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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-32
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! Chugach State Park covers 495,204 acres (2,004 square kilometers) immediately east of the Anchorage Bowl in south-central Alaska. Though primarily in the Municipality of Anchorage, a small portion of the park north of the Eklutna Lake area in the vicinity of Pioneer Peak lies within the Matanuska-Susitna Borough. Established by legislation signed into law on August 6, 1970, by Alaska Governor Keith Miller, this state park was created to provide recreational opportunities, protect the scenic value of the Chugach Mountains and other geographic features, and ensure the safety of the water supply for Anchorage. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2019年8月5日 (一) 01:20 (UTC) |
Wikidata weekly summary #376
- Events
- Upcoming: OSM TW x Wikidata Taipei Meetup, August 12nd - Facebook event
- Upcoming: Wikimania, 16-18 August in Stockholm. Full program, list of Wikidata-related sessions
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Wikidata: From "an" Identifier to "the" Identifier, Theo van Veen , Information Technology and Libraries, 38(2), 72-81.
- Opening up Research Data in Film Studies by Using the Structured Knowledge Base Wikidata', Adelheid Heftberger et al, in "Digital Cultural Heritage", pp 401-410.
- Bridging the gap between linked open data-based recommender systems and distributed representations, Pierpaolo Basile, et al, Information Systems, Volume 86, December 2019, pp 1-8.
- OpenRefine Beginners Tutorial, video tutorial by Emmacarroll3 demonstrating how to import a dataset with OpenRefine.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- soweego version 1.0 is out: a machine learning system that links Wikidata to large-scale third-party catalogs
- New data type for EntitySchemas will be available on August 7th
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: location of the point of view, opinion joined by, date of the first one, date of the latest one, Mac OS type code, acknowledged
- External identifiers: Acharts.co artist ID, Textile Connect publication ID, 08euro.Ru person ID, CUP2002.RU person ID, Euro04.Ru person ID, Gazeta.Ru Euro 2012 person ID, WorldCup10.Ru person ID, Hiking Project trail ID, Media Art Database console games ID, AMPAS collections film ID, AMPAS collections person ID, Douyin ID, School code of the Ministry of Education, Taiwan, AllTrails trail ID, Archives Directory for the History of Collecting in America ID, PEPC park ID, Vidwan ID, Bureau des longitudes ID, ComingSoon.it film ID, Cleartrip Hotel ID, Mojarto artist ID, Rijksmonument complex ID, Goibibo Hotel ID, Acharts.co chart ID, ONF forest national ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: axis, Principal, Epigraph, contact area count, Cases consolidated, detail of painting, exonerated of, possibly reproduction of, Werke ohne Opuszahl, obituary of, significant place
- External identifiers: Poincaré Papers person ID, Acharts album ID, Rollerstory.net skater ID, CHESNO politician ID, Nauka Ukrainy scientist ID, OhRanger.com ID, Wynk artist ID, Plus Music artist ID, WP Muzyka artist ID, Interia Muzyka artist ID, Empik author ID, merlin.pl author ID, The Top Tens ID, Raptekster.dk ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fix logging for errors on wbcontentlanguages requests (phab:T228888)
- Add request information to request timeout errors (phab:T228885)
- Show an error message when saving fails on mobile termbox (phab:T222884)
- Add editing widget/input to client edit modal (phab:T226998)
- Show the current Wikidata value in the Bridge modal (phab:T226997)
- EntitySchema datatype (phab:T214884)
- Reduce the number of ResourceLoader modules that WikibaseClient register: (phab:T203696)
- Reduce text returned by EntityContent::getTextForFilters (phab:T226216)
- Fixed a bug with PHP Warning (phab:T229482)
- Fixing a bug about value pickers being broken (phab:T229604)
- Fixed BadMethodCallException wbgetentities when getting Lexeme subentities (phab:T223995)
- Investigate on Graphoid issues (phab:T229236)
- Fix issues on Wikidata Tours (phab:T214884)
- Make logging warning or info of not finding entity for revision configurable (phab:T229574)
- Fix Grafana Datamodel References dashboard (phab:T214894)
- Move "Wikidata item" link outside of "toolbox" sidebar to "other projects" sidebar (phab:T66315)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
*.wikipedia.org的DNS污染已消失,只剩下SNI RST。- 可能海缆中断,基金会的接入商zayo的线路绕路到欧洲,所以直接访问美国本土的三个站点会有严重的延迟。
- 我也有察觉到近期访问维基百科,速度有变慢,页面加载的时间变得更久了,上周五早上我这边有一小段时间198.35.26.96甚至是完全ping不通(当然后面又能连上了)。--保持它的机器人 (kick me in the backside) 2019年8月5日 (一) 07:44 (UTC)
- 找个在线工具测一下,有些地方DNS污染消失了,有些地方没有--Kegns(留言) 2019年8月5日 (一) 08:03 (UTC)
- 我补个位置吧:广州。——路过围观的Sakamotosan | 避免做作,免敬 2019年8月5日 (一) 08:49 (UTC)
- 找个在线工具测一下,有些地方DNS污染消失了,有些地方没有--Kegns(留言) 2019年8月5日 (一) 08:03 (UTC)
- 前几天大家的老朋友TPE又双叒叕断了,往美国方向还好,日本方向带宽损失惨重,NTT已经丢成狗。电信把zayo给拖到欧洲我想也的确是因为光缆断了的原因,这种事以前电信也不是没干过。这段时间198.35.26.96(和ulsfo整体)跟墙没有关系,就是因为光缆断了所以没加钱的都丢包而已。另外有些ping工具的节点上游DNS不知道是怎么配的,反正自带抗污染,不要太在意。--Techyan(留言) 2019年8月5日 (一) 13:59 (UTC)
- 我也觉得TPE为啥经常断呢?(其实之前就有过这个问题)另外污染又出现了。(本来是在咖啡吧测试到的,然后也有一些公共DNS确认过,结果还是最终一致性嘛)——路过围观的Sakamotosan | 避免做作,免敬 2019年8月6日 (二) 01:14 (UTC)
- TPE断不断是一个问题,问题是现在运营商出口还在大幅依赖TPE。TPE之后又开通了APG等光缆,但是并没有被运营商用于internet。感觉TPE总是断不是错觉,它的确真的经常断,并且相比较其他海底光缆,断得也是特别频繁。当然,纯个人猜测,TPE当初铺设的时候就没铺好。据传这次断的是上海附近的一个点,然后就拖坏了一些走上海出口的线路,比如电信和联通到NTT方向。IIJ和softbank等我没看不过据说也很惨。相信zayo等一部分北美线路也受影响,否则电信也不会整段拖到欧洲。联通没试,不过估计也很惨就是了。CERNET能幸免的原因是他们用的TPE是从青岛入海的,当然这次断在了上海谁知道下次了,青岛也不是没断过。另外CN2往洛杉矶方向也是TPE(呵呵呵呵呵不过现在看起来已经调度过来了)另外跟常识相违背的是,中国走到欧洲的陆缆是要比到美国的海缆更贵的,电信一时也不一定能调过来足够的带宽来弥补TPE损坏带来的带宽损失。当年建TPE的时候可是牛逼吹炸了的,说建了之后中美太平洋就有自己的线路了不用从其他国家中转,台湾地震也不怕,后来发现TPE断的比台湾地震还多,也就没人吹了。TPE建成十多年到现在,问题不是TPE怎样,也不是没有更好的光缆,问题是APG建好了不去用,而是都拿来保加钱可及那帮人的质量了。--Techyan(留言) 2019年8月6日 (二) 11:53 (UTC)
- 我也觉得TPE为啥经常断呢?(其实之前就有过这个问题)另外污染又出现了。(本来是在咖啡吧测试到的,然后也有一些公共DNS确认过,结果还是最终一致性嘛)——路过围观的Sakamotosan | 避免做作,免敬 2019年8月6日 (二) 01:14 (UTC)
- @cwek、Techyan:TPE和APG是蛤?-- Sunny00217 2019年8月8日 (四) 09:07 (UTC)
This Month in GLAM: July 2019
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-33
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! Visby City Wall (Swedish: Visby ringmur, sometimes Visby stadsmur) is a medieval defensive wall surrounding the Swedish town of Visby on the island of Gotland. As the strongest, most extensive, and best preserved medieval city wall in Scandinavia, the wall forms an important and integral part of Visby World Heritage Site. Built in two stages during the 13th and 14th century, approximately 3.44 km (2.14 mi) of its original 3.6 km (2.2 mi) still stands. Of the 29 large and 22 smaller towers, 27 large and 9 small remain. A number of houses that predate the wall were incorporated within it during one of the two phases of construction. During the 18th century, fortifications were added to the wall in several places and some of the towers rebuilt to accommodate cannons. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2019年8月12日 (一) 02:05 (UTC) |
先前在测试功能中关闭“用户讨论页上的结构式讨论”后仍无法恢复到旧版,经过phab:T229795这一bug应该已经修复。如欲将Flow恢复至旧版讨论页请重新在“测试功能”中重新选中启用、保存,之后再取消勾选关闭。抄送:@Emojiwiki、Antilovsky、Daniel J Zhao--及时雨 留言 2019年8月12日 (一) 04:25 (UTC)
Wikidata weekly summary #377
- Press, articles, blog posts
- Conclusion of 7th Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana Wikidata Editathon (grant report)
- "Creating Library Linked Data with Wikibase: Lessons Learned from Project Passage" OCLC Research. DOI: 10.25333/faq3-ax08
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The open source geocoder w:en:Nominatim used by the OpenStreetMap project is participating in the Google Summer of Code with an internship working on integrating Wikidata as a ranking metric for its search results. Check the development blog.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: musical bar, epigraph (literature), copyright exemption, significant place
- External identifiers: München Wiki article ID, Poincaré Papers person ID, Acharts.co album ID, NOTAM (FAA), CHESNO politician ID, Rollerstory.net skater ID, Nauka Ukrainy scientist ID, OhRanger.com ID, Wynk artist ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: legend for number, does not have effect, word stem type, Voting system, Class, Peer-review-process properties for journals, Wikisource-Kategorie, line(s), Election called by, image or photo-making technique
- External identifiers: FGrHist ID, Acharts.co song ID, shmup.com ID, TA2 ID, Hacker News User ID, Swedish lighthouses, EPW author ID, Gaana.com album ID, Cinestaan film ID, Cinestaan person ID, Service d'Information sur les Etudes et les Professions job ID, IBP 4-letter bird species alpha code, PLIA ID, Planespotters.net ID, Awards & Winners artist ID, TuneIn artist ID, AccuRadio artist ID, Jango artist ID, LiveXLive artist ID, mora artist ID, CD Universe artist ID, Ex Libris author ID, Fishpond.co.nz author ID, YesAsia author ID, Supraphonline artist ID, Image-Line artist ID, RMF FM artist ID, eska.pl topic ID, Register nehnuteľných NKP, deejay.de artist ID, Bandsintown artist ID, musica.com artist ID, GreatSong artist ID, AZLyrics.com artist ID, RauteMusik artist ID, Getty Images topic ID, Tunefind artist ID, SoundHound artist ID, SongMeanings artist ID, Census of India ID, OpenWeatherMap city ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fix a caching problem on termbox (phab:T228978)
- Investigate options for termbox load testing (phab:T229790)
- Use thumbnail preferences for thumbnail of Commons media file (phab:T224189)
- Add tags parameter to Wikibase APIs that edit entities (phab:T229917)
- Move "Data item" link outside of sidebar toolbox (phab:T66315)
- Create Maintenance Script to Remove Terms in a Language from Current Revision (phab:T222606)
- Fix Grafana Datamodel References dashboard (phab:T214894)
- Add editing widget/input on Bridge (phab:T226998)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #378
- Discussions
- New request for comments: Improved instructions for translation admin
- Events
- Current: Wikimania in Stockholm and hackathon, August 14 to 18. Check out the list of all Wikidata-related events. Each session page should include notes, slides and streaming if available.
- Tool of the week
- In this new section, you can share your favourite tool with the other Wikidata users. You can add some suggestions here.
- NameGuzzler allows you to automatically add an identical label or alias into many languages (for example, the name of a person or a place). You can define your own custom list of languages that you want to add.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- There is now a Wikiquote page for Wikidata
- ISA is a new tool to easily add structured data to Commons files, including from mobile
- You can help improve the vandalism detection by completing a set of labels for ORES
- QuickStatements won the Coolest Tool Award, category "editor", during the first ceremony at Wikimania 2019
- New Wikidata-related projects developed during the Wikimania hackathon:
- Documentation translation sprint: several people translated Wikidata help pages in their own language. Feel free to continue the efforts to make Wikidata more accessible!
- Item creation helpers helps create similar items, and link them together, with a simple form. Example with skating competitions
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: manner of inhumane treatment, cases consolidated, typically sells, noun class, does not have effect, substitute director/manager, school class
- External identifiers: Empik author ID, WP Muzyka artist ID, Interia Muzyka artist ID, The Top Tens ID, merlin.pl author ID, Plus Music artist ID, Kinsky–Halm Catalogue, Raptekster.dk ID, Acharts.co song ID, FGrHist ID, register of real estate NKP, Hacker News User ID, shmup.com ID, TA2 ID, Gaana.com album ID, XING profile ID, Cinestaan film ID, Cinestaan person ID, job ID in Service d'Information sur les Etudes et les Professions, Planespotters.net aircraft ID, PLIA ID, IBP 4-letter bird species alpha code, EPW author ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: graph radius, Belgian Species List ID, amino acid (start, end) position, ordeal by, protected region scheme, image revision-id, region within image, access restriction status, georeferencing data, number of processor threads, part number, CPUID, based on tabular data, Siddham script name, Number of active electronic terminals
- External identifiers: OpenWeatherMap city ID, Scribd Publication ID, moly.hu azonosító, Hungarian Movie Database film ID, Lyrics007 artist ID, jog.fm artist ID, Hype Machine artist ID, Liber Liber author ID, Dizionario biografico dei Friulani ID, Just Hear It artist ID, Lyrics Translations artist ID, LINE BLOG user ID, Digitalt Museum ID, MTV UK artist ID, MTV Germany artist ID, MTV Polska artist ID, Vox FM artist ID, Allcinema person ID, Eiga.com person ID, Eiga.com movie ID, GoodRx, BEACON ID
- Query examples:
- Schema examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fix an issue with the pop up of Wikidata Tours (phab:T223999)
- Call WikibaseLexeme API with baserevid parameter from the UI (phab:T217245)
- Fix a bug with CheckConstraintsJob (phab:T227450)
- Fix a bug with wbgetentities when getting Lexeme subentities (phab:T223995)
- Add editing widget/input to client edit modal: (phab:T226998)
- Add tags parameter to Wikibase APIs that edit entities: (phab:T229917)
- More work on the the production Termbox service
- tidying up our browser test suite (phab:T229910)
- adding browser tests for basic editing (phab:T230187)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
New tools and IP masking
Johan (WMF)2019年8月21日 (三) 14:18 (UTC)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-35
The winner this Translation of the week is Please be bold and help to translation this article! The Duesenberg Model A was the first automobile in series production to have hydraulic brakes and the first automobile in series production in the United States with a straight-eight engine. Officially known as the Duesenberg Straight Eight, the Model A was first shown in late 1920 in New York City. Production was delayed by substantial changes to the design of the car, including a change in the engine valvetrain from horizontal overhead valves to an overhead camshaft; also during this time, the company had moved its headquarters and factory from New Jersey to Indiana. The Model A was manufactured in Indianapolis, Indiana, from 1921 to 1925 by the Duesenberg Automobiles and Motors Company and from 1925 to 1926 at the same factory by the restructured Duesenberg Motor Company. The successors to the company began referring to the car as the Model A when the Model J was introduced. (Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.) About · Nominate/Review · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 2019年8月26日 (一) 01:16 (UTC) |
Wikidata weekly summary #379
- Events
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4-Wikidata Affinity Group call: Wikimania recap, 27 August. Agenda
- Press, articles, blog posts
- What we talk about when we talk about Wikidata quality: a literature survey, by Alessandro Piscopo and Elena Simperl
- Introduction to OpenRefine in video by Emma (University of Edimburgh) (12min)
- Old but gold: introduction to Wikidata by Asaf Bartov (7min)
- Tool of the week
- In this new section, you can share your favourite tool with the other Wikidata users. You can add some suggestions here.
- Integraality generates tables to assess the completeness of properties on sets of items, such as properties on railway stations for instance. Tables are automatically updated and highly configurable.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Edit 1,000,000,000 - the one-billionth, or 10⁹ - was the creation of 用传输矩阵法研究微波波段准一维同轴光子晶体能隙结构 (Q66665412) by User:Stevenliuyi
- New termbox interface on mobile is enabled - you can view and edit easily the labels, descriptions and aliases on mobile devices (full announcement)
- Random finds from WikiProject Random
- Starting from July 2019, Wikimedia Sverige and the Wikimedia Foundation's GLAM team work together to create a more sustainable technical infrastructure for global heritage and content partnerships. Read more about this initiative on meta.wikimedia.org.
- Wiki Loves Monuments and other Wikimedia Commons campaign organizers can now specify structured data fields in the campaign UploadWizard on Wikimedia Commons.
- The new termbox interface is now enabled on mobile, you can edit labels, descriptions and aliases from a mobile device
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: ordeal by, newspaper archive url, periphrastic definition, lexeme for periphrastic definition, link for periphrastic definition
- External identifiers: Awards & Winners artist ID, eska.pl topic ID, Image-Line artist ID, Jango artist ID, LiveXLive artist ID, mora artist ID, RMF FM artist ID, Supraphonline artist ID, TuneIn artist ID, YesAsia author ID, AZLyrics.com artist ID, Bandsintown artist ID, musica.com artist ID, OpenWeatherMap city ID, RauteMusik artist ID, Scribd publication ID, SongMeanings artist ID, SoundHound artist ID, Belgian Species List ID, Dizionario biografico dei Friulani ID, Mafab.hu film ID, jog.fm artist ID, Lyrics007 artist ID, moly.hu book ID, Liber Liber author ID, GreatSong artist ID, LINE BLOG user ID, Lyrics Translations artist ID, Allcinema person ID, Eiga.com person ID, MTV Polska artist ID, MTV UK artist ID, Vox FM artist ID, Eiga.com movie ID, Transfermarkt team ID, Insects (Insecta) of the World ID, BEACON ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: associated with, present on map, translated title, Wikia Article URL 2, position in sequence, color produced, Itch.io ID, mobile formatter, subscribers, Attribution text, difficulty
- External identifiers: RPGGeek, Faculté des sciences de Nancy ID, DIBAVOD ID, Fundación Goya en Aragón ID, Estudanky ID, LongSwimsDB ID, L-number, Dove.org work ID, WTA ID, iTunes (gb) artist ID, Arnet Miner publication ID, Chinese Engineering Expert Tank ID, Open Science Framework ID, Laws & Regulations Database of the Republic of China ID, NLP ID, SCTrails ID, Transporter Classification Database ID, UN treaty reference, musicbrainz tag, Identification code for universities and colleges, Toons Mag, YouTube Music channel ID, The Independent topic ID, Pandora artist ID
- Query examples:
- https://w.wiki/7UY timeline of competitions of the 2019-2020 figure skating season]
- Future figure skating competitions
- Currently happening figure skating competitions
- French ships whose name start with an A (source)
- Map of birth places of delegates to the Alaska Constitutional Convention (source)
- Schema examples:
- human chromosome, built on chromosome, built on sequence assembly
- Lunar crater
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Deploy mobile termbox, follow-up and bug fixing
- Deploy then rollback the move of "Wikidata item" link on clients due to cache issues (phab:T66315)
- Work on adjusting the save button of the Entity Schema editor (phab:T230398)
- Work on the bridge emitting button (phab:T230326)
- Introduce a header for the bridge modal (phab:T230328)
- Produce initial statistics/indicators for the Wikidata Languages Landscape (phab:T223119)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
来自近80个国家的800多名与会者聚集在瑞典斯德哥尔摩,参加第15届维基媒体国际会议。 8月14日至18日,维基媒体国际会议召集了那些使维基百科和其他维基媒体项目百科成为可能的志愿者。在过去的5天的时间里,与会者将聚集在一起讨论维基媒体的未来,以及免费知识在创造一个更加公平的世界中的作用。
维基媒体基金会执行董事凯瑟琳·马赫(Katherine Maher)说:“维基媒体国际会议是我们全球自由知识运动的庆祝活动,也是我们聚在一起所能取得的成就。只有通过合作,我们才能实现我们为2030年所制定的雄心勃勃的目标,并为后代创造一个更强大,更公平,更可持续的世界。”
- 所以这是什么大会?
滥权基金会和滥权维基人的大会?有谁能解释一下?--痛心疾首(留言) 2019年8月27日 (二) 08:46 (UTC)
2019年7月14日,印度报纸《浦那镜报》报道称,维基媒体地方自治体委员会(AffCom)将撤销对印度维基媒体协会(Wikimedia India,WM India)的承认,后者将失去维基媒体运动地方自治体的资格,官方的认可和补助的资格。该协会会员反对这一决定,并在Wikimedia-I邮件列表表示了“印度维基媒体协会对公平透明听证会的需求”,还在WikimediaIndia-I中继续讨论。截止现在,对于对于地方自治体的撤销许可还没有一个特定流程,各种社会压力也阻止WM India、基金会和AffCom在维基上的公开发言。透明度的挑战使得一位社群成员评论道:“令人惊讶的是,社群居然从媒体那里了解到(WM India)不再被认可的消息。”
Update on the consultation about office actions
Hello all,
Last month, the Wikimedia Foundation's Trust & Safety team announced a future consultation about partial and/or temporary office actions. We want to let you know that the draft version of this consultation has now been posted on Meta.
This is a draft. It is not intended to be the consultation itself, which will be posted on Meta likely in early September. Please do not treat this draft as a consultation. Instead, we ask your assistance in forming the final language for the consultation.
For that end, we would like your input over the next couple of weeks about what questions the consultation should ask about partial and temporary Foundation office action bans and how it should be formatted. Please post it on the draft talk page. Our goal is to provide space for the community to discuss all the aspects of these office actions that need to be discussed, and we want to ensure with your feedback that the consultation is presented in the best way to encourage frank and constructive conversation.
Please visit the consultation draft on Meta-wiki and leave your comments on the draft’s talk page about what the consultation should look like and what questions it should ask.
Thank you for your input! -- The Trust & Safety team 2019年8月16日 (五) 16:03 (CST)—以上日期时间与常见格式不同的留言是于2019年8月24日 (六) 00:13 (UTC)加入的。
- 大概翻译了一下:
“ | 大家好,
上个月,维基媒体基金会的信任与安全团队宣布关于部分和/或临时的未来谘询基金会行动。在此宣布,此次谘询的草案现在已经在元维基上发布。 这是一个草案。这个草案不会成为谘询,可能会在9月初发布在Meta上。请不要将此草案视为谘询。相反,我们请求您协助制定谘询的最终语言。 为此,我们希望您在接下来的几周内就谘询应该询问有关部分和临时基金会办公室行动禁令以及如何格式化的问题提出意见。请将其发布在草稿讨论页上。我们的目标是为社区提供讨论这些需要讨论的办公行动的所有方面的空间,我们希望通过您的反馈确保以最佳方式提供谘询,以鼓励坦诚和建设性的对话。 请访问关于Meta-wiki的谘询草案,并在草案的讨论页上留下您对评论应该是什么样子以及应该提出什么问题的评论。 谢谢您的意见! |
” |
- 请各位协助校对一下内容-- Sunny00217 2019年8月31日 (六) 07:14 (UTC)
今天,突尼斯自由知识倡导者艾穆娜·米祖尼(Emna Mizouni)被评为2019年度维基人。该奖项是为了表彰她在全球维基媒体运动中,特别是在阿拉伯和非洲社区中所发挥的鼓舞人心的领导作用,以及她在提高人们对突尼斯悠久历史和文化的认识方面所做的不懈努力。 Emna是突尼斯首都和最大城市突尼斯市的终身居民。从历史上看,突尼斯位于西地中海和东地中海之间,因为它的战略位置而使它成为古迦太基帝国的首都,这个国家的定居点分布在从西班牙到北非和科西嘉岛的海岸线上。它在公元前164年被摧毁,但在倭马亚哈里发(Umayyad Caliphate)下再次崛起,在那里,现存的大部分古城都被建造了起来……
“ | 年度最佳维基人奖由维基百科创始人吉米 · 威尔士在维基媒体国际会议上颁发,这个会议是为了庆祝维基百科、维基维基媒体项目,以及为他们做出贡献的志愿者。今年,他和2018年度维基百科年度人物Farhad Fatkullin一起出席了2019年维基百科年度闭幕式。 | ” |
- 罗马军于前146年攻破迦太基城。--Mewaqua(留言) 2019年8月28日 (三) 16:59 (UTC)
- 原文即是“It was destroyed in 164 BCE, but rose again under the Umayyad Caliphate,……”,估计是作者笔误。昔年染指逐元祐,今日焚屋作道光。惟愿小鹰不上岛,东风卷进太平洋(留言) 2019年8月29日 (四) 14:55 (UTC)
- 那应该译作甚么-- Sunny00217 2019年8月31日 (六) 07:16 (UTC)
- 146,164。—— Eric Liu(留言.留名.学生会) 2019年8月31日 (六) 14:54 (UTC)
- 那应该译作甚么-- Sunny00217 2019年8月31日 (六) 07:16 (UTC)
- 原文即是“It was destroyed in 164 BCE, but rose again under the Umayyad Caliphate,……”,估计是作者笔误。昔年染指逐元祐,今日焚屋作道光。惟愿小鹰不上岛,东风卷进太平洋(留言) 2019年8月29日 (四) 14:55 (UTC)