
Article title

When naming an article, avoid using English as part of the name. just like u name the article as "鸡奸者(sodomite)", which is not good for the Chinese WP. If you want to point out the source of the words, do that in the first definition sentence in the article, not the naming. like this:

鸡奸者 (from English word 'sodomite') is .....

Enjoy! :) --哈越中 (talk) 11:47 2004年5月30日 (UTC)

You could also try 中文维基词典 if you like to define certain English words. --Menchi (讨论页)Â 11:50 2004年5月30日 (UTC)

他的意思大概是"鸡奸者(pederast)"和"鸡奸者(sodomite)"是两个在英文里面是两个不同的词,到了中文里面被翻译成了一个. 建议增加一个条目叫"鸡奸者", 其中包含对上面的两个条目的链接. --Sunzx (Talk) 12:05 2004年5月30日 (UTC)


Wow, i just checked out ur user page, and found out the reason u used 鸡奸者(sodomite)as the name of the article. i know u mean to distinguish this two different English words (pederast, sodomite), but since the Chinese translation are the same, no need to do that in Chinese WP. Anyway, checking out ur contribution really inspirits me! Another dedicated gay guy on Chinese WP, and has done fruitful work on gay-related topics! I haven't worked here for a while... :( check out my plans if you are interested! let's rock! :D --哈越中 (talk) 11:55 2004年5月30日 (UTC)

oh, another tip: en:List of gay-related topics. ^_^ --哈越中 (talk) 12:14 2004年5月30日 (UTC)

it's okay to discuss gay stuff with me, 'cause i am quite interested in that! i don't think there is a proper word in Chinese for "GLBT", so just ignore that. u can just use "GLBT" as the abbre. in Chinese WP, but to make a note at the very first beginning. i will translate that into "男女同性恋双性恋变性人社区" :X. well, i know nothing about the "questioning"... ^_^ --哈越中 (talk) 05:34 2004年5月31日 (UTC)

Well, i never pay attention to those two words, until u reminded me they are different. i just checked out the English WP, which tells:
  1. Transsexual: A transsexual (sometimes transexual) person establishes a permanent identity with the opposite gender to their assigned (usually at birth) sex, ..., Transsexual men and women make or desire to make a transition from their birth sex to that of the opposite sex, with some type of medical alteration (gender reassignment therapy) to their body.
  2. Transgender: Transgender can include a number of sub-categories, which, among others, include transsexuals, cross-dressers, transvestites, consciously androgynous people, drag queens and drag kings.
so i think transgender>transsexual... well... not very clear about that, because i am always concentrating on gay issue only, not even the lesbian things.... :) Thanks for the correction. maybe u need to review all my work and correct them! --哈越中 (talk) 08:56 2004年5月31日 (UTC)
usually, i am accostomed to get some clear ideas over related topics before i start with the special topic. hehe, we go to the same point in different ways. really good to know you. And how can I know which one is your work? --Vegie 19:18 2004年5月31日

u can find "user contributions" on the user page easily, where records all the contributions u made to the Wiki. u can see that here, and here. gboy was my username, but i have abandoned that one. i am VERY glad to find people interested in gay stuff. one reason i turned to English WP is that few people making contributions to this topics in Chinese WP (i just found out nearly all the gay-related topics are translated by me! crazy! and i have stopped translating the "Same-sex marriage in the United States"), which really exhausted me and frustrated me. it seems like that i was doing something no one cares alone. sadly, i turned to English WP, in which, i found many people doing contributions to this topics, and, there r always new words for me to know! unlike Chinese, we have very very limited words to express different people among queer community, which, i think, reflect the indifference of the Chinese people towards queer community. :( --哈越中 (talk) 15:52 2004年5月31日 (UTC)

: You are a real pioneer to the Chinese WP. Your works will spread to all over the China, and all people should show respect and thanks to you. :)Actually, not many people in mainland of china knew about here. I found the English WP occasionally, while I was trying to get gay-related information. I will try to let more people know this website. --vegie (talk)


您写的一些关于同性恋的条目,其内容的叙述和编排更适合维基词典,而不像是一个百科全书的条目。您或许改变一下内容的组织方式会好一些--百无一用是书生 (Talk) 15:45 2004年6月2日 (UTC)


词典只要对词的语源、读音和含义解释清楚就行了。而百科全书则是知识的纪录。您的一些文章基本上只是介绍了一个词汇。因此我认为似乎更适合维基词典。维基词典也是我们的一个相关计划。您可以访问[1]--百无一用是书生 (Talk) 06:20 2004年6月3日 (UTC)

Just do that!

just do that! u r now in my trusted list! about that section, well, the story was like this: some anonymous users created some entries for each of the phrases in that section which were considered to be inappropriate for a encyclopedia. some suggested to merge them all into article "homosexuality", so i just did that. but i do think they are better go to the Wiktionary (and i have added them to the English wiktionary). oh, BTW, if you are interested in that kind of words (like GLBT, dyke, fag, sodomy etc.), Wiktionary is a better place for u! Wiktionary is also a sister project of Wikipedia, which is created an multi-language dictioanry. anyway, i think these made-in-China English words funny! :) --哈越中 (talk) 04:38 2004年6月4日 (UTC)

keep doing! i couldn't access to wiki due to the blocking of the CPC government. but as i said, i am a bit tired of Chinese Wiki, u can find me on English wiki, because if i am hanging around wiki, that's my first destination--sometimes i would not come to Chinese wiki at all! a quick approach contacting me maybe the English talk page. :) --Yacht (talk) 09:00 2004年6月23日 (UTC)

好久没有看到你了,不知道一切可好?:O --Yacht (talk) 05:51 2004年7月3日 (UTC)

I never realized you are a Korean! (since u said u "came back to Korea") i was just thinking about leaving the Chinese WP! i think i've found a partner again! let's work together! :D --Yacht (talk) 17:19 2004年7月14日 (UTC)

Wow, u meant u are working or living in Korea? or you are overseas Chinese grew up in Korea? --Samuel (talk) 12:18 2004年7月15日 (UTC)

About the translation

i've just read a book written by a Chinese sexologist who says he has studied the issue for a long time (20+ years), and what i read in his book about the queer community mentions the 跨性者 and 易性者, that really reminds me of the "transgender" and "transsexual". i guess we can use " 跨性者" as referring the "transgender", and "易性者" for "transsexual". what do u think? --Yacht (talk) 06:25 2004年9月12日 (UTC)



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