


科學分類 編輯
域: 細菌域 Bacteria
門: 芽孢桿菌門 Bacillota
綱: 芽孢桿菌綱 Bacilli
目: 乳桿菌目 Lactobacillales
科: 乳桿菌科 Lactobacillaceae
Winslow et al., 1917
Beijerinck, 1901



  • Acetilactobacillus Zheng et al. 2020
    • Acetilactobacillus jinshanensis Zheng et al. 2020
  • 農田乳桿菌屬 Agrilactobacillus Zheng et al. 2020
  • 澱粉乳桿菌屬 Amylolactobacillus Zheng et al. 2020
  • Apilactobacillus Zheng et al. 2020
    • Apilactobacillus apinorum Apinorum, 2020
    • Apilactobacillus apisilvae Oliphant et al. 2022[2]
    • Apilactobacillus bombintestini (Heo et al. 2020) Mattarelli et al. 2021,基異名:Lactobacillus bombintestini Heo et al. 2020
    • Apilactobacillus kosoi Kosoi, 2020
    • Apilactobacillus kunkeei Kunkeei, 2020
    • Apilactobacillus micheneri Micheneri, 2020
    • Apilactobacillus nanyangensis Liu et al. 2021[3]
    • Apilactobacillus ozensis Zheng, Wittouck, Salvetti, Franz, Harris, Mattarelli, O'Toole, Pot, Vandamme, Walter, Watanabe, Wuyts, Felis, Gänzle & Lebeer, 2020
    • Apilactobacillus quenuiae Quenuiae, 2020
    • Apilactobacillus timberlakei Timberlakei, 2020
  • 蜂乳桿菌屬 Bombilactobacillus Zheng et al. 2020
  • 伴生乳桿菌屬 Companilactobacillus Zheng et al. 2020
  • 德拉格里奧氏菌屬 Dellaglioa Zheng et al. 2020
  • Eupransor
    • Eupransor demetentiae Botero et al. 2024[4]
  • 嗜水果乳桿菌屬 Fructilactobacillus Zheng et al. 2020
  • 糠乳桿菌屬 Furfurilactobacillus Zheng et al. 2020
  • 霍爾扎普菲爾氏菌屬 Holzapfelia Zheng et al. 2020
  • Holzapfeliella Deshmukh and Oren 2023
    • Holzapfeliella floricola (Kawasaki et al. 2011) Deshmukh and Oren 2023[5]
  • 乳酪桿菌屬 Lacticaseibacillus Zheng et al. 2020
  • 植物乳桿菌屬 Lactiplantibacillus Zheng et al. 2020
  • 乳桿菌屬 Lactobacillus Beijerinck 1901
  • 石牆乳桿菌屬 Lapidilactobacillus Zheng et al. 2020
  • 廣泛乳桿菌屬 Latilactobacillus Zheng et al. 2020
  • Lentilactobacillus Zheng, Wittouck, Salvetti, Franz, Harris, Mattarelli, O'Toole, Pot, Vandamme, Walter, Watanabe, Wuyts, Felis, Gänzle & Lebeer, 2020
    • Lentilactobacillus buchneri (Zheng, Wittouck, Salvetti, Franz, Harris, Mattarelli, O'Toole, Pot, Vandamme, Walter, Watanabe, Wuyts, Felis, Gänzle & Lebeer, 2020) Parabuchneri, 2020
    • Lentilactobacillus curieae Curieae, 2020
    • Lentilactobacillus diolivorans Diolivorans, 2020
    • Lentilactobacillus farraginis (Zheng, Wittouck, Salvetti, Franz, Harris, Mattarelli, O'Toole, Pot, Vandamme, Walter, Watanabe, Wuyts, Felis, Gänzle & Lebeer, 2020) Parafarraginis, 2020
    • Lentilactobacillus hilgardii Hilgardii, 2020
    • Lentilactobacillus kefiri Zheng, Wittouck, Salvetti, Franz, Harris, Mattarelli, O'Toole, Pot, Vandamme, Walter, Watanabe, Wuyts, Felis, Gänzle & Lebeer, 2020
    • Lentilactobacillus kisonensis Zheng, Wittouck, Salvetti, Franz, Harris, Mattarelli, O'Toole, Pot, Vandamme, Walter, Watanabe, Wuyts, Felis, Gänzle & Lebeer, 2020
    • Lentilactobacillus kribbianus Bai et al. 2020[6]
    • 老窖乳桿菌 Lentilactobacillus laojiaonis Zhao et al. 2022[7],分離自瀘州老窖400多年窖齡的窖池
    • 大滝乳桿菌 Lentilactobacillus otakiensis Otakiensis, 2020
    • Lentilactobacillus parabuchneri (Zheng, Wittouck, Salvetti, Franz, Harris, Mattarelli, O'Toole, Pot, Vandamme, Walter, Watanabe, Wuyts, Felis, Gänzle & Lebeer, 2020) Parabuchneri, 2020
    • Lentilactobacillus parafarraginis (Zheng, Wittouck, Salvetti, Franz, Harris, Mattarelli, O'Toole, Pot, Vandamme, Walter, Watanabe, Wuyts, Felis, Gänzle & Lebeer, 2020) Parafarraginis, 2020
    • Lentilactobacillus parakefiri Parakefiri, 2020
    • Lentilactobacillus raoultii
    • 芫菁遲緩乳桿菌 Lentilactobacillus rapi Zheng, Wittouck, Salvetti, Franz, Harris, Mattarelli, O'Toole, Pot, Vandamme, Walter, Watanabe, Wuyts, Felis, Gänzle & Lebeer, 2020
      • Lentilactobacillus rapi subsp. dabitei,新亞種以其首先發現的內蒙古農業大學乳品生物技術與工程教育部重點實驗室(Dairy Biotechnology and Engineering,DABTE)命名
    • Lentilactobacillus senioris Zheng, Wittouck, Salvetti, Franz, Harris, Mattarelli, O'Toole, Pot, Vandamme, Walter, Watanabe, Wuyts, Felis, Gänzle & Lebeer, 2020
    • Lentilactobacillus sunkii Sunkii, 2020
  • Levilactobacillus Zheng et al. 2020
    • Levilactobacillus acidifarinae Acidifarinae, 2020
    • Levilactobacillus andaensis Liu et al. 2021[3]
    • Levilactobacillus angrenensis Angrenensis, 2020
    • Levilactobacillus bambusae (Zheng, Wittouck, Salvetti, Franz, Harris, Mattarelli, O'Toole, Pot, Vandamme, Walter, Watanabe, Wuyts, Felis, Gänzle & Lebeer, 2020) Bambusae, 2020
    • Levilactobacillus brevis (Zheng, Wittouck, Salvetti, Franz, Harris, Mattarelli, O'Toole, Pot, Vandamme, Walter, Watanabe, Wuyts, Felis, Gänzle & Lebeer, 2020) Parabrevis, 2020,模式種
    • Levilactobacillus cerevisiae Cerevisiae, 2020
    • Levilactobacillus enshiensis Zheng, Wittouck, Salvetti, Franz, Harris, Mattarelli, O'Toole, Pot, Vandamme, Walter, Watanabe, Wuyts, Felis, Gänzle & Lebeer, 2020
    • Levilactobacillus faecigallinarum
    • Levilactobacillus fujinensis Fujinensis, 2020
    • Levilactobacillus fuyuanensis Fuyuanensis, 2020
    • Levilactobacillus hammesii Hammesii, 2020
    • Levilactobacillus huananensis Zheng, Wittouck, Salvetti, Franz, Harris, Mattarelli, O'Toole, Pot, Vandamme, Walter, Watanabe, Wuyts, Felis, Gänzle & Lebeer, 2020
    • Levilactobacillus humaensis Zhang and Gu 2022[8]
    • Levilactobacillus koreensis Koreensis, 2020
    • Levilactobacillus lanxiensis Liu et al. 2021[3]
    • Levilactobacillus lindianensis Lindianensis, 2020
    • Levilactobacillus mulengensis Mulengensis, 2020
    • Levilactobacillus namurensis Namurensis, 2020
    • Levilactobacillus parabrevis (Zheng, Wittouck, Salvetti, Franz, Harris, Mattarelli, O'Toole, Pot, Vandamme, Walter, Watanabe, Wuyts, Felis, Gänzle & Lebeer, 2020) Parabrevis, 2020
    • Levilactobacillus paucivorans Paucivorans, 2020
    • Levilactobacillus senmaizukei Senmaizukei, 2020
    • Levilactobacillus spicheri Spicheri, 2020
    • Levilactobacillus suantsaii (Zheng, Wittouck, Salvetti, Franz, Harris, Mattarelli, O'Toole, Pot, Vandamme, Walter, Watanabe, Wuyts, Felis, Gänzle & Lebeer, 2020) Suantsaiihabitans, 2020
    • Levilactobacillus suantsaiihabitans (Zheng, Wittouck, Salvetti, Franz, Harris, Mattarelli, O'Toole, Pot, Vandamme, Walter, Watanabe, Wuyts, Felis, Gänzle & Lebeer, 2020) Suantsaiihabitans, 2020
    • Levilactobacillus tangyuanensis Tangyuanensis, 2020
    • Levilactobacillus tongjiangensis Tongjiangensis, 2020
    • Levilactobacillus tujiorum Zhang et al. 2022[9]
    • Levilactobacillus wangkuiensis Liu et al. 2021[3]
    • Levilactobacillus yiduensis Dong et al. 2023[10]
    • Levilactobacillus yonginensis Yonginensis, 2020
    • Levilactobacillus zymae Zheng, Wittouck, Salvetti, Franz, Harris, Mattarelli, O'Toole, Pot, Vandamme, Walter, Watanabe, Wuyts, Felis, Gänzle & Lebeer, 2020
  • 聯合乳桿菌屬 Ligilactobacillus Zheng et al. 2020
  • 黏液乳桿菌屬 Limosilactobacillus Zheng et al. 2020
  • 液體乳桿菌屬 Liquorilactobacillus Zheng et al. 2020
  • 腐敗乳桿菌屬 Loigolactobacillus Zheng et al. 2020
  • Nicoliella Deshmukh and Oren 2023
    • Nicoliella spurrieriana (Oliphant et al. 2022) Deshmukh and Oren 2023[11]
  • 副乳桿菌屬 Paralactobacillus Leisner et al. 2000,異名
  • 寡食乳桿菌屬 Paucilactobacillus Zheng et al. 2020
  • 片球菌屬 Pediococcus Claussen 1903
  • Philodulcilactobacillus Kouya et al. 2023
    • Philodulcilactobacillus myokonensis Kouya et al. 2023[12],也拼作:Philodulcilactobacillus myokoensis
  • 施萊弗乳桿菌屬 Schleiferilactobacillus Zheng et al. 2020
  • 嗜戊糖乳桿菌屬 Secundilactobacillus Zheng et al. 2020


  1. ^ Lactobacillaceae. GBIF. [2023-04-26]. (原始內容存檔於2023-03-27). 
  2. ^ Oliphant SA, Watson-Haigh NS, Sumby KM, Gardner J, Groom S, Jiranek V. Apilactobacillus apisilvae sp. nov., Nicolia spurrieriana gen. nov. sp. nov., Bombilactobacillus folatiphilus sp. nov. and Bombilactobacillus thymidiniphilus sp. nov., four new lactic acid bacterial isolates from stingless bees Tetragonula carbonaria and Austroplebeia australis. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2022; 72:5588.
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Liu DD, Li YQ, Zhang LP, Ding W, Tian WL, Gu CT. Apilactobacillus nanyangensis sp. nov., Secundilactobacillus hailunensis sp. nov., Secundilactobacillus yichangensis sp. nov., Levilactobacillus andaensis sp. nov., Levilactobacillus wangkuiensis sp. nov., Levilactobacillus lanxiensis sp. nov., Lacticaseibacillus mingshuiensis sp. nov. and Lacticaseibacillus suilingensis sp. nov., isolated from traditional Chinese pickle and the gut of honeybee (Apis mellifera). Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2021; 71:4898.
  4. ^ Botero J, Peeters C, De Canck E, Laureys D, Vandamme P. Eupransor demetentiae gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel fructophilic lactic acid bacterium from bumble bees. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2024; 74:6409.
  5. ^ Deshmukh UB, Oren A. Proposal of Holzapfeliella gen. nov. and Litorivicinus gen. nov. as replacement names for the illegitimate prokaryotic generic names Holzapfelia Zheng et al. 2020 and Litoricola Kim et al. 2007, respectively. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2023; 73:0.
  6. ^ Bai L, Paek J, Shin Y, Park HY, Chang YH. Lentilactobacillus kribbianus sp. nov., isolated from the small intestine of a mini pig. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2020; 70:6476-6481.
  7. ^ Zhao Q, Yang S, Bao G, Wang W, Miao L, Wang S, Shen C, Li Y. Lentilactobacillus laojiaonis sp. nov., isolated from the mud in a fermentation cellar for the production of Chinese liquor. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2022; 72:5349.
  8. ^ Zhang HX, Gu CT. Levilactobacillus humaensis sp. nov. and Lapidilactobacillus luobeiensis sp. nov., isolated from traditional Chinese pickle. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2022; 72:5661.
  9. ^ Zhang Z, Wang Y, Dong Y, Xiang F, Zhang Y, Zhang H, Sun Y, Guo Z. Characterization of two novel pentose-fermenting and GABA-producing species: Levilactobacillus tujiorum sp. nov. and Secundilactobacillus angelensis sp. nov. Isolated from a solid-state fermented zha-chili. Syst Appl Microbiol 2022; 45:126344.
  10. ^ Dong Y, Wang Y, Zhao H, Zhang Y, Zhang H, Sun Y, Guo Z. Levilactobacillus yiduensis sp. nov., Isolated from Zha-chili in Yidu County, Hubei Province, China. Curr Microbiol 2023; 80:112.
  11. ^ Deshmukh UB, Oren A. Proposal of Christiangramia gen. nov., Neomelitea gen. nov. and Nicoliella gen. nov. as replacement names for the illegitimate prokaryotic generic names Gramella Nedashkovskaya et al. 2005, Melitea Urios et al. 2008 and Nicolia Oliphant et al. 2022, respectively. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2023; 73:5806.
  12. ^ Kouya T, Ishiyama Y, Ohashi S, Kumakubo R, Yamazaki T, Otaki T. Philodulcilactobacillus myokoensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a fructophilic, acidophilic, and agar-phobic lactic acid bacterium isolated from fermented vegetable extracts. PLoS One 2023; 18:e0286677.