

緩拍音樂(又名緩拍慢搖,英文:Downtempodownbeat[4]是一種類似於氛圍音樂電子樂,但更加強調節奏,並不像神遊舞曲那樣具有自然氣息。[5] 風格範例包含「緩慢而沉寂的節拍,花哨的合成器效果,以及聽起來像是透過84年道奇[需要消歧義]飛鏢收音機裡傳出的旋律」。[3]


  1. ^ Reighley, Kurt B. Peace Orchestra. CMJ New Music Monthly. No. 77. January 2000. ISSN 1074-6978. 
  2. ^ Albiez, Sean. Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World, Volume 11. Bloomsbury. 2017: 26 [10 January 2020]. ISBN 9781501326103. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 HINKES-JONES, LLEWELLYN. Downtempo Pop: When Good Music Gets a Bad Name. The Atlantic. [2016-05-03]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-09) (英語). 
  4. ^ Maier, Carla J. Transcultural Sound Practices: British Asian Dance Music as Cultural Transformation. Bloomsbury. 2020: Ch. 5. 
  5. ^ Downtempo: Overview. AllMusic. [2016-05-03]. (原始內容存檔於2020-12-03) (英語).