北中央州立学院(英文:North Central State College)是一所二年制的技术学院,位于美国俄亥俄州的曼斯菲尔德。[1] 这所学校与俄亥俄州立大学曼斯菲尔德分校共用校地。这所学校提供职场上需要的两年制学位和证书,领域包括商业,电脑,工程师,健康科学,公共服务,工业技术等等。这间学校建于西元1961年,当时名为曼斯菲尔德技术学校。[2]
John O. Riedl Hall (Administration and Classroom Building), OSU
Jeffrey Molyet Village Apartments, OSU/NC State
James W. Kehoe Center for Advanced Learning, a building that is part of North Central State College is located about six miles (9 km) northwest of the main campus on State Route 39 at 175 Mansfield Avenue in Shelby, Ohio.