用户:Yoshi Canopus/沙盒









{{DEFAULTSORT:Ying旅顺龙王塘樱花园}} [[Category:旅顺口区]] [[Category:樱花]] 03:50, 8 April 2023, which I had started to contributed, has been translated.‎

Literaturnoye Kafe is a historically significant restaurant on en:Nevsky Prospect in en:Saint Petersburg, the former capital of en:Russia, where the famous writers of the Russian literature, such as en:Alexander Pushkin and en:Fyodor Dostoyevsky, and their friends frequented in the en:nineteenth century.


In 1812-16, the mid-18th century building at 18 Nevsky Avenue in en:Saint Petersburg, the capital city of Russia at that time, was renovated by K.B. Kotomin as an apartment for merchants (Kotomin House). In this building was opened S. Wolff & T. Beranget en:Confectionery which was considered the best confectionery in St. Petersburg. In 1934, a cafe called Chinese Cafe (Le Café chinois) was added, and it soon became a club where the writers of the Russian literature, such as en:Alexander Pushkin, en:Mikhail Lermontov, en:Taras Shevchenko, and en:Fyodor Dostoyevsky gathered.

In 1837, Pushkin, on the way to his fatal duel with George D'Antès, met his second, Konstantin Danzas, there. In 1840, Dostoyevsky was introduced to Mikhail Petrashevsky, the Utopian socialist.

In 1877, the confectionery was closed, but a high-class en:restaurant was opened there instead, where the musicians, such as Pyotr Tchaikovsky and en:Feodor Chaliapin, frequently visited. Tchaikovsky is said to have ordered here a cup of water, was inflicted by cholera, and died.

Much later in 1983, the restaurant reopened as "Literaturnoye Kafe" or Literary Cafe.

At Present

Literaturnoye Kafe occupies two floors of the building, with many portrates of the Russian writers hanging on its walls. At one table on the upper floor sits Pushkin in waxwork. According to the Russian tradition, evenings of poetry reading are held here from time to time.

The traditional drink of Russia is not en:coffee, but en:black tea. Tea in en:samovar can also be served.

See also


[[Category:Buildings and structures in Saint Petersburg]] [[Category:History of Saint Petersburg]] [[Category:Tourist attractions in Saint Petersburg]] [[Category:Russian literature]] [[Category:Restaurants in Russia]]

Asked User:Great Brightstar if he/she can kindly review the following Chinese text. 11/27/2017.

文学咖啡馆(俄语:Литературное кафе)是俄罗斯圣彼得堡涅瓦大街上的历史重要的餐厅俄罗斯文学名作家亚历山大·普希金,费奥多尔·陀思妥耶夫斯基等和他们的朋友在十九世纪经常光顾。


18世纪中叶建于俄罗斯首都圣彼得堡涅瓦大街18号的大厦在1812 - 1818年间由科托敏作为商人的公寓(Kotomin House)。 [1] 在这座大厦被打开沃尔夫和北让杰 糖果糕点商店《Wolff et Beranget》,被认为是圣彼得堡最好的糖果店。 1934年,又添加了一家名为“中国咖啡馆”的咖啡馆,并很快成为俄罗斯文学作家如亚历山大·普希金米哈伊尔·莱蒙托夫塔拉斯·舍甫琴科费奥多尔·陀思妥耶夫斯基聚集。 [2]

1837年,普希金在这儿见了他的第二个人康斯坦丁·丹杂斯(Konstantin Danzas),以后与乔治·丹特斯(George D'Antès)进行决斗。 1840年,陀思妥耶夫斯基被介绍给乌托邦社会主义家米哈伊尔·彼得拉舍夫斯基Mikhail Petrashevsky)。

1877年,糖果店闭店,但是在那里开了一家高级餐厅,在那里经常拜访了音乐家,比如彼得·柴可夫斯基费奥多尔·夏里亚宾Feodor Chaliapin)。 [3] 据说柴可夫斯基在这里点了一杯水,是由霍乱死了。

在1858 - 2001年间,在地下开了一家二手书店,后来相当知名。 在1978 - 81年间,这座建筑经过了全面翻新。1983年,餐厅重新开放,成为Literaturnoye Kafe(文学咖啡馆)。


文学咖啡馆占据了大楼的两层,许多俄罗斯作家的肖像挂在墙上。 在上层的一张桌子上有普希金的蜡像。根据俄罗斯的传统,诗歌吟诵晚上不时在这里举行。





59°56′11″N 30°19′09″E / 59.93646°N 30.31912°E / 59.93646; 30.31912

[[Category:聖彼得堡建築物]] [[Category:圣彼得堡历史]] [[Category:圣彼得堡旅游景点]] [[Category:俄罗斯文学]]

en:Ship watching


赏船(英语:Ship watching)是观察各种船舶在大量船舶通行的航道中,在全界范围内进行的户外活动旅游的一种形式。[1]

例如,在美国明尼苏达州双港苏必利尔湖上实行看船的船舶、[2],而在日本在神奈川县观音崎(Cape Kannon)的浦贺航道Uraga Channel)航行的船只上进行的[3]。在中国,随着长江上下船只的增多,在武汉汉口武昌的江滩公园是赏船好地方[4]

In English:
Ship watching is a form of outdoor activity and tourism that is carried out worldwide by observing the passage of various ships in the waterways where there is a lot of ship traffic.

In the United States, for example, ship watching is practised in Two Harbors, Minnesota, over Lake Superior, while in Japan, it is done on the ships that pass through the Uraga Channel at Cape Kannon, Kanagawa, Japan. In China, as many ships go up and down the Changjiang, River Bank Parks in Hankou and in Wuchang, in the city of Wuhan, are good places to enjoy ship watching.

シップウォッチング(英语: Ship watching)は船舶の交通が多い海域・水域で様々な船の通过を観察することで、世界的に行われている野外活动、観光の一形式である。





[[分类:户外活动]] [[Category:水路运输]] [[分类:旅游类型]]