蔡元豐 (英語:Howard Y. F. Choy,1963年),筆名:家書、風信子,比較文學、現當代中國文學及文化學者,資深劇評人。

英文名Howard Yuen Fung Choy
出生1963年 (1963)
  • 威斯康辛大學東亞語言文學碩士
  • 科羅拉多大學比較文學博士


1987年,於香港浸會大學中文系畢業。 1992年,取得美國威斯康辛大學東亞語言文學碩士學位,師從劉紹銘;2004年,獲科羅拉多大學比較文學博士學位,師從葛浩文(Howard Goldblatt)。1998年至2024年間曾任教斯坦福大学佐治亞理工學院、文博大學、香港浸會大學。專長研究比較文學文學評論


  • “Laughter in the Time of Coronavirus: Epidemic Humor and Satire in Chinese Women’s Digital Diaries.” Global Storytelling: Journal of Digital and Moving Images 3.2 (Dec. 2024). https://journals.publishing.umich.edu/gs/article/id/4763/.
  • Preface to Hairy Winged, by Jackson Lai. Hong Kong: Post Script Cultural Collaboration, 2023. Pp. 5-12. https://www.headhole.hk/product-page/有毛有翼.
  • “Logs in the Time of Coronavirus: Online Diaries by Five Chinese Women Writers from Wuhan, New York, and Xi’an.” Chinese Literature and Thought Today 53.3-4 (Feb. 2023): 97-110. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/27683524.2022.2131179.
  • Guest editor. “Chinese Literature and Culture in the Times of Contagion.” Special feature, Chinese Literature and Thought Today 53.3-4 (Feb. 2023): 52. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/27683524.2022.2131173.
  • “On the One-Child Policy of China: Reading Ma Jian’s Novel The Dark Road.” In The Palgrave Handbook of Reproductive Justice and Literature. Ed. Beth Widmaier Capo and Laura Lazzari. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. Pp. 269-85. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-99530-0_13.
  • Co-editor. The Routledge Companion to Yan Lianke, with Riccardo Moratto. London: Routledge, 2022. https://u.osu.edu/mclc/book-reviews/codeluppi/.
  • Co-editor. Liu Zaifu: Selected Essays, with Liu Jianmei. Leiden: Brill, 2021.
  • “Leung Ping-kwan (Ye Si).” Dictionary of Literature Biography. Vol. 386, Chinese Poets Since 1949. Ed. Christopher Lupke and Thomas E. Moran. Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2020.
  • “Hong Kong.” In The Stanford Global Shakespeare Encyclopedia. Ed. Patricia Parker. Stanford: Stanford University Press, forthcoming.
  • “Expansionist Ethnic Ecology: On Reading Jiang Rong’s Wolf Totem.In Chinese Shock of the Anthropocene: Image, Music and Text in the Age of Climate Change. Ed. Kwai-Cheung Lo and Jessica Yeung(Singapore: Springer, 2019), 131-149.
  • Editor. The Sixth Dream of the Red Chamber Award: Collected Essays on Yan Lianke’s The Day the Sun Died(Hong Kong: Infolink Publishing, 2018), 272.
  • “Laughable Leaders: A Study of Political Jokes in Mainland China.” In Not Just a Laughing Matter: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Political Humor in China. Ed. King-fai Tam and Sharon R. Wesoky(Singapore: Springer, 2018), 97-115.
  • Editor and chapter author. Discourses of Disease: Writing Illness, the Mind and Body in Modern China(Leiden:Brill, 2015), 277.
  • “Heroes and Bastards: Mo Yan’s Family Romances in Shandong.” (Yangtze River Academic, 2014): 1:11-19.
  • “Linguistic Identity in Fruit Chan’s 1997 Trilogy.” In World Cinema and the Visual Arts. Ed. David Gallagher. London: Anthem Press, 2012.
  • “Toward a Poetic Minimalism of Violence: On Tang Shu-wing’s Titus Andronicus 2.0.” Asian Theatre Journal 28.1(Spring, 2011): 44-66.
  • “Playing with a Language of Six Thousand Years: Xu Bing’s A Book from the Sky.” (minima sinica: Zeitschrift zum chinesischen Geist, 2010): 1:60-78.
  • “Centering and Decentering Methodologies: Wang Anyi’s Migratory Mythology and Descriptive Historiography.” Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese(2010): 10.1:45-66.
  • Remapping the Past: Fictions of History in Deng’s China, 1979-1997. Leiden Series in Comparative Historiography, vol. 3 (Leiden: Brill, 2008): 277.
  • “In Quest(ion) of an ‘I’: Identity and Idiocy in Alai’s Red Poppies.” In Modern Tibetan Literature and Social Change, ed. Lauran R. Hartley and Patricia Schiaffini-Vedani. Durham: Duke University Press, 2008.
  • “Schizophrenic Hong Kong: Postcolonial Identity Crisis in the Infernal Affairs Trilogy.” Transtext(e)s Transcultures: Journal of Global Cultural Studies(2007): 3:52-66.
  • “‘To Construct an Unknown China’: Ethnoreligious Historiography in Zhang Chengzhi’s Islamic Fiction.” positions: east asia cultures critique (2006): 14.3:687-715.
  • Assistant author. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Confucianism, by Rodney L. Taylor. 2 vols. New York: Rosen Publishing Group, 2005.
  • “Historiographic Alternatives for China: Tibet in Contemporary Fiction by Tash Dawa, Alai, and Ge Fei.” American Journal of Chinese Studies(2005): 12.1:65-84.
  • “‘Surely To-morrow’: The Brave New World of Gao Xingjian's Early Drama.”East Asia Forum(2005): 10:40-63.
  • “Yuyan, lishi he lishixiezuo: Maqiao cidian yu Hazaer cidian bijiao” (Language, History, and Historiography: A Comparison between A Dictionary of Maqiao and Dictionary of the Khazars). Shijie (Horizons, 2001): 4:166-79.
  • “Frustrated Expectation: On the Poetic License of Li Bo’s Heptasyllabic Regulated Octaves.” T’ang Studies, no. 14 (1996): 99-123.
  • English translation of “‘Sai xiansheng’ zai Zhongguo de mingyun: Zhongguo jinxiandai sixiang zhong de ‘kexue’ gainian ji qi shiyong” (The Fate of “Mr. Science” in China: The Concept of Science and Its Application in Modern Chinese Thought), by Wang Hui. positions 3.1 (Spring 1995): 1-68. Rpt. in Formations of Colonial Modernity in East Asia, ed. Tani E. Barlow. Durham: Duke University Press, 1997.
  • Dawa, Alai, and Ge Fei.” American Journal of Chinese Studies 12.1:65-84. 2005 “‘Surely To-morrow’: The Brave New World of Gao Xingjian's Early Drama.”East Asia Forum(1997): 10:40-63.


  • Editor. “Coming-of-Age, History, Ecology, and War: Writers in Dialogue at the 9th Dream of the Red Chamber Award Prize Presentation Ceremony,” with Kan Yao Ming and Christopher Tong. Fleurs des Lettres, no. 104 (Aug 2023): 94-104.
  • Review of Maoist Laughter, ed. Ping Zhu, Zhuoyi Wang, and Jason McGrath. The Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature 76.1 (Spring 2022): 161-64.
  • Presenter. “Diary of the Times.” Talk Show: Literature Night. Radio Television Hong Kong, 28 Jan 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8uedRhPnj8&feature=youtu.be.
  • Review of Fang Fang, Wuhan Diary: Dispatches from a Quarantined City, trans. Michael Berry. Modern Chinese Literature and Culture Resource Center, 2020. https://u.osu.edu/mclc/book-reviews/choy-wuhan/#_ftn2.
  • Review of The Hong Kong Modernism of Leung Ping-kwan, by C. T. Au. The Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature 74.2 (Fall 2020): 218-21. https://muse.jhu.edu/journal/525.
  • Review of Chinese Surplus: Biopolitical Aesthetics and the Medically Commodified Body, by Ari Larissa Heinrich. Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, 2020. https://u.osu.edu/mclc/2020/04/16/chinese-surplus-review/#more-33284.
  • Translator. Six Poems by Vyacheslav Huk, with Sofiia Zaichenko. Biezi, no. 21(Oct.), 2019. https://zihua.org.hk/magazine/issue_21/article/vyacheslav_huk/.
  • Editor. “Fanci ‘Counter-words’: Ouyang Jianghe on Poetry,” with Sofiia Zaichenko. Fleurs des Lettres, no. 77 (Jan.-Feb. 2019): 20-25.
  • Review of Arresting Cinema: Surveillance in Hong Kong Film, by Karen Fang. China Review International 23.3 (2016): 20-22.
  • Two reviews of Macbeth, dir. Tang Shu-wing and Terence Chang, separately. International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong), 2016.
  • Review of Embrace, dir. Dan Smyer Yü and Pedma Tashi, and Old Dog, dir. Pema Tseden. Asian Educational Media Service, 2013.
  • Review of When China Met Africa, dir. Marc and Nick Francis, and SUBVERSES China in Mozambique, dir. Ella Raidel. Asian Educational Media Service, 2012.
  • English translation of “Songbie shi” (Farewell: A Poem), by Qin Xiaoyu. In Push Open the Window: Contemporary Poetry from China, ed. Qingping Wang. Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, 2011.
  • Review of Wolf Totem, by Jiang Rong. Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, 2009.
  • Review of Sentimental Fabulations, Contemporary Chinese Films: Attachment in the Age of Global Visibility, by Rey Chow. The China Journal, 2008.
  • Six review articles. In Drama Criticism in Hong Kong (1960-1999), ed. Tam Kwok-kan. Hong Kong: International Association of Theatre Critics, 2007.
  • 2002-3, 2011-12 Contributions to Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly, topics including literary and culture critiques on Mo Yan, Gao Xingjian, fiction of Tibet, political jokes in mainland China, Chinese anti-corruption TV drama, Shanghai study, and Xu Bing.
  • Chinese translation of “A Chronology of Contemporary Art of Hong Kong, 1970- 1998,” by Irene S. Leung and Michael S. K. Siu. Qingxiang (Tendency 1999): 12:275-84.
  • Chinese translation of “Cai Yuanpei and Beida: Reclaiming the History Behind the Myth,” by Timothy B. Weston. Dushu (Reading 1998): 8:84-90.
  • “Chongxie, fanyi, Zai jiedu” (Rewriting, Translating, Re-reading). Review of Zai jiedu: Dazhong wenyi yu yishi xingtai (Re-reading: The People’s Literature and Arts Movement and Its Ideology), ed. Tang Xiaobing. Dangdai (Con-temporary Monthly 1995): 106:132-39.
  • “Shikong zuowei xushi celüe: Bijiao san bu lishi xiaoshuo” (Time and Space as Narrative Strategies: A Comparative Study of Three Historical Novels). Shun po (Hong Kong Economic Journal), overseas edn., Nov 10&18, 1993. Rpt. in Zhong shi wanbao (China Times Express), Mar 11, 1994.
  • “‘Wangshi zai paixie’: Shuo Liu Heng de Canghe bairimeng” (“The Past is Being Excreted”: On Liu Heng’s Green River Daydreams). Shun po, Aug 1, 1993.
  • “Mi de minian: Jieshao Su Tong de di yi bu changpian” (Obsession with Rice: Introducing Su Tong’s First Novel). Shun po, 11 July 11, 1993.
  • Review of Du Fu ping zhuan (Du Fu: A Critical Biography), by Chen Yixin. Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews(1992): 14:178-80.
  • “Gui da Minzhuqiang: Meiguo ren kan Xu Bing banhua” (Ghosts Pounding the Wall of Democracy: Xu Bing’s Woodblock Printings in the Eyes of Americans). Zhong shi wanbao, 9 May. Rpt. in Shun po, overseas edn., May 13 & 15, 1992.
  • Renren ai kan sixing? Cong jietou weiguan dao dianshi zhuanbo” (Everybody Loves to Watch Execution? From Street Spectacles to TV Broadcast). Zhong shi wanbao, Aug 26. Rpt. in Shibao zhoukan (China Times Weekly 1991): 347:66-67.
  • Review of Land Without Ghosts: Chinese Impressions of America from the Mid- Nineteenth Century to the Present, ed. R. David Arkush and Leo O. Lee. Shun po, May 8, 1991. Rpt. in Shibao zhoukan(1991): 325:70-71.
  • Reviews in Dangdai, Yingyi (Scene), Ming pao, Shun po, Wenwei po (Literary Daily), Takung pao (Grand Gazette), and Xin wanbao (New Evening Post), 1987-1991.


  • “Writing COVID-19: Laughter in the Time of Coronavirus.” At the annual conference of the AAS-in-Asia, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2024.
  • “Hospitopia: On Han Song’s Hospital.” At the biennial conference of the Association of Chinese and Comparative Literature, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2024.
  • “Diary Writing as Epidemic Experiences: Journals of COVID-19 in America.” At the annual conference of the AAS-in-Asia,Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea, 2023.
  • “Transcultural Epidemic Experiences: Online COVID Diaries by Chinese Women Writers in New York.” At the International Conference on Transcultural Dialogues, Negotiations and Modernity in Sinophone Literature and Culture, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2022.
  • “Literature in the Time of Coronavirus: Online Diaries by Chinese Women Writers.” At the 12th International Convention of Asia Scholars, online from Kyoto, 2021.
  • “Transmedial and Translingual: On Pema Tseden’s Tharlo.” Transmedial Creations by Gao Xingjian and Others: An Online Symposium, Open University of Hong Kong, 2021.
  • “Toward an Ecofeminism: On Ma Jian’s The Dark Road.” At Wind, Water, Cloud in China-related Spaces for the Anthropocene Symposium, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2020.
  • “The Reception of Yan Lianke in the West.” At the annual conference of the AAS-in-Asia, International Academic Forum, online from Kobe, Japan, 2020.
  • “Reproduction and Relocation: On Reading Ma Jian’s The Dark Road.” At China and the World: Language, Culture, Politics International Conference, Sofia University, Bulgaria, 2019.
  • “Masculine Maximalism: Nonreproductive Violence in Ma Jian’s The Dark Road.” At Deportees, Exiles, Refugees International Conference, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy, 2019.
  • “End of the Dragon History: Rewriting 5,000 Years of China in an Age of Global Nationalism.” At the 12th Global Studies Conference, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland, 2019.
  • “Darkness in Enlightenment: On Leo Ou-Fan Lee’s ‘Dark Tradition’.” At the international conference of After May Fourth: Three Directions of Contemporary Humanities—C. T. Hsia, Leo Ou-Fan Lee, and Liu Zaifu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2019.
  • “Expansionist Ecology: On Reading Jiang Rong’s Wolf Totem.” At the conference of Ecowriting: Tradition and Modernity, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 2019.
  • “Chinese Literature and Its Global Dimensions: A Case Study of Two Nobel Laureates.” At Chinese Culture in the Global Context International Conference, Open University of Hong Kong, 2019.
  • “Collecting Essays on Yan Lianke’s The Day the Sun Died.” At the conference of World Travel of Contemporary Chinese Literature, Soochow University, 2018.
  • “Between Chinese and World Literatures: A Case of Two Nobel Laureates.” At the 22nd biennial conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies, University of Glasgow, 2018.
  • “A Genealogy of Sino-Mongolian Ecology: From Dragon Descendants to Wolf Totem.” At the annual conference of the AAS-in-Asia, Ashoka University, New Delhi, 2018.
  • “Between National and World Literatures: A Case Study of Two Nobel Laureates from China.” At the annual meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, University of California, Los Angeles, 2018.
  • “On Reading Jiang Rong’s Wolf Totem. At the Anthropocene and Contemporary Chinese Cultures: An International Workshop, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2018.
  • “Pathography: Toward a Medical Humanities.” At the Advanced Cultural Studies Institute of Sweden Symposium, Norrköping University, Sweden, 2017.
  • “Pathography: Personal Writings about Disease.” At Pathography: An International Conference of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature and Film, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2016.
  • “Literature and Medicine: Illness Writings in Modern China.” At the 21st biennial conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies at St. Petersburg State University, Russia, 2016.
  • “Expectations between Doctors and Patients: Positive Outcomes in Therapeutic Narrative.” At the annual conference of the AAS-in-Asia, Kyoto, 2016.
  • “Foul Language and Postcolonial Identity in China’s Hong Kong: An Observation of the Civil Disobedience Movement.” At the Language, Power and Identity in Asia conference, organized by the International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden, 2016.
  • “When Laughter Turns into Anger: Political Parodies during the Umbrella Revolution in Postcolonial Hong Kong.” At the New York Conference on Asian Studies, Vassar College, 2015.
  • “Postcolonial Conflict and Popular Culture: The 2014 Hong Kong Protests.” At the 44th Annual Conference of the Mid-Atlantic Region of the Association for Asian Studies, University of Pittsburgh, 2015.
  • “Masculinity Rescued from Patriotism: Mo Yan’s Men of War.” At the Men of War: Masculinity and War in the 20th Century workshop, organized by NIOD, Institute for War, Holocaust, and Genocide Studies, Amsterdam, in collaboration with Department of Chinese Culture, Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Kwansei Gakuin University, Nishinomya, Japan, 2015.
  • “Toward a Poetics of Postmemory: Mo Yan’s Memories of the Missing Memories.” At the 130th Modern Language Association annual convention, Vancouver, 2015.
  • “Mountain Gods and Mountain Dogs: Cinematic Critiques of Materialistic Modernization and Market Economy in Tibet.” At the XX biennial conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies at the University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, 2014.
  • “Shanghai-style Comic Talks: On Stage, in .” At the International Conference of Political Humor in Modern China: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2013.
  • “Playing Politicians to Please the People: Zhou Libo’s Shanghai-Style Comic Talks.” At the 8th International Convention of Asia Scholars, Macao, 2013.
  • “Translating Scholarly Quotations: A Case Study of Liu Zaifu’s Critical Essays in Exile.” At the annual meeting of the Association for Asian Studies,Toronto, 2012.
  • “Writing Breast Cancer: Therapeutic Narratives by Women Writers.” At the joint conference of the Association for Asian Studies & International Convention of Asia Scholars, Honolulu, 2011.
  • “Linguistic Identity in Postcolonial Hong Kong Films by Fruit Chan.” At the annual meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, New Orleans, 2010.
  • “Books of Forgotten Laughter: Humor and Trauma of the Cultural Revolution.” At the 125th Modern Language Association annual convention, Philadelphia, 2009.
  • “When Gags Go Global: Political Jokes in Greater China.” At the annual meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, Harvard University, 2009.
  • “From Pacific Ocean to Gobi Desert: Wang Anyi’s Migratory Mythology.” At the annual meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, California State University, Long Beach, 2008.
  • “Jocular Consumption as Popular Revolution: Political Jokes and Satirical Cartoons in Postcolonial Hong Kong.” At the 59th annual meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Boston, 2007.
  • “Schizophrenic Hong Kong: Postcolonial Identity Crisis in the Infernal Affairs Trilogy.” At Global Cities Conference, Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool, 2006.
  • “The (Non)performance of Violence: Yu Hua’s Cruel Historiography.” At the 58th annual meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, San Francisco, 2006.
  • “Revolution or Consumption? Political Jokes in Postcolonial Hong Kong.” At the 59th Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association annual convention, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, 2005.
  • “Shanghai as Heterotopias: Descriptive Historiography of the Modern City by Contemporary Chinese Women Writers.” At the 4th International Convention of Asia Scholars, Shanghai, 2005.
  • “From Myths to Jokes: Political Pranks in Post-Mao China.” At the 57th annual meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Chicago, 2005.
  • “Revenge Impracticable: Zhang Chengzhi’s Islamic Story ‘Investigation of Assassinations in the Western Province’.” At the 120th Modern Language Association annual convention, Philadelphia, 2004.
  • “Muslims as a ‘Minority Nationality’ in China: Zhang Chengzhi’s Historyof the Soul.” At the annual meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, hosted by University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2004.
  • “Historical Alternatives for China: Tibet in Contemporary Fiction by Tashi Dawa, Alai, and Ge Fei.” At the 54th annual meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Washington, D.C., 2002.
  • “‘Surely To-morrow’: The Brave New World of Gao Xingjian's Early Drama.” At Asia Interacts, University of Toronto, 2001.
  • “Nostalgific(a)tion: Wang Shuo’s and Jiang Wen’s Cultural Revolution Romance.” At the annual meeting of the International Association of Asian Studies, 2001.
  • “What Is Held and in Whose Hand? An Etymological Re-examination of shi 史.” At the annual meeting of the Western Branch of the American Oriental Society, University of Washington-Seattle, 1998.
  • “History, Food and the Body in Su Tong’s Rice: Toward a Gastro- historiography.” At the annual meeting of the Western Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, 1997.
  • “Did Confucius Take Showers? An Etymological Trace of ru.” At the annual meeting of the Western Branch of the American Oriental Society, 1997.
  • “Political Gastronomy: The ‘Benwei’ (Basic Flavors) Chapter in the Lüshi chunqiu (Spring and Autumn Annals of Mr. Lü).” At the annual meeting of the Western Branch of the American Oriental Society, University of California, Los Angeles, 1995.


  • 2019, July “Present-ing the Past: Historiographic Fiction from China.” Summer School on Modern Asian Literatures and Cultures. At Department of Asian Studies, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.
  • 2019, June “On Tang Shu-wing’s Macbeth.” Yanjiyou Bookstore, Guangzhou. 2019, May “Hong Kong Literature As Criticism.” Hong Kong Chinese Literary Criticism Competition 2019. Hong Kong Literary Criticism Society, Hong Kong.
  • 2019, Mar. “Toward an Anthropocene Literature: On Jiang Rong’s Wolf Totem.” Community College of City University, Hong Kong.
  • 2018, Nov. “Word Therapy: Fictions of Medicine.” School of Chinese Language and Literature, Shandong Normal University.
  • 2018, Apr. “Environmentalism and Expansionism: Film and Fiction from China.”Texas State University, Austin.
  • 2017, Mar. “Political Culture: From Humor to Spoof.” Valtorta College & Tin Shui Wai Government Secondary School, Hong Kong.
  • 2016, Oct. “Tibetan Film Talk,” with Pema Tseden et al. Broadway Cinematheque, Hong Kong.
  • 2016, Mar. & June “Hong Kong Political Satire and Western Humorous Culture.” Cognitio College & Christ College, Hong Kong.
  • 2015, Nov. “The Culture of Occupy Central: Laughter and Anger.” General Education Centre, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
  • 2015, Sep. “Anti-drama: Searching for a Minimalism of Violence.” Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio, Hong Kong City Hall Theatre.
  • 2015, April & May “Political Humor on the Internet in Hong Kong.” Tin Ka Ping Secondary School & Sha Tin Government Secondary School, Hong Kong.
  • 2014, Dec. “Of Fate and Flower: Xi Xi’s ‘A Girl Like Me’ and Hong Kong Literature.” Dept. of Modern Languages and Literatures, Southwestern University.
  • 2014, April “Obsession with China, Obsession with Nobel Prize” and “Between Chineseness and Foreignness: Gao Xingjian and Mo Yan in the Age of Globalization.” Global Salon and East Asian Languages & Literatures Annual Lecture, Smith College.
  • 2013, Dec. “Literary Therapy: Two Case Studies of Breast Cancer Novels.” Chinese Cultural Heritage Center, Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • 2013, Oct. “History in Fiction: Reading the Novels of Nobel Laureate Mo Yan.” Dept. of Modern Languages and Literatures, Case Western Reserve University.
  • 2013, Mar. “Mo Yan and Gao Xingjian in World Literature: Foreignness as Chinese, Chineseness as Foreign.” 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature Celebration Roundtable, Chinese Institute and Dept. of Modern Languages & Cultural Studies, University of Alberta.
  • 2012, May “Narrative as Therapy: Stories of Breast Cancer by Xi Xi and Bi Shumin.” Cultures in Contact Lecture Series, Institute for Chinese Studies, Ohio State University.
  • 2012, Jan. “Food, Family and Festivals in Chinese Culture.” At the 10th Global Education Speakers Series, Global Education and Peace Network, Springfield.
  • 2011, Jan. “Why Do the Chinese Do That? Understanding Chinese Culture.” At the 9th Global Education Speakers Series, Global Education and Peace Network,Springfield.
  • 2010, July “Cinematic Clinic: Narrative Therapy of the Postcolonial Heroes in Infernal Affairs.” At Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
  • 2009, June “Food and Family: Language Instruction as Culture Introduction” and “Teaching Business Chinese: Language and Practicum.” At Furman-Suzhou Summer Institute, Soochow University, U.S. Critical Language Scholarships Program.
  • 2007, Nov. “Dialect and Idiolect in Han Shaogong’s A Dictionary of Maqiao.” Keynote speech at the International Colloquium on Literature and History in Contemporary China, University of Vienna.
  • 2007, Nov. “The Folk and the Fool in Root-seeking Literature.” At Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.
  • 2006, Nov. “Comparative Political Science: China Section.” At Spelman College.
  • 2006, Oct. “Post-past: Making Chinese History Relevant to the Global Reality.” At Asian Studies Symposium, Spelman College.
  • 2005, April “To Live Is to Experience Dying: A Comparative Study of Yu Hua’s Short Novel Huozhe and Zhang Yimou’s Cinematic Comedy To Live.” At Wittenberg University.
  • 2004, Jan. “Sexing Modernity: Commercial Posters from the Old Shanghai.” At Kalamazoo College.
  • 2003, May “An Introduction to Tibetan History and Culture.” At Kalamazoo College.
  • 2002, July “Chinese Inventions/Inventing China: From Ancient to Modern.” At Program for Teaching East Asia Summer Institute, Boulder.
  • 2002, April “Feminizing Modernity: Shanghai Culture during the Republican Period.” At National Consortium for Teaching about Asia, Boulder.
  • 2000, Aug. “Why the Past Matters: Historical Events as Cultural Foundations of Modern China.” At China in the Classroom Summer Institute, Boulder.
  • 2000, April “May Fourth Movement: Tradition and Modernity.” At Stanford University.
  • 2000, April “May Fourth Movement: Society and the Intellectual.” At Stanford University.
  • 2000, Mar. “‘Modern Chinese Literature’: A Problematic Term.” At Blue Door Bookstore, San Diego.
  • 1998, June “From the Great Wall to the Forbidden City: An Introduction to Chinese History and Culture.” At Social Science Education Consortium, Boulder.
  • 1997, Oct. 1997, April 1997, Mar.“Chinese History and Belief Systems.” At Motorola University. “Hong Kong: 1997.” At U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs.“From Monkey to Human: Zhou Zuoren’s Journey to the West.” At University of Wisconsin-Madison.
  • 1997, Jan. “Theories of Translation: An Introduction.” At Guangzhou English Training Centre for the Handicapped.
  • 1996, Nov. “Misty Poetry: On the Poems of Bei Dao, Shu Ting, and Wang Xiaolong.” At University of Colorado, Boulder.
  • 1996, Oct. “Native Soil Fiction in Taiwan: On Huang Chunming’s ‘Ringworms’, Wang Wenxing’s ‘Flaw’, and Wang Zhenhe’s ‘An Oxcart for a Dowry’.” At University of Colorado, Boulder.
  • 1996, April “Raise the Red Lantern: A Comparative Study of the Film and the Novella.” At University of Colorado, Boulder.
  • 1988, Dec. “Literature and Theater.” At Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.


  • 2019, Oct. Reviewer. All My Life I Shall Remember, presented by Chung Ying Theatre. Radio Television Hong Kong.
  • 2019- Academic committee member. Osquare Literature. The House of Hong Kong Literature.
  • 2019- Judge. Hong Kong Literary Criticism Awards. Hong Kong Literary Criticism Society.
  • 2016- Judge. Theatre Critics Awards. International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong).
  • 2016-17, 2019-20 The Dream of the Red Chamber Award Committee member & judge. Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • (1995-2018),” by Chan Shing. MPhil. thesis, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  • 2019, Oct. Referee. “ Interpreting Studies.A Sociological Study of Howard Goldblatt’s English Translations of the Ideological Markers in Mo Yan’s Three Chinese Novels .” Translation and Interpreting Studies.
  • 2019, Aug. External examiner. “On the Shanghai Imaginary of Wang Anyi’s Fiction (1995-2018),” by Chan Shing. MPhil. thesis, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  • 2019, June. Reviewer. 35 May, presented by Stage 64. International Association of Theatre Critics, Hong Kong.
  • 2019, May Speaker. “The Anthropocene & Us.” Cha: An Asian Literary Journal. Nose in the Books, Hong Kong.
  • 2019, Mar. Organizer & moderator. Dragonfly Eyes screening & talk, by Xu Bing.Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • 2019, Mar. Organizer & moderator. “Visual Dining,” by Leung Man-tao. Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • 2019, Feb. Judge. Zanzibar International Film Festival.
  • 2019, Jan. Peer reviewer. “Scheme, the Open University of Hong Kong.Censored by Prestige: The Transmedia Aesthetics of Gao Xingjian’s Post-Nobel Works,” by Michael Ka Chi Cheuk. Faculty Development Scheme, the Open University of Hong Kong.
  • 2018 Referee. “From Franz Kafka to Franz Kafka Award Winner, Yan Lianke: The Biopolitics and Philosophy of shenshizhuyi in Liven and Dream of Ding Village.” CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture.
  • 2018, Dec. Organizer & discussant. Disseminating Yan Lianke’s The Four Books: A Symposium. Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • 2018, Nov. Interviewee. Louis Cha (Jin Yong) and his martial arts novels. Hong Kong Cable Television; Radio Television Hong Kong; South China Morning Post; Apple Daily; Ming pao; Takung pao (Grand Gazette); hk01.com.
  • 2018, Nov. Moderator & discussant. Translating Pema Tseden. Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • 2018, Oct. Moderator. “Fanci, or ‘Counter-words’ in Poetry,” by Ouyang Jianghe. Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • 2018, Sept. Reviewer. Free Falling Body, presented by Fableist Ensemble. International Association of Theatre Critics, Hong Kong.
  • 2018, Sept. Roundtable speaker. Crazy Rich Asians, dir. Jon M. Chu. Matters News, Hong Kong.
  • 2018, Apr. Organizer & curator. Twenty Two, dir. Guo Ke. Wittenberg University.
  • 2018, Mar. Organizer. “The Monumentalization of Horror: The Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall,” by Kirk Denton. Wittenberg University.
  • 2017, Dec. Discussant. “The Masters Who Taught My Soul to Sing,” with Wang Jiaxin and Duo Duo. New Year Poetic Salon, Librairie Avant-Garde, Nanking.
  • 2017 Referee. “Poetics of the Labyrinth: Lacunae, Repetition and Atemporality in Borges’s and Ge Fei’s Fiction.” JNT: Journal of Narrative Theory.
  • 2017 External examiner. “Cold Nights and the Disintegration of Everyday Life in Chongqing during the Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945,” by Tsui Yuk-ho. MPhil. thesis, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
  • 2017 Referee. “The Obscure Face of Modernity in Early 20th-Century Chinese Literature,” by Theodore Huters. Sino-Humanitas.
  • 2017, May Leader. Chengdu Cultural Tour. Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • 2017, Apr. Organizer. “The Materiality of Form: From Late Qing Fiction to May Fourth Literature,” by Leo Ou-Fan Lee. Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • 2017, Apr. Moderator. “Minor Languages and Contemporary Poetry,” by Ouyang Jianghe. Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • 2017 Founding committee member. Contemporary Chinese Cultural Studies Research Consortium. Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • 2016, Dec. Organizer. Pathography: An International Conference of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature and Film, Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • 2016, Oct. Organizer. “Tharlo: From Fiction to Film,” by Pema Tseden. Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • 2016, Oct. Moderator. “Literature and Homeland Soils,” by Mo Yan. Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • 2016, Sep. Moderator. “Beyond Imagination ... Reality!” by Yan Lianke. Hong Kong Central Library.
  • 2016, Sep. Panel chair. International Conference on Sounds, Images, and Texts, on China’s Periphery. Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • 2016, June Organizer & chair. “A Future between Hope and False Hope: Medical Humanities in Fiction and Film, East and West.” At the annual conference of the AAS-in-Asia, Kyoto.
  • 2016, May Moderator. Comparative Perspectives on Senses, Sensibilities & Sentiment. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
  • 2016, Mar. Organizer. “The Obscure Face of Modernity in Early 20th-Century Chinese Literature,” by Theodore Huters. Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • 2016, Jan. Organizer. “Falling Asleep or Waking Across? Conceptual Metaphor in Chinese and English,” by Perry Link. Dept. of Chinese Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • 2015-2018 Chinese Literature Subject Committee member. Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority.
  • 2015-2016 Examination paper moderator for the Associate Degree course “Appreciation of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature.” College of International Education. Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • 2015-2016 Interview panel member. Hong Kong Jockey Club, HKSAR Government, Swire University, and Padma & Hari Harilela Scholarships. Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • 2015, Oct. Co-organizer and panel chair. Literature and Locale: An International Symposium on the Literary Works of Jia Pingwa. Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • 2015, Oct. Panel chair. “Grassroots Politics in Asia.” At the New York Conference on Asian Studies, Vassar College.
  • 2015 Outside reader. “Portraying the Pattern of Life: Exploring the Interrelationships between Eileen Zhang’s Educational Agenda and Literary Construction,” by Zhu Luyan. Ph.D. diss., University of Hong Kong.
  • 2015 Referee. “American Shen Congwens: A Search for Translators.” PMLA (Publications of the Modern Language Association of America).
  • 2015 Writing competition judge. 39 Columns, inaugural issue. Hong Kong: Abundant Whale.
  • 2015 Referee. Making Sense of “Taboos”: Dark Moods, Limit Situations, and Transcendence of History in Chinese Avant-garde Fiction. Leiden: Brill.
  • 2015, April Organizer. “Food, Identity, Nostalgia, Consumption,” by Daisy Ng, Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • 2015, Mar. Organizer. “Traveling and Writing,” by Li Ang, Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • 2014-15 Internal reviewer. Faculty Research Grants. Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • 2014, Nov. Organizer. “Tibetan literature and Magical Realism,” by Patricia Schiaffini, Hong Kong Baptist University.
  • 2013, Dec. Moderator. “Spoken Humor in Hong Kong.” At the International Conference of Political Humor in Modern China: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
  • 2013 Referee. Memory, Fluid Identity, and the Politics of Remembering in the Representations of the Chinese Cultural Revolution in English-speaking Countries. Leiden: Brill.
  • 2013 Referee. New journal proposal. Heritage and Transition: Studies in Chinese Humanities. English edition of Wen shi zhe (Literature, History and Philosophy).
  • 2013 Referee. “Rereading Red Sorghum: Mo Yan and Reinvention of the Chinese National History.” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture.
  • 2013 Tenure reviewer. Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Gustavus Adolphus College.
  • 2013, April Organizer. “‘One Corner of the Mat’: Struggling to Translate Classical Chinese Historical and Literary Texts,” by J. Michael Farmer, East Asian Studies Colloquium, Wittenberg University.
  • 2012-13 Chair of search committee & mentor. ASIANetwork-Luce Foundation Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in Korean Studies, Wittenberg University.
  • 2012 Referee. “Arguing Against Antihistorical Readings: Ge Fei and History.” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture.
  • 2012, Nov. Organizer & chair. “2012 Nobel Prize in Literature: Mo Yan Book Reading and Roundtable Discussion.” At Wittenberg University.
  • 2012, Sep. Organizer. In the Name of the Emperor, by Christine Choy, East Asian Studies Colloquium, Wittenberg University.
  • 2012, April Coordinator. Baijia wenxue zazhi (Park Literary Magazine) 19. Special issue on modern Chinese poet Outer Out (1911-95).
  • 2012, Mar. Organizer & chair. “Cultural and Linguistic Translations: Chinese, Tibetan, and Japanese.” At the annual meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Toronto.
  • 2011-2013 Coordinator. East Asian Institute internship with Yew Wah International Education School summer camps in Shanghai and rural China.
  • 2011 Director. Wittenberg in Hong Kong Global Business & Chinese Culture Summer Program.
  • 2011, April Organizer. “Cultural Survival: The Significance of Tibetan Children’s Literature in the Preservation of Tibetan Tradition and Language,” by Patricia Schiaffini, East Asian Studies Colloquium, Wittenberg University.
  • 2011, Mar. Organizer & chair. “Discourses of Disease: Writing Illness, the Mind, and the Body in Modern China.” At the joint conference of the Association for Asian Studies & International Convention of Asia Scholars, Honolulu.
  • 2010-13 Coordinator. East Asian studies afterschool enrichment programs as community services at Springfield High School, Roosevelt Middle School, Hayward Middle School, and Lincoln Elementary School.
  • 2010 Referee. “Traversing the Sublime: The Metamorphosis of the Female Body in Lu Xun’s Regrets for the Past,” by Ping Zhu. New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 12.1 (June): 14-28.
  • 2010, Oct. Discussant. “The Rhetoric of Renewal and Revolution in Modern China.” 59th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs, Ohio State University.
  • 2010, April Judge. “Chinese Bridge” Ohio Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students, Ohio State University.
  • 2009-2014 Faculty advisor. The Wittenberg University East Asian Studies Journal.
  • 2009, April Organizer. Tibetan children’s literature book exhibit, Thomas Library,Wittenberg University.
  • 2009, Mar. Seminar organizer. “Global Playfulness, Local Politics: Vernacular Voices in Cross-cultural Asian Texts.” Annual meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, Harvard University.
  • 2009, Feb. Organizer. “The Chinese Interpretation of Avatamsaka-sutra,” by Hamar Imre, East Asian Studies Colloquium, Wittenberg University.
  • 2008-2009 Committee member. Foreign Languages Across the Curriculum, Wittenberg University.
  • 2008 Consultant. Jason Skaggs Trial, Clark County Victim Witness Division, Ohio.
  • 2008 Discussant. “China: Myths and Misconceptions,” Times Talks, Wittenberg University.
  • 2008, Feb. Interviewee. “Laughter Close to Tears.” BBC.
  • 2008, Feb. Organizer. “Xu Bing’s Square Word Calligraphy and Book from the Ground,” East Asian Studies Colloquium, Wittenberg University.
  • 2007 Referee. “Why Is There a Poem in this Story? Li Shangyin’s Poetry, Contemporary Chinese Literature, and the Futures of the Past,” by Paola Iovene. Modern Chinese Literature and Culture 19.2: 71-116.
  • 2007, April Organizer. “Traitorous Musings,” by Howard Goldblatt, Georgia Institute of Technology.
  • 2007, Mar. Organizer & chair. “Political Consumption in Popular Culture: Political Jokes, Popular Verses, Super Girls, and Soap Opera.” At the 59th annual meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Boston.
  • 2006-7 Co-director. Chinese Language for Business and Technology summer program, Georgia Institute of Technology.
  • 2006 Organizer & curator. Chinese Film Festival, Georgia Institute of Technology.
  • 2006 Committee member. CIBER conference proceedings, Georgia Institute of Technology.
  • 2005 Faculty senate. Georgia Institute of Technology.
  • 2005, April Discussant. Grave of the Fireflies, by Isao Takahata, Wittenberg University.
  • 2004, Dec. Session leader. “Violence Justified? Revenge in Contemporary Chinese Literature.” At the 120th Modern Language Association annual convention, Philadelphia.
  • 1998, May Committee member. International Conference on Jin Yong and Twentieth- Century Chinese Literature, University of Colorado.
  • 1990 Assessor on Drama Events. Council for the Performing Arts, Hong Kong.
  • 1988 Co-translator. Precious Moments from the Family Album to Provide You with Comfort in the Long Years to Come, by Naftali Yavin. Amity Drama Club, Hong Kong City Hall Theatre.
  • 1986-1987 Chief Editor. Xin yu (New Universe), journal of Chinese Society, Hong Kong Baptist University.


  • Association for Asian Studies (AAS)
  • ASIANetwork
  • Modern Language Association of America (MLA)
  • International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS)
  • American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA)


  • [1]香港浸會大學文學院教學與研究人員:蔡元豐博士
  • [2] HKBU Scholars Overview:Yuen Fung Howard Choy,Dr
  • [3]灼見名家:蔡元豐專欄
  • [4]Brill Author: Dr. Howard Choy
  • [5]Dr Yuen Fung Howard Choy: International Association of Theatre Critics