Nationality:华人 (Chinese)
Current location:南韩(S.KR)
My language:中文CN(大陆新马港澳台),한국어KR(SN.KR),ENG(US)
It's an Otaku,Rekijo(world history),creepypasta fan,TouHou fan,Like to make and collect steam wave style pictures,My favorite dessert is American apple pie and coffee,
I usually like to stay at home and study on Wikipedia and edit or translate entries. Occasionally try to create a new page.I usually do these things while listening to music. In addition, I also watch English videos and videos on horror topics on YouTube. I am interested in human geography, politics, journalism and ACGN. I can speak Chinese, Korean and English, and I am an active user in the Chinese Wiki.
"Ad undecimum dicendum quod posse esse est idem quod omnibus qui nati sunt de ability.We lingua facultatem lingua loquor.
Sit felix et vita nostra ut pacificae."