
英文名Wang , Lu-Hai
  • 国立台湾大学动物学学士(1970年)
  • 美国柏克莱加州大学分子生物学博士(1976年)
活跃时期1947 -
    • 加州大学柏克莱分校分子生物学博士
    • 美国洛克菲勒大学博士后研究员
    • 美国洛克菲勒大学助理教授(1979年-1985年)
    • 美国西奈山医学院微生物学副教授
    • 美国国立卫生研究院研究员
    • 美国西奈山医学院微生物学终身教职副教授
    • 美国卫生研究院考研审稿储备
    • 美国西奈山医学院微生物学、肿瘤学科学教授
    • 美国西奈山医学院癌症中心教授
    • 台湾国家卫生研究院特聘研究员兼主任









  • 1.Sachdev, P., Zeng, L. and Wang, L.-H. (2002). Distinct role of hosphotidylinositol 3-kinase and Rho family GTPases in Vav3-induced cell transformation, cell motility, and morphological changes. J. Biol. Chem. 277:17638-17648.
  • 2.Le, Maithao N., Kohanski, Ronald.A., Wang, Lu-Hai and Sadowski, Henry (2002). Dual mechanism of signal transduccer and activator of transcription 5 (Stat5) activation by the insulin receptor. Molecular Endocrinology 16:2764-2779.
  • 3.Uttamsingh, Shailaja, Zong, Cong S. and Wang, Lu-Hai (2003). Matrix-independent activation of PI3 kinase, Stat3 and cyclin A-associated Cdk2 is essential for anchorage independent growth of v-Ros transformed chicken embryo fibroblasts. J. Biol. Chem. 278:18798-18810.
  • 4.Wang, Lu-Hai (2004) Molecular signaling regulating anchorage-independent growth of cancer cells. The Mount Sinai J. of Medicine 71:361-367.
  • 5.Lopewz-Bergami, P., Hasen H., Bhoumik, A, Zhang, W., Wang L.-H., and Ronai, Z. (2005) Receptor for RACK1 mediates activation of JNK by protein kinase C. Mol. Cell 19:309-320.
  • 6.Zhang, W., Zong, C. S., Hermanto, U., Lopez-Bergami, P., Ronai, Z. and Wang, L.-H. (2005) RACK1 recruits STAT3 specifically to insulin and IGF-1 receptors for activation, which is important for regulating anchorage independent growth. Mol. Cell Biol. 26:413-424.
  • 7.Yio, X., Diamond, M., Zhang, J.-Y., Weinstein, H., Wang, L.-H., Werther, L. and Itzkowitz, S. (2006) Trefoil factor family-1 mutations enhance gastric cancer cell invasion through distinct signaling pathways. Gastroenterology 130:1696-706.
  • 8.Dong, Z., Liu, Y., Lu, S., Wang, A., Lee, K., Wang, L.-H., Revdo, M. and Lu, S. (2006) Vav3 oncogene is overexpressed and regulates cell growth and androgen receptor activity in human prostate cancer. Mol Endo. 20:2315-2325.
  • 9.Cheng, G. Z., Chan, J., Sun, C.D., Wang, Q., Zhang, W. and Wang, L.-H. (2007). Twist transcriptionally upregulates AKT2 in invasive breast cancer cells leading to increased migration and survival. Cancer Research 67:1979-87.
  • 10.Wang, L.-H., Chan, J. L.-K. and Li, W. (2007) Rapamycin together with herceptin significantly increased anti-tumor efficacy compared to either alone in ErbB2 over expressing breast cancer cells. Intl. J. Cancer 157-164.
  • 11.K Masker, A. Golden, C. J. Gaffney, V. Mazack, W. F. Schwindinger, W. Zhang, L.-H. Wang, D.J. Carey and M. Sudol (2007). Transcriptional profile of Rous Sarcoma Virus transformed chicken embryo fibroblasts reveals new signaling targets of viral src. Virology 364:10-20.
  • 12.Cheng G Z, Zhang W, Wang L.-H. (2008) Regulation of cancer cell survival, migration and invasion by Twist: AKT2 comes to interplay. Cancer Research 68:957-960.
  • 13.Uttamsingh, S, Bao, X., Nguyen, K. T., Bhanot M., Chan J. L.-K., Liu F, Chu T. and Wang, L-H. (2008) Synergistic effect between EGF and TGF-1 in inducing oncogenic properties of intestinal epithelial cells. Oncogene 27:2626-2634.
  • 14.Cheng G Z, Zhang W, Sun M, Wang, Q, Coppola D, Costanzo C, Xu L M, Chan J, Cheng J Q, Wang L-H. (2008) Twist is Induced by Activation of STAT3 and Mediates STAT3 Oncogenic Function. JBC 283:14665-73.
  • 15.Cheng G. Z., Park S., Shu S., He L., Kong W., Zhang W., Yuan Z., Wang L.-H., Cheng J. Q. (2008) Advances of AKT pathway in human oncogenesis and as a target for anti- cancer drug discovery. Current Cancer Drug Targets 8:2-6.
  • 16.Wang, L.-H. (2008) Overview of modular domains and adaptor proteins, pp1-32 in “Adaptor proteins and cancer” Ed. M. Georges, Transworld Research Network, Trivandrum-695 023, Kerala, India.
  • 17.Zhang W., Cheng G. Z., Hermanto U., Zong C. S., Chan J., Cheng J. and Wang, L.-H. (2008) RACK1 and CIS mediate the degradation of BimEL in cancer cells. JBC 283:16416-26.
  • 18.Schlosshauer, P.W., Li, W., Lin, Kai-Ti., Chan, J. L-K. and Wang, L.-H. (2009) Rapamycin by itself and additively in combination with carboplatin inhibits the growth of ovarian cancer cells. Gynecologic Oncology 114:516-522.
  • 19.Jiang SS, Fang WT, Hou YH, Huang SF, Yen BL, Chang JL, Li SM, Liu HP, Liu YL, Huang CT, Li YW, Jang TH, Chan SH, Yang SJ, Hsiung CA, Wu CW, Wang LH, Chang IS. Upregulation of SOX9 in lung adenocarcinoma and its involvement in the regulation of cell growth and tumorigenicity. Clin Cancer Res. 2010 Sep 1;16(17):4363-73. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-10-0138. Epub 2010 Jul 22
  • 20.Tsai YC, Pestka S, Wang LH, Runnels L W, Wan S, Lyu YL and Liu L F. (2011) Interferon-β Autocrine Signaling Promotes Oncogenic Ras-Induced Cell Transformation. PLoS ONE 6(8): e24291, 1-8.
  • 21.Lin, K.T. , Gong, J, Jang, T. H., Chen, H. J., Li, J. F. and Wang, L-H. (2012) EphA2-Vav3-Rac1 signaling mediates migratory and invasive behavior of prostate cancer cells and correlates with the disease progression Cancer Research 72 (12):3000-3009.
  • 22.Lin, K.-Y, Wang, L-H., Hsen, Y. -C., Fung, C. -L., Yang, H. -L., Senthil Kumar, K.J., Tai, C. and Uen, Y.-H. (2012) Clinical significance of creased guanine nucleotide exchange factor Vav3 expression in human gastric cancer. Molecular Cancer Research 10(6): 750-759.
  • 23.HJ Shih, HH Chen, YA Chen, MH Wu, GG Liou, WW Chang, LY Chen, LH Wang, HL Hsu. Targeting MCT-1 oncogene inhibits Shc pathway and xenograft tumorigenicity. Oncotarget. 2012 Nov;3(11):1401-1415.
  • 24.Shih HJ, Chu KL, Wu MH, Wu PH, Chang WW, Chu JS, Wang LH, Takeuchi H, Ouchi T, Hsu HL. The involvement of MCT-1 oncoprotein in inducing mitotic catastrophe and nuclear abnormalities. Cell Cycle. 2012 Mar 1;11(5):934-952
  • 25.Yeh YM, Wu WG and Wang LH. miR138 is a negative regulator for ovarian cancer cell migration and invasion by targeting Sox4 and Hif1 alpha (submitted)

