
洛兹维帝国(英语:Rozvi Empire),于1684至1866年间[1],由绍纳人昌加米尔‧多姆博(Changamire Dombo)建立,曾经存在于津巴布韦高原的国家,占地约620,000 km2(240,000 sq mi),人口于1700年约为100万[2]。“洛兹维”的国号源于他们作为战斗民族的传承,取自绍纳语“kurozva”,有掠夺的意思。他们亦是整个津巴布韦最善战的部落[3]







根据约翰·斯图尔特所著的《African States and Rulers》(1989年)一书上引述的名称和年份[5]

  1. Changamire I (1480–1494)
  2. Changamire II (1494–1530)
  3. Changamire Tumbare (1530–1660)
  4. Changamire Dombo (1660–1695)
  5. Changamire Zharare (1695 – 约1700)
  6. Changamire Negamo (1700–1710)
  7. Chirisamuru (1712–1788)
  8. Changamire Dhafa(1790–1824)
  9. Changamire Baswi (1825)
  10. Changamire Chirisamuru II (1828–1831)
  11. Changamire Tohwechipi Zharare (1831–1866)


  1. ^ Innocent Pikirayi et Joseph O. Vogel, The Zimbabwe Culture: Origins and Decline of Southern Zambezian States, Rowman & Littlefield - Altamira Press, 2001
  2. ^ Cornell, James. Lost Lands and Forgotten People. Sterling Publishing Company. 1978: 24. ISBN 978-0-8069-3926-1 (英语). Zimbabwe continued to grow, reaching the height of its power in 1700, under the rule of the Rozwi people. When the first Europeans arrived on the African coast, they heard tales of a great stone city, the capital of a vast empire. The tales were true, for the Rozwi controlled 240,000 square miles [...] More than one million Africans lived under Rozwi rule. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Rozvi. Encyclopædia Britannica. [2007-05-09]. 
  4. ^ Isichei, Elizabeth Allo, A History of African Societies to 1870 Cambridge University Press, 1997, ISBN 978-0521455992 page 435
  5. ^ Stewart, John. African States and Rulers. London: McFarland. 1989: 226. ISBN 0-89950-390-X.