
由WhisperToMe在話題莫斯利安上作出的最新留言:4 年前
飲食專題 (獲評未評級不適用重要度
 不適用  根據專題品質評級標準,本維基專題尚未接受評級。

The Menu Challenge on Wikidata


Sorry for writing in English. However, I would like to invite you to participate in our contest the Menu Challenge starting 8 May! There we would need your help with adding translations, photos and/or audio recordings to Wikidata about ingredients and dishes that will be served on the food fair Taste Stockholm. We will use your work to show the endless possibilities with open data and crowdsourcing to all the fair's thousands of visitors. So please join us today! You might even win one of the great prizes. All information how to participate in the contest can be found here. Let's get some #tastydata!

Kind regards, John Andersson (WMSE)留言2015年5月8日 (五) 20:26 (UTC)回覆

PS. Please help us spread the word!


希望可以換成碗筷形式的圖。Lab06 N留言2020年2月19日 (三) 05:22 (UTC)回覆


你好! 我寫過英文版莫斯利安條目.誰要寫中文版 莫斯利安條目? WhisperToMe留言2020年6月20日 (六) 17:08 (UTC)回覆

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