
水華束絲藻Aphanizomenon flos-aquae,簡稱AFA)是一種在淡水生活的可食用藍綠藻品種,是一種地球上最早發現的藍綠藻,常見於水華[1],因而得名。水華束絲藻含有毒的及無毒的變種[2][3],當中大多數都是有毒的,含有肝毒素神經毒素[4],但不含麻痹性貝毒毒素[1]

科學分類 編輯
域: 細菌域 Bacteria
門: 藍菌門 Cyanobacteria
綱: 藍藻綱 Cyanophyceae
目: 念珠藻目 Nostocales
科: 念珠藻科 Nostocaceae
屬: 束絲藻屬 Aphanizomenon
水華束絲藻 A. flos-aquae
Aphanizomenon flos-aquae




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 引用錯誤:沒有為名為IHB的參考文獻提供內容
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Jensen, Gitte S.; Ginsberg, Donald I.; Drapeau, Christian. Blue-Green Algae as an Immuno-Enhancer and Biomodulator (PDF). Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association. 2001, 3 (4): 24–30 [2012-05-18]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2012-04-26) (英語). 
  3. ^ Carmichael, Wayne W. The Toxins of Cyanobacteria. Scientific American. January 1994, 270 (1): 78–86. ISSN 0036-8733. PMID 8284661. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican0194-78. 
  4. ^ Karina Preußela, Fastnera Jutta; Federal Environmental Agency, FG II 3.3, Corrensplatz 1, 14195 Berlin, Germany; Department of Limnology of Stratified Lakes, Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Alte Fischerhütte 2, 16775 Stechlin, Germany; 15 October 2005. what is this? a book, a journal article, an address?[查證請求]
  5. ^ Szabo, A.; Billett , E.; Turner, J. Phenylethylamine, a possible link to the anti-depressant effects of exercise? [苯乙胺會是運動的抗抑鬱效果的可能關鍵嗎?]. Br J Sports Med. 2001, 35 (5): 342–232 (英語).