

大岩桐属学名Sinningia发音: /sɪˈnɪniə/[1])是苦苣苔科下的一个开花植物属,其学名以19世纪德国波恩的植物学家Wilhelm Sinning(1794-1874)命名[2]。本属包括有65到70个品种,均为多年生草本块茎植物,都原产于中美洲南美洲,而且集中于巴西南部。

断崖女王Sinningia leucotricha
科学分类 编辑
界: 植物界 Plantae
演化支 维管植物 Tracheophyta
演化支 被子植物 Angiosperms
演化支 真双子叶植物 Eudicots
演化支 菊类植物 Asterids
目: 唇形目 Lamiales
科: 苦苣苔科 Gesneriaceae
属: 大岩桐属 Sinningia
Nees, 1825


  • Alagophylla Raf.
  • Biglandularia Seem. nom. illeg.
  • Corytholoma (Benth.) Decne.
  • Dircaea Decne.
  • Dolichodeira Hanst.
  • Fimbrolina Raf.
  • Gesnera Plum. ex Adans.
  • Gesnera Mart.
  • Gesneria sect. Corytholoma Benth.
  • ×Gloxinera Weathers comb. illeg.
  • Lietzia
  • Ligeria Decne.
  • Megapleilis Raf.
  • Orthanthe Lem.
  • Rechsteineria Regel
  • Rosanowia Regel
  • Stenogastra Hanst.
  • Styrosinia Raf.
  • Tapeinotes DC.
  • Tapina Mart.
  • Tulisma Raf.
Sinningia incarnata




  • Boggan, J.K. 1991. 1991. A morphological study and cladistic analysis of Sinningia and associated genera with particular reference to Lembocarpus, Lietzia, Paliavana, and Vanhouttea (Gesneriaceae: Gloxinieae). Thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, U.S.A. ix + 179 pages, 21 figures. [Copies available at Cornell University and Smithsonian Institution libraries.]
  • Perret, M., A. Chautems, R. Spichiger, G. Kite, & V. Savolainen. 2003. Systematics and evolution of tribe Sinningieae (Gesneriaceae): evidence from phylogenetic analyses of six plastid DNA regions and nuclear ncpGS. American Journal of Botany 90(3): 445-460.
  • Wiehler, H. 1983. A synopsis of the neotropical Gesneriaceae. Selbyana 6: 1-219.
  • Wiehler, H. and A. Chautems. 1995. A reduction of Lietzia to Sinningia. Gesneriana 1(1): 5-7.


  1. ^ Sunset Western Garden Book. 1995: 606–607. 
  2. ^ Genaust, Helmut. Etymologisches Wörterbuch der botanischen Pflanzennamen [植物名称词源字典]. 1976. ISBN 3-7643-0755-2 (德语). 
  3. ^ Sinningia Nees. GBIF. [2022-12-14]. (原始内容存档于2022-01-10). 
