圈项鲾学名Nuchequula mannusella)也称黄棘颈斑鲾[1],为鲾科项鲾属的一种[2],分布于中国南部海域[3]模式标本采集自台湾嘉义县东石渔港的市场中。[4]

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 辐鳍鱼纲 Actinopteri
目: 蝴蝶鱼目 Chaetodontiformes
科: 鲾科 Leiognathidae
属: 项鲾属 Nuchequula
圈项鲾 N. mannusella
Nuchequula mannusella
Chakrabarty & Sparks,2007


  1. ^ 刘静; 吴仁协; 康斌; 马琳. 《北部湾鱼类图鉴》 第一版. 北京: 科学出版社. 2016: 163. ISBN 978-7-03-047918-1. 
  2. ^ Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (eds.) (2023). Nuchequula mannusella. FishBase. Version 2023-12.
  3. ^ Gao, Bingbing; Song, Na; Li, Zhonglu; Gao, Tianxiang; Liu, Liqin. Population Genetic Structure of Nuchequula mannusella (Perciformes: Leiognathidae) Population in the Southern Coast of China Inferred from Complete Sequence of mtDNA Cytb Gene. Pakistan Journal of Zoology. 2019, 51 (4). doi:10.17582/journal.pjz/2019.51.4.1527.1535. 
  4. ^ Chakrabarty, Prosanta; Sparks, John S. Phylogeny and Taxonomic Revision of Nuchequula Whitley 1932 (Teleostei: Leiognathidae), with The Description of a New Species. American Museum Novitates. 2007, 3588 (1): 1 [2023-12-22]. doi:10.1206/0003-0082(2007)3588[1:PATRON]2.0.CO;2.