Pay what you want

Pay what you want(PWYW,可譯「隨你付」)是買家按所望付費——有時也含免費——的定價策略。商品或設最低價和/或指導建議價,買家也能出更高價購買[1][2]




  1. ^ Strom, Stephanie; Gay, Malcolm. Pay-What-You-Want Has Patrons Perplexed. New York Times. May 20, 2010 [2010-05-21]. (原始內容存檔於2010-05-24). 
  2. ^ Smart Pricing, Chapter 1. "Pay As You Wish" Pricing, Raju and Zhang, Wharton School Publishing, 2010. ISBN 0-13-149418-X.
  3. ^ Kim,Ju-Young; Natter,Martin. Pay what you Want: A New Participative Pricing Mechanism. Journal of Marketing: 44–58. 
  4. ^ 吳凡. 消费者对线上产品“随你付”定价策略研究. 2020-02-14 [2022-07-06]. (原始內容存檔於2022-07-06).