2): 201–245. JSTOR 1970860. doi:10.2307/1970860.
- ^ Baumgartner, J., J. Malitz, and W. Reiehart, Embedding trees in the rationals, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 67, pp. 1746 – 1753, 1970
- ^ Shelah, S., Free limits of forcing and more on Aronszajn trees, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 40, pp. 1 – 32, 1971
- ^ Devlin, K., and H. Johnsbraten, The Souslin Problem, Lecture Notes on Mathematics 405, Springer, 1974
- ^ Silver, J., The independence of Kurepa's conjecture and two-cardinal conjectures in model theory, in Axiomatic Set Theory, Proc. Symp, in Pure Mathematics (13) pp. 383 – 390, 1967
- ^ Shelah, S., Proper and Improper Forcing, Springer 1992
- ^ Schlindwein, Chaz, Shelah's work on non-semiproper iterations I, Archive for Mathematical Logic (47) 2008 pp. 579 – 606
- ^ Schlindwein, Chaz, Shelah's work on non-semiproper iterations II, Journal of Symbolic Logic (66) 2001, pp. 1865 – 1883
- ^ James P. Jones. Undecidable diophantine equations. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 1980, 3 (2): 859–862. doi:10.1090/s0273-0979-1980-14832-6.
- ^ Friedman, Harvey. A Consistent Fubini-Tonelli Theorem for Nonmeasurable Functions. Illinois J. Math. 1980, 24 (3): 390–395. MR 0573474.
- ^ Freiling, Chris. Axioms of symmetry: throwing darts at the real number line. Journal of Symbolic Logic. 1986, 51 (1): 190–200. JSTOR 2273955. MR 0830085. doi:10.2307/2273955.
- What are some reasonable-sounding statements that are independent of ZFC? (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), mathoverflow.net